Chapter 106 The Evil Immortal Awakens, A Bloody Battle Is Coming (Subscribe)

"I remembered, I have heard the saying of the Six Paths of Reincarnation."

After Zhou Yuexing signed the contract, he injected his true spirit imprint into the projection of Yang Xuan's True Spirit Reincarnation Tower.

Suddenly, one thing came to mind.

"Oh? Have you heard of the Six Paths of Reincarnation?"

"Did your master tell you that!"

"After all, many worlds have legends about reincarnation of the six realms, but the real reincarnation of the six realms has not been seen by many people even in the main world."

Yang Xuan looked at Zhou Yuexing curiously.

Although her master is an LSP, he is at least a seventh-tier Heavenly Court boss, so he should know a lot.

"That's right! He told me, but at that time I felt that this matter was too far away from me, so I didn't care."

Zhou Xingyue recalled the information about the Lord of the Six Paths of Reincarnation.

Then, he spoke slowly.

From the very beginning, she felt that the title of Lord of the Six Realms of Reincarnation made her feel even more terrifying.

Thinking back carefully now, her master who was greedy for her, when she was six or seven years old, taught her the knowledge of the reincarnated world.

Once, I told her that in some powerful worlds, there will be a terrible rule called Six Paths of Reincarnation.

This rule has the same effect as the Tower of Rebirth.

Once the reincarnators enter, there is a world where the six laws of reincarnation exist.

These true reincarnated souls are at risk of being exposed.

Even an accident is a reverse intrusion.

Without the knowledge of most of the civilians and reincarnators in the main world, even the Tower of Reincarnation has actually been invaded for a period of time.

The one that was invaded was the Reincarnation Tower of an ordinary university.

The invasion time is about three hours.

During this period, many people from different worlds activated the Tower of Reincarnation with the help of their Six Paths of Reincarnation.

They don't know exactly what happened after the Tower of Reincarnation was activated.

Because the opponent had dozens of sixth-level people at that time, and several seventh-level people rushed into the world of reincarnators.

Later, although a Holy Master-level existence came, he took action to suppress this invasion.

However, people in that world with the six laws of reincarnation have occupied the Reincarnation Tower for at least a period of time.

The only thing that is certain in the meantime.

It is they who erased the world coordinates about them in the Tower of Reincarnation.

However, except for this one thing.

Everyone can guess that they must have reincarnated people from their own world into other worlds.

Even the federation of nations in the reincarnated world, as well as the supernatural forces, still doubted their people, reincarnated into their own world.

However, they were unable to judge the specific situation.

Inquiring about Taring also yielded no valid answers.

In the end, nothing happened.

At least until now, there has been no subsequent harm.

So things have been sealed.

"Is there a world where the Six Paths of Reincarnation exist? If you have a chance, go to the archives of Heavenly Court and check the situation in that world."

"Even if, just give me a name, a title, a video, or a photo."

"There should be all of these."

Yang Xuan gave Zhou Yuexing the first order.

The world with the six laws of reincarnation may think that by erasing the world coordinates in the True Reincarnation Tower, its own world can no longer be tracked.

Unfortunately, they were wrong.

Under normal circumstances, they really don't have to worry about being entangled by the True Reincarnation Tower.

But it's a pity, who let them meet Yang Xuan.

This is a completely unreasonable person.

Under one-click tracking, as long as the person being tracked is still alive.

Then Yang Xuan could chase after him without even borrowing the True Reincarnation Tower.

Ten Thousand Realms Tracking is no joke.

"I see! If I have the chance, I will definitely get him for my lord."

"It's just that after returning, even if I get the news, how should I tell the adults?"

Zhou Xingyue asked a crucial question.

"It's very simple. Every once in a while, I will call all the people who joined the reincarnation hall to have a communication."

Yang Xuan secretly mobilized the ability of the golden elixir of reincarnation in his heart.

At the same time, communicated with the tower spirit of the Reincarnation Tower.


soon. (ccff)

A terrifying breath appeared in Zhou Yuexing's mind like a thunderbolt.

Immediately afterwards, she found that her consciousness was rising infinitely.

Then, she found herself standing on top of a tower with an unknown number of floors.

Outside the top of the tower.

It's an indistinct statue, but there's a lot of world breath shining around it.

At the same time, behind this huge figure, there is also endless light of primordial light.

Under the light of the primordial light, two gates appeared behind it.

One symbolizes the towering good fortune, and the other communicates with the endless ghost realm.

Below the gate, there is an endless sea of ​​stars.

And the reincarnation tower of infinite layers is on the palm of this huge phantom.


"The light of the beginning, the gate of good fortune, the sea of ​​eternal life, and the gate of strangeness, is the owner a hidden boss of the Taoist Palace?"

Zhou Xingyue couldn't guess Yang Xuan's specific identity.

But many obvious aura symbols let her know that this great existence cannot be separated from the Dao Palace.

However, just after her idea appeared.

The illusory back added another huge door.

It was an extremely sacred and noble ancient door.

Its existence represents its own nobility.

After the door appeared, there were also a series of colorful ladders gathered, extending to Zhou Yuexing's front little by little.

"Tongtian Ladder, Nantianmen!"

"There is no difference in breath at all, that is to say, does this represent my identity?"

"The Heavenly Court chess piece in the Palace of Reincarnation?"

While Zhou Yuexing was thinking, he walked along the Tongtian Ladder to the front of Nantianmen.

Soon, a huge **** seat appeared under her body.

"Sit down, this is your seat."

A sacred and coercive voice, like the voice of the lord of all living beings, appeared in her ears.

This also overturned Zhou Yuexing's previous cognition.

It turns out that these visions do not represent the identity of the Lord of the Six Paths of Reincarnation.

It's the fact that these chosen people represent the forces behind them.

"I see, I see."

"Because of my joining, the Lord of the Six Paths of Reincarnation, with the help of the Reincarnation Tower and that mysterious means, intercepted some breath from the Heavenly Court."

"Heavenly Point Headquarters, but in a small world of one dimension opened up in the main world."

"Basically, all supernatural forces are self-contained, but rely on the main world."

"Only people of their own power can pass the detection of the defensive enchantment and enter the territory of their own power."

"People outside the power, not to mention 100% impossible to sneak in, but the chance of sneaking in is one in a billion, and they have to be strong enough and have mysterious means."

"But the great Lord of the Six Realms of Reincarnation, as long as we rely on the true spirit we have dedicated, he can intercept the unique aura of many supernatural forces. That is to say, he can now freely enter and leave the heavenly court, the Taoist palace, and the mysterious ghostly forces. .”

At this moment, Zhou Yuexing realized.

Not only she realized it, but Yang Xuan also realized it.

"Is it one of the hidden powers of those with authority?"

"Sure enough, the authority dog ​​is superior to others!"

Yang Xuan didn't expect that what he did casually would actually have such a powerful force.

Of course, the essence of this power is not his own.

The great power to establish this mysterious space and elevate the personality above the world naturally comes from the power of the True Reincarnation Tower.

Yang Xuan is just a user.

But even so, when he returns to the main world in the future, he can use this power again to pretend to be someone from other forces, and easily enter and leave the territory of other forces.

Such a method is simply too wonderful.

"Come back!"

After finishing what was supposed to be done, Yang Xuan dispersed the temporary space of six paths of reincarnation.

Zhou Yuexing also opened his eyes immediately.

Then, her fear of Yang Xuan became stronger.

The person in front of him is not an opponent at all.

He doesn't even have the qualifications to be the opponent's enemy, so being his subordinate is already extremely lucky.

"I give you a task to find all the reincarnations in the lower realm of the ladder."

"Next, we will attack the upper world of the ladder."

"Keep the useful ones, and send the useless ones away."

"I'm going to bring another person here. You can get along well with that person in the future. He is a talented freshman from the Taoist Palace. He broke a record and got a perfect SSS evaluation. He is the person I focus on."

After Yang Xuan finished speaking, he waved his hand and let Zhou Yuexing leave.

Next, he will build the gate of good fortune and start to conquer this world.

Therefore, in order to protect his vest of the Lord of the Six Paths of Samsara, his body can only be used as a trumpet.

Otherwise, Zhou Yuexing and the newcomers who will be drawn in after a while will know that the Lord of the Six Paths of Reincarnation is Yang Xuan.

It is estimated that there will be more or less trouble.

And it will also reveal its own secrets.

A rookie who isn't even in the third rank in the main world.

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