It's just that she just thought that it's normal not to be able to kill Yang Xuan, because he was born among the countless creatures in the lower realm.

But buy yourself some time, and it will definitely be no problem to return to the upper world of the ladder.

It turned out that she was thinking too much.

not only that.

Just when Fairy Ice Feather wanted to speed up her escape.

She also suddenly discovered that there seemed to be some kind of change on the ground below.

"White light?"

After thinking of this, Fairy Bingyu's fairy thoughts unfolded in an instant.

His immortal thoughts glanced around.

Then the whole person stopped, and did not continue to use the escape method to fly away.

Because she found that she didn't know when, she actually came into a huge palm.

She always thought that she was flying towards the sky, planning to get close to the weak point in the sky, break through the space and return to the upper realm of the ladder.

As a result, she found herself thinking too much.

"Immortal Dynasty in the Palm!"

"This is one of the spells that I have evolved with my own natal supernatural power, the light of the beginning, combined with another method."

"Its effect, after using the half-immortal-level power, is to form a closed space and trap others firmly in it."

"If the trapped person is stronger than me, then naturally he can tear the space and leave directly!"

"It's just that I found that you are too strong, fairy, so I had to temporarily borrow a little external force."

"Now I have also reached the fifth level, with the power of a half-immortal."

"I don't know if this fairy from the upper realm is interested in cracking my spell!"

Endless white light emerged.

The light of the beginning of time formed mysterious runes in Yang Xuan's palm.

These runes are all runes recorded in the Humane Emperor's Court Sutra.

If you look carefully, you will find that this scripture is exactly the same as the rune imprinted on Jinlong's body.

They have a sealing effect.

"A mere mortal in the lower realm! How can you have such means!"

"Could it be that among the ten immortals in the Upper Realm, the game was specially arranged for me?"

"The goal is to devour me?"

After being surrounded by endless white light and white talismans, Fairy Bingyu began to doubt Yang Xuan's identity again.

But this doubt did not last long.

Because, the rune had completely wrapped him up, and her consciousness began to slowly sink into a sluggish state, but she still remained sober.

This sobriety made her thoughts run very slowly.

The Light of Absolute Beginning is indeed powerful. Although Fairy Bingyu lost her immortal power, her immortal-level primordial spirit is actually very strong.

But facing the huge palm that was slowly closing.

Her fairy-level primordial spirit was completely sealed.

And after the huge palm disappeared, Fairy Ice Feather did not go into a coma.

Yang Xuan also left him a trace of consciousness so that she could stay awake.

Relying on the little consciousness left behind, Fairy Bingyu suddenly discovered a terrifying thing.

That is, she hasn't left Sanshan Town at all until now.

Even after she released the attack on Yang Xuan, she didn't leave her previous position.

What she thought was using the escape method to leave was just an illusion.

"Phantom! When did it happen!"

"Why can even my perception be blocked by 960!"

"You are definitely not an ordinary person from the lower realm!"

"who are you!"

Fairy Bingyu showed a miserable look on her face, she looked at Yang Xuan in disbelief, hoping that Yang Xuan would give him an answer.



next second.

Yang Xuan came directly to the person in front of her and punched her in the stomach.

This time, Fairy Ice Feather felt heart-piercing pain.

The achievement of beating the fairy is here!

But Yang Xuan is not such a wicked person.

When Fairy Ice Feather opened her mouth to cry out in pain, he stuffed a pill into it.

"Boiling Blood Pill!"

"Dan lives up to its name!"

"You will always be in a state of blood boiling!"

"I know that you upper-world immortals have extremely strong blood. Even if you have sealed your primordial spirit and immortal thoughts, your physical body alone is enough to beat to death those who enter the Tao with martial arts."

"So, let this elixir keep you in a state of pain all the time."

"But don't worry, it won't be long."

"The Heaven Sacrifice Ceremony will start in one month."

"This month, maybe some of your companions will continue to deliver the goods to your door."

"When the time comes, I will find you a companion, so that you will not be alone!"

"If good things can come in pairs, then it would be perfect."

Yang Xuan whispered to Fairy Bingyu.

He grabbed her hair with one hand, turned into a series of flying feathers, and fled to the distance.

As for the people in Sanshan Town, Yang Xuan had already made arrangements.

This time he captured an upper-world celestial being, and he didn't kill or injure a single person in Sanshan Town. As for houses and property, they were nothing to him.

It's no big deal to rebuild a home for those people.


The Upper Realm of the Ladder.

In a fairy mountain with a gorgeous appearance, but the inside knows how many lives have been buried.

Heihai Patriarch, one of the Ten Immortals.

At this moment, he suddenly opened his eyes and looked down at the endless space behind the clouds below the mountain.

"I don't know why, but I always have a bad premonition in my heart!"

"I hope there will be no accidents in this **** ladder battle!"

The ancestor of Heihai is a veteran of the Ten Immortals, and he has survived in this world for more than 100,000 years.

He is a veritable immortal.

But since before January, he has often been wary.

He knew that this was the spiritual warning of the angel.

But he really couldn't think of why this happened.

After all, the lower realm is weak and vulnerable.

"Could it be those old fellows, is someone trying to trick me!"

Patriarch Heihai couldn't help thinking of the other ten immortals.

After all, like Fairy Bingyu, he couldn't imagine any threat from the lower realm.

It is their thoughts that make the hearts of the real immortals not listen to the warning.

But none of them knew it.

Chapter 110 Immortal Dynasty Stands! Nine-clawed Luck Golden Dragon! (seeking subscription)

January flies by quickly.

After a month of preparation.

All the cities under the jurisdiction of the Xian Dynasty in the early days were ready.

This morning.

Yang Xuan came to a huge building early in the morning.

This building is also newly built.

Yang Xuan stood at the highest point of the building, quietly waiting for the auspicious time.

In the past, Yang Xuan would never care about auspicious times.

But after learning the Humane Emperor's Court Sutra, Yang Xuan already knew when the auspicious time was without deducing it deliberately.

"Come here, bring over the immortals from the upper realm!"

Half an hour later, Yang Xuan gave instructions to his subordinates.

Immediately afterwards.

Fairy Ice Feather was brought up.

No do not say.

Fairy Ice Feather, who has been imprisoned for a month, is no different from before.

"As expected of the Immortal Venerable of the Upper Realm, he didn't eat or drink for a month, and was constantly affected by the Boiling Blood Pill, yet he looked like a normal person."

After seeing Fairy Bingyu, Yang Xuan couldn't help but praise her.

Of course, this compliment is not so friendly.

"Primitive spirit monk from the lower realm, what exactly do you want to do?"

"Even if you kill me, you won't be one of the ten immortals!"

"The number of ten immortals has already been determined."

"And since Fairy Yu Luo betrayed us, I am the last substitute."

"Once I die, they will not invite new immortals to join."

"Because the attack of filth has become stronger and stronger, everyone now wants to reduce the number of members. Killing me will only make nine of them stronger."

"How about this, you tell me which one of the ten immortals you want to deal with, how about I trick him into you?"

When Fairy Bingyu was imprisoned, she didn't say a word.

Because she doesn't bother talking to those people.

However, after seeing Yang Xuan, she kept talking and made various suggestions.

"I still know very well what the immortals in the upper realm look like."

"So this most holy immortal, let's accept his fate honestly."

"I won't give you any chance to deliver the news."

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