Li Tieniu's attack did little harm to her body.

But as far as the mind is concerned, it is extremely terrifying!

The terrifying damage to her heart made her only want to go back to the upper realm of the ladder.

Then, open the gate of heaven, and use the endless aura from the upper realm of the ladder to directly send a big move to the human kingdom below.

Cleared away all those who have seen their ugly appearance.


"Damn untouchables!"

"Give me death!"

"I want them all to die, all of them must die!"

Fairy Ice Feather's face became more and more ferocious.

For a moment, countless black breaths began to pass out from the void.

It was the most terrifying filthy air in the world, and as soon as it appeared, its target was as far as Fairy Ice Feather.

in this situation.

Yang Xuan above the sky frowned.

It was an extremely uncomfortable breath, a breath that should not have appeared in this world.

Its birth heralds the unknown.

It seemed that the whole world was seriously ill because of this breath.

The world is trying to find a way to clean up this breath, and the target of cleaning up is Fairy Bingyu.

A fairy like her is poison to the world!

The poison of the world!

"Go away!"

Fairy Ice Feather let out a loud cry, and the endless power of ice instantly dispersed the horrible black goo that had just formed.

But at the same time, her consumption increased again.

"Damn! Damn! Damn!"

"All lower realm creatures deserve to die!"

Fairy Ice Feather struggled to stand up.

Terrifying spiritual energy spewed out from the body in an instant.

Then, take her as the starting point.

A terrifying power of ice spread instantly.

Every time the cold air spreads, those places that are swept by the 22 cold air will instantly freeze everything around them.

As her aura continued to output, in just ten seconds, the entire Sanshan Town was completely turned into an ice sculpture.

"It's over! Hateful lowland pariahs!"

Fairy Ice Feather took a deep breath.

Then he brushed the dust off his body.

Randomly, he slowly stretched out his hand and grasped the void of the sky.

boom! boom! boom!

All the people and things that were frozen were shattered into pieces at this moment, and then completely disappeared.

"The blood of the untouchables, the endless blood, it's time for me to get the blood again."

Fairy Ice Feather opened her arms, waiting for endless blood to pour into her body.

But over time.

One second, two seconds... half a minute, one minute.

Fairy Ice Feather, who opened her arms, looked extremely puzzled at this moment.


"Although the population here is not very secret, there are definitely at least tens of thousands of people!"

"With so many people, why haven't I absorbed any blood energy?"

Fairy Ice Feather's fairy thoughts unfolded again.

Then, she knew the reason for everything.

Because this town she froze, no one!

Not only are there no people, there are no livestock.

"Evacuated, when!"

Fairy Ice Feather was very puzzled.

Then, soon she thought of one thing.

"It's that person!"

"A pariah from the lower realms, who somehow obtained aura and became a primordial spirit!"

"So, it's not one of the ten immortals who descended, but a certain person from the lower realm who got powerful power."

"The power of the primordial spirit!"

"Although it is a very weak realm, it has to be said that in this lower realm, the primordial spirit is the most powerful force."

"Even able to compete with me!"

When Fairy Ice Feather said this, she looked up at the sky.

"Absolute Beginning Immortal Dynasty, were you the one who created it?"

Fairy Ice Feather's mood has calmed down.

Her strength also consumed a lot at this moment.

She knew that something was wrong with her!

Therefore, the best choice is to return to the upper realm of the ladder.

But the monk in the lower realm in front of her will definitely prevent her from going back.

"Lord of the Taichu Immortal Dynasty in the Lower Realm, I have met the Immortal Venerable in the Upper Realm!"

Following Fairy Ice Feather's inquiry, a figure soon emerged from the void.

The person who appeared was naturally Yang Xuan.

"The Lord of the Beginning!"

"I admit, you are already invincible in this lower realm!"

"You are very powerful, but it must be your limit to be able to become a primordial spirit!"

"If you want to get stronger and more powerful, you should follow me to the Upper Realm!"

"I promise, you will definitely have a place among us!"

Fairy Ice Feather didn't do anything directly, but started to ask Yang Xuan.

For her, this is extremely difficult.

The immortals who have always looked down on the sentient beings in the lower realms took the initiative to lower their posture and even invited the people from the lower realms.

He thought that Yang Xuan should thank himself, and then throw himself into his embrace.

However, Yang Xuan above was silent.

He didn't speak, just looked at Fairy Ice Feather indifferently below.

"Although I haven't been to the upper realm, I know one thing very well, that is, there should be very few people in the upper realm."

Yang Xuan raised a question.

Faced with this question, Fairy Ice Feather did not speak.

However, her silence already represented an answer.

"I don't like places with few people, so how about asking this fairy to stay in the lower realm and witness the ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven with me in January."

"This ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven is a special event in our lower realm."

"It is said that everyone in the entire lower realm will participate in it. If the fairies can join us, it will definitely make this event more perfect."

Not only did Yang Xuan not accept Fairy Bingyu's invitation, but he extended an invitation to her instead.

"Hmph! You're overthinking yourself, do you want to keep me here!"

Fairy Ice Feather is not stupid.

After listening to Yang Xuan's words, she understood what Yang Xuan was going to do.


break out!

All the aura burst out in one breath.

Fairy Ice Feather is going to unleash a blow that surpasses the limit of the lower bound of the ladder.

"When I became a fairy, the law of choice was ice!"

"Let me freeze your primordial spirit today!"

After a spell was cast, a large amount of ice fog appeared around Yang Xuan.

Under the terrifying ice fog, the surrounding space seemed to be frozen.

Fairy Ice Feather took advantage of this opportunity, and her body turned into countless ice shards, and quickly fled towards the distance.

Obviously, she was going to run away.

Although very aggrieved.

He was obviously an immortal from the upper realm, but in the end he was chased away by the people from the lower realm.

This is very embarrassing.

But compared to being caught by the opponent, that is even more terrifying and embarrassing.

After a series of operating errors, carelessness, and excessive release of the immortal power and spiritual energy in her body, Fairy Fengyu felt a great threat.

She knew that if she didn't run away, it might be a real tragedy.

But, is it possible to run away?

"The immortals in the upper realm are indeed powerful!"

"With so much wasted celestial power, you can even release this fifth-order demi-immortal, demi-god, and demi-god!"

"If it wasn't for my special means, Yuanshen would really be frozen!"

Just when Fairy Bingyu turned into Bingdun and fled.

A voice that sounded very gentle, but made Fairy Bingyu's hair stand on end, appeared beside her.

"Damn it! I know this blow won't kill him!"

"But can't you even stop his pursuit?"

Fairy Ice Feather had just given birth to a feeling of surviving after a catastrophe, thinking that she had escaped.

next second.

The mood is really like falling into the ice cellar.

She knew that Yang Xuan was able to achieve the fourth stage of the primordial spirit in such a harsh environment in the lower realm.

Then, there must be means that ordinary people can hardly imagine.

Therefore, she tried her best to reach the fifth-level blow, and she did not hold out hope that she could kill Yang Xuan.

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