As soon as the arrow went out, the longbow collapsed immediately, and the jade stone instantly turned into an arrow of pure energy, flying directly towards Fairy Ice Feather in the sky.

Long arrows shatter the void.

Fairy Ice Feather in the sky also had feelings in her heart.

Then, she looked directly in the direction where Li Tieniu was.

Chapter 108 The Explosive Hammer Fairy, with a clear mind (please subscribe!)

Fairy Ice Feather saw this side.

It was because she felt threatened.

Although she didn't know why this happened, she just felt threatened.

"It's unbelievable that I actually feel threatened in this weak lower realm?"

"Could it be that some treasure was born in the lower realm?"

"Or, is it really such a coincidence that the attack of filth is coming?"

After feeling the threat, Fairy Bingyu was stunned.

Then the next second.


The sound of piercing the sky appeared directly.

A stream of light, from bottom to top.

When it just caught her eyes, it actually tore the void and hit her own head in an instant.


Blood gushed out like a spring.

Fairy Ice Feather was stunned.

She didn't even think that there would be someone in the lower realm of the ladder who could hurt her.

What's more, he just blew his head off.

It has to be said that this blow was very beautiful.

But that's all.

Even if the attack is beautiful, for the immortals, this blow will at most make them feel uncomfortable.

Especially the immortals in this world, they are people who have devoured countless flesh and blood.


When Fairy Ice Feather's head was blown off, she returned to her previous appearance in just three seconds.

It was as if he had never been attacked at all.

However, it's not useless.

At least Fairy Ice Feather's breath began to become chaotic.



Li Tieniu felt really bad after seeing this.

At first, when the energy long arrow hit Fairy Ice Feather, he was extremely happy.

Especially when Fairy Ice Feather's head exploded, the fairy-level blood essence fell on the ground, spawning a large "Nine Sixty" patch of vegetation.

He thought he had succeeded.

But then, something happened that subverted his cognition.

That terrifying female fairy actually grew another head.

The new head was extremely ugly and evil at first, but it didn't take long for her to return to her previous appearance, and then she looked at herself.

"Did it fail!"

Li Tieniu couldn't help thinking.

He really didn't expect that the Immortal Killing Bow prepared by his ancestor could not kill the opponent.

Obviously his understanding of immortals is problematic.

For immortals, losing their heads is not the most terrible thing.

Not to mention immortals, even for monks in the true primordial stage, losing their heads is not the most fatal injury.

Even if the body is completely dead, as long as the soul is still there, it can still survive.

The difference is that its own strength will be weakened to a certain extent.

And the monks in the Yuanshen stage lost their bodies, and the road in the future will be very difficult.

But these evil immortals who devour flesh and blood have super recovery ability.

Headshots are only minor injuries to them.

"The untouchables, turn into flesh and blood!"

"The only reason for your existence is to be my blood food!"

Above the sky, Fairy Ice Feather's clear and soft voice spoke the most terrifying words in this world.

Then, she pointed to the void above the sky.

Soon, dozens of ice thorns separated from the huge iceberg that fell from the sky.

As soon as they appeared, they directly attacked where Li Tieniu was.

"Are you going to die!"

"Is it over?"

"The cultivation base of the ninth level of martial arts is so vulnerable in front of the immortal."

"This is the gap in strength between me and the immortals in the upper world."

At first, Li Tieniu's face was full of unwillingness.

After all, he did not realize the dream of his ancestors.

The terrifying murderous aura passed down in the family, the Immortal Killing Bow did not have any effect in the end.

This result made him feel very helpless.

"I'm sorry, father, I'm sorry, grandpa!"

Li Tieniu couldn't help talking.

However, when he was waiting to die, his eyes were closed tightly and his face was full of peace.

It seems that this result is completely acceptable.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Fairy Ice Feather's attack fell very quickly.

Each of those terrifying ice spikes carries powerful energy.

But also because of the near-spiritual world environment in the lower realm of the ladder, in fact, if Li Tieniu struggles, it can still have some effect.

But Li Tieniu was already waiting to die.

He's not thinking about anything else.

I just want to go to the dark world of death and reunite with my ancestors.

"You are a very courageous person!"

"In the whole world, very few people dare to attack a real immortal."

"But you did it!"

"A master like you, why did you give up after attacking the immortal!"

"In life, you should always have this hope. What if a miracle happens!"

A deep but magnetic voice appeared in Li Tieniu's ears.

Just at this moment, Li Tieniu instantly changed from the state of waiting for death to one full of desire to survive.

He didn't know who was talking to him.

But he felt that there was nothing wrong with what that person said.


He dared to attack the immortal himself.

So, why should I wait to die now.

You are indeed very strong in the means of a fairy, but you are not a woman who has no power to restrain a chicken.

When the husband was angry, his blood spattered three feet.

Although the breath of death still surrounds Li Tieniu's side, his heart is no longer so dead.

Big deal, eighteen years later he will be a hero again.

With such thoughts in mind, Li Tieniu's whole body was instantly full of aura.

The powerful martial arts aura engulfed his whole body, he broke open the door of his house in an instant, and rushed to the roof of a nearby ordinary room.


That is, the moment he left, Fairy Ice Feather's attack landed on his room.

His own private house was destroyed just like that.

On the ground, there were still those terrifying ice spikes.

tick! tick!

Although Li Tieniu dodged this fatal blow.

But he was still hurt.

The ribs were scratched by an ice spike, but it didn't hurt much.

The cold sting actually made him more energetic.

"How dare you escape! A mere mortal!"

"Let me go..."


Under the anger, Fairy Bingyu's expression became a little ferocious at this time.

But before she could finish her words, she felt her head sank again, and then her whole body was like a bird being shot by an arrow.

It hit the ground directly.

above the sky.

Her previous position was taken by a true fairy who looked extremely perfect.

"Tai Chi Sword Art Beginning of Chaos!"

Immediately afterwards, there was a huge Tai Chi pattern covering the entire Sanshan Town.

After the Tai Chi pattern covered the terrifying iceberg, the endless sword energy directly disintegrated the iceberg.

The technique that almost destroyed Sanshan Town was cracked just like that.

The residents of Sanshan Town cheered happily one by one.

The feeling of being reborn after a catastrophe is so joyful.

But although everyone was happy, Fairy Ice Feather was really not happy.

"who is it?"

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