With such a powerful force, if the news leaks, there will be no trouble at all.

Even those who are pulled here by him will be imprinted by the projection of the Reincarnation Tower.

However, when the reincarnation reaches the middle and late stages, they don't know what kind of dangerous world they will be reincarnated into.

If there is a powerful existence, it is possible to capture the people on Yang Xuan's side, and then search for their souls to refine their souls. It is not impossible to get some key news from their souls.

So the best way to hide is to let them all know.

In this way, some fatal information will not be leaked.

"Is it that person!"

"I know that genius named Yang Xuan has also participated in this reincarnation."

"However, I haven't heard any news from the other party so far."

"Unexpectedly, this great Lord of the Six Realms of Reincarnation has already found the supernova who has received an SSS rating."

Zhou Yuexing also secretly thought in his heart.

She could pay attention to Yang Xuan's information, but she never found it.

What she can be sure of is that Yang Xuan is no longer in the Great Zhou Empire.

Otherwise, such a genius cannot be unknown.

"Will you become teammates with that Yang Xuan in the Palace of Reincarnation in the future? It's something worth looking forward to!"

After Zhou Xingyue thought to herself, she stepped back and left the hall where Yang Xuan was.

After she leaves.

Many orders were passed on again.

The entire Absolute Beginning Immortal Dynasty also began to undergo tremendous changes.

at the same time.

There were also weird changes in the upper realm of the ladder.


The Upper Realm of the Ladder.

Above the sky here, there is no land, but there are a large number of fairy mountains floating in the air.

On the fairy mountain, there are towering ancient trees and singing birds.

Occasionally, there will be strange birds and beasts jumping happily among the fairy mountains.

Among the boundless fairy mountains, there are occasionally a few dilapidated mountain gate courtyards.

Clouds and mists shroud the place, and aura pervades every inch of space.

For the lower world, this is the real fairy world.

However, most people can never imagine it.

This seemingly beautiful fairy world is actually a bottomless abyss.

And today.

Ten figures gathered on a huge fairy mountain.

Each of them looked very young, and three of them looked like young girls in their twenties.

There are seven of them, like teenagers in their youth.

But as soon as these ten people appeared, the surroundings were filled with vicissitudes of life.

Even in the surrounding space, some black auras appeared faintly, trying to break through the endless void and wrap around them.


Just after the ten gathered.

A boy showed a little sideways void, followed by a black sticky object that had just rushed out of the void, and he exploded in an instant.

After that, the boy actually started speaking with an old voice.

"The ten-year period is approaching. After this **** ladder battle, I propose to shorten the time to five years!"

"After all, those things appear more and more frequently!"

"I don't want to be interrupted by those things the next time I practice in seclusion."

"The blood eaters in the lower realm should also use their remaining heat."

The old voice echoed in the ears of the nine of them.

Then they fell silent.

After a while.

The other rescuers looked at each other and nodded.

The fate of the creatures in the lower realms is decided by them only in an instant.

Chapter 107 The Evil Immortal's Lower Realm (for subscription)


Just when the ten immortals from the upper realm of the ladder said that this place is here.

Suddenly, several jet-black thick lines flew out.

But as soon as these sticky substances came out, they were directly knocked out.

"Damn it, it's endless!"

"These accumulated death taints are getting bigger and bigger!"

"It is necessary to consume a large number of lower world pariahs to help us counteract these filth of death."

"I can't wait to absorb the flesh and blood of those people, and I think you can't wait too."

"It's better to proceed ahead of time!"

After the thing called death filth was dispersed.

A woman who also exudes an old voice, but looks like an eighteen-year-old girl suddenly made a suggestion.

That is, after she finished speaking.

Her cheeks flashed suddenly, her pure and beautiful face, for a moment - became extremely old.

Not only old, but also very scary.

But it's just gone in a split second.

If you didn't stare at her carefully, you wouldn't have seen what happened just now.

"A few months in advance, I think it's good!"

"Although the ten-year **** battle was formulated by us, we are the sky here. We can start whenever we want."

"People in the lower realm are very easy to deceive, just find an excuse."

"Then whoever is going to notify those people in the lower realms will have to rely on those countries' propaganda if they want them to start early."

The ten upper realm immortals were all silent at this moment.

In the lower realm, no one of them wants to go.

"I'll go!"

"After all, I am a newly promoted immortal. The number of times the filthy qi attacks me is very small, and my strength is not great. Even if I encounter the attack of filthy qi in the lower realm, I can retreat completely."

One of the three female fairies took over.

"Fairy Ice Feather wants to move!"

"Alright! You replaced Fairy Yuluo and became one of the ten immortals."

"Otherwise, this time it's the turn of Fairy Yuluo!"

"That silly woman, who looks like a celestial being, wants to adore a mortal. I obviously helped her a lot by eating that man, and made her stop thinking about it."

"In the end, she almost dragged me to my death."

When one of the male angels said this.

The complexion, just like the woman before, became extremely old for a moment, but recovered soon.

"That's because she is stupid. She doesn't want to live forever. She insists on living a loving life with a mortal, and even a vigorous love."

"It's so stupid in what age!"

The other angels couldn't help but sneer.

What happened to Fairy Yuluo caused them a lot of harm.

"Then I'll go first, I can't wait to taste the taste of blood food."

The celestial being named Bingyu Fairy, after speaking to the other celestial beings, lightly swiped at the void.

Then, space rips.

A huge portal appeared directly in front of her.


I saw her stepping out of a corner, and disappeared directly above the fairy mountain just now.

When she reappeared, she had already arrived at the lower realm of the ladder.

As soon as she appeared, terrifying aura fluctuations came down from the upper realm of the ladder.

But soon, the connection between the two worlds was cut off.

But even so, the momentary infusion of spiritual energy made the vitality of the lower realm of the ladder skyrocket.

This change, for ordinary people, the world does not feel anything.

Not to mention that some spiritual energy has been injected here, even if the spiritual energy has been injected for a whole day.

Ordinary people are not aware of any changes.

After all, the lower realm of the ladder has been isolated for too long.

In fact, not to mention ordinary people, even those warriors, even warriors from the Ninth Level of Martial Dao.

There is no way to detect the changes in the lower bound of this ladder.


Yang Xuan looked up at the sky immediately.

"Aura fluctuates!"

"Although it is very weak, there is absolutely nothing wrong with it!"

"And it's still a very huge aura fluctuation!"

"Although it disappeared in an instant, such a large amount of spiritual energy appeared just now."

Ordinary monks can't find it, but Yang Xuan, who has the fifth-level world spirit, can easily perceive it.

Especially the spirit of the world itself is extremely sensitive to the changes in the world!

"Did the evil fairy gate from the upper realm come down?"


Yang Xuan thought of a possibility.

Then, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Although I don't know why the evil immortals from the upper realm came down, but the enemy is in the clear and I am in the dark, so there are a lot of things I can do."

"Maybe, you can even capture an upper realm immortal."

"During the ceremony of offering sacrifices to the heavens, the immortals from the upper realms will use it to sacrifice to the heavens, and let the real dragon of luck swallow an immortal from the upper realm. At that time, the power of the true dragon of luck will surpass that immortal in one fell swoop."

"This is home delivery."

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