When Yang Xuan thought of this, his physical body immediately closed his eyes.

Then, the primordial spirit of the foreign way left the body and flew into the sky in an instant.

Under the guidance of the spirit of the world, Yang Xuan arrived at a border town in the former Daqian Empire in just half a day.


Sanshan Town.

It is called this name because it is surrounded by mountains on three sides.

Sanshan Town has always been a peaceful town.

But today, a special guest is ushered in here.

Right above the town.

The woman had a beautiful complexion, she was long and slender, with a swallow-tail-shaped hairpin hanging down her head, a graceful and delicate body, and she was dressed in a light green robe.

Under the bright sunlight, it looks shining.

Her whole body is filled with fairy air, indifferent, elegant and refined, just like a beautiful fairy who does not eat fireworks and descends from heaven to earth.


It should be said that he is a beautiful fairy descended from the earth.

But beauty is only on the outside.

As the woman fell from the sky, the residents outside the entire Sanshan Town couldn't help looking up at the sky.

"What a beautiful fairy, she is still flying in the sky!"

"Ah! Is this an immortal? We are the immortals from the Immortal Dynasty in the early days!"

"It turns out that a fairy has descended."

"In this small place of ours, we are so lucky to see the fairies descending. We are so happy."

"Did the fairy come here for the ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven?"

"Kneel down, my son, and kowtow to see the fairy!"

The commoners in Sanshan Town looked at Fairy Bingyu in the sky very faithfully.

Especially when they started to bow down, Fairy Ice Feather felt a little strange.

"This group of mortals seem to be very happy to see me!"

"And they just mentioned a so-called Absolute Beginning Immortal Dynasty!"

"It's only been ten years in the human kingdom, has anything changed?"

Fairy Ice Feather thought of many things.

She vaguely remembered that ten years ago, when the upper realm harvested a leek from the lower realm, there was absolutely no fairy dynasty.

not to mention.

The name Xianchao is a taboo.

When did those mortals and blood eaters dare to be so disrespectful to these upper realm immortals?

So far.

Fairy Ice Feather is also in a bad mood.


When the immortal was angry, the world trembled.

above the void.

It seemed that an iceberg appeared out of thin air, and the temperature in the entire Sanshan Town dropped by a full ten degrees in an instant.

Everyone couldn't help shivering.

Even if it is a martial artist with excellent physical fitness.

At this moment, I couldn't help shivering.

"what happened?"

"Why did we anger the Fairy, the Fairy is actually angry."

"Ah... what should I do? What should I do now!"

"Lord Fairy, calm down, we are extremely respectful to the Xian Dynasty in the early days."

The persuasion of the common people made Fairy Bingyu in the sky even more angry.

"This Immortal is not some Immortal from the Absolute Beginning Immortal Dynasty!"

"You mere pariahs from the lower realms dare to establish a fairy dynasty!"

"It's courting death!"

"Originally, I just planned to ask about the location of the imperial capital of your country, but now I have decided!"


Above the sky, a huge iceberg appeared out of thin air.

It was an iceberg the size of an entire town.

As soon as the iceberg appeared, it fell rapidly towards the bottom.

"I have decided, I will slaughter ten cities of untouchables as punishment!"

As soon as Fairy Ice Feather finished speaking, the ice in the sky began to slowly descend.

It stands to reason.

If such a large iceberg was moved over, it should have fallen in an instant, and then razed the town below to the ground.

····Ask for flowers·········

But Fairy Ice Feather looks like a beautiful fairy.

But she has no heart.

So she likes to watch the iceberg fall slowly, and then admire the horror of people.

It seems that people's fear can make her happy.

"Hmph! I planned to simply kill you!"

"But since you guys **** me off, let me experience the long-lost fun!"

Fairy Ice Feather secretly thought.

From the very beginning, she never planned to let the people in Sanshan Town go.

The immortal from the upper realm felt extremely uncomfortable when he came down.

If she didn't take the opportunity to harvest a wave of blood food, she wouldn't take the initiative to ask for the lower realm.

"Ah this! Master Fairy wants to kill us?"

"That's not right! The Great Emperor Taichu said that we civilians also have human rights, and all of us are one."

"Master Fairy, what did we do wrong, why do you treat us like this?"

"Let us go, we don't want to die yet!"

"Master Fairy, let us go!"

Just as Fairy Ice Feather thought, when her means were released.

The people in the entire Sanshan Town were wailing.

Because they know that when this iceberg comes down, they will all die.

Moreover, it was not an instant death, but a little bit of pressure from the iceberg to death.

This is an extremely terrifying way to die.

It was the Ice Feather Fairy who did it on purpose.



Not everyone is wailing, either.

When the Ice Feather Fairy descended, in a blacksmith's shop in this remote town.

An old man in his fifties immediately showed a look of panic.

It seems that he knows some secret things.

Immediately afterwards, the old man hurried to his basement.

Immediately afterwards, he pushed a huge longbow to the gate.

It was still a huge bow and arrow five meters long.

The bow of the longbow exudes a cool chill.

It turned out to be made of a special metal with a cold attribute.

The bowstring of the longbow was forged from the tendons of an unknown terrifying creature.

The handle of the longbow is inlaid with two grams of jade the size of a glass ball.

The jade exudes a delicate fragrance, and just being close to it can make people feel comfortable.

"The Immortal Killing Bow left by our ancestors will actually come in handy one day."

"Grandpa once told me that grandpa's grandpa, that is, grandpa grandpa, said that there are no immortals in this world, only demons who eat people."

"Immortals never take us mortals seriously, so it took generations of hard work to create this immortal bow!"

"Now is the time to use it!"

"The fairy didn't notice me at all, maybe mortals are not worth mentioning in her eyes, and this just gave me a chance!"

"I'm going to aim for her head, one hit kills me!"

"Grandpa, grandpa, your wishes will be fulfilled by me, Li Tieniu, today!"

Entrance to the basement in the backyard of the blacksmith shop.

Li Tieniu had a ferocious face.

He is usually simple and honest, a foolish and honest person.

But the more such a person is, the more he accepts death.

My ancestors didn't know why they said that immortals were all devils.

Although there is no evidence.

But he is unconditionally idle.

What's more, what Fairy Bingyu is doing now is completely in line with what her ancestors said.

So without hesitation, he chose to release this one-time Immortal Killing Bow.

The Immortal Killing Bow was specially made to kill the Heavenly Immortals in the upper realm.

And this is a one-off, the two jade stones on it are the energy to release the attack.

Li Tieniu took a deep breath, and then stretched out the bow with all his strength.

And he, the power displayed at this moment is actually the ninth level of martial arts.

In the whole town, no one knew that this simple-minded person was actually a top martial artist in the world.

"Killing Gods and Immortals, go!"

When the longbow is drawn into the full moon.


Soon, the arrow was released.


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