Somewhere, a connection was established with a mysterious existence.

It was an incomparably mysterious and great existence.

Just feeling that mysterious and great aura inspired Yang Xuan.

He also didn't expect that a single thought of his would actually attract the attention of such an existence.

But soon, he felt a special Dao Yun.

It was an aura that seemed to come from the same source as himself.

Immediately afterwards, a golden pill flew out of Yang Xuan's body.

Then an illusory small tower appeared above Jin Dan.

"Tower of Reincarnation!"

After Zhou Yuexing saw this, his expression changed again and again.

Because of what she sees now.

In addition, the perceived suppression of the true spirit breath.

Let her be very clear that the projection of the Reincarnation Tower is not an illusion.

It is the projection carrying the breath of Reincarnation Tower.

In her memory, there is only one record about the Reincarnation Tower that she has learned and heard.

That is, the reincarnation towers are supreme, and the reincarnation towers built by the Federation and many transcendent forces are all clones of the reincarnation towers.

The body of the Reincarnation Tower was blocked by many forces.

The location is unknown, the real situation is unknown, and the level is unknown.

What is currently known about the Reincarnation Tower is that there is a main body and a clone.

But the projection, or the projection carrying the law of the reincarnation tower, has never been heard of.

Even Yang Xuan was frightened by his methods.

Because he never thought that he could do this.

"I can actually summon the Law Projection of the Reincarnation Tower!"

"It's not just because of my golden elixir of reincarnation. Reincarnation is very similar to reincarnation. Because I can be sure that among the heavens and worlds, there are absolutely many people who follow the law of reincarnation."

"If you want to communicate with the reincarnation tower independently and summon the projection law of the reincarnation tower, you also need the so-called authority, the highest reincarnation."

"But only the above two points are not enough, and the place where the true spirit is born is the Reincarnation Tower."

"Perhaps, on top of these three conditions, I must also add that I have traveled to the World of Reincarnation Tower and completed a reincarnation that shouldn't have happened."

"The combination of many conditions gave me some kind of recognition from the Tower of Reincarnation."

"So that when I wanted to build my own power, the Temple of Reincarnation, I formed a certain resonance with the Tower of Reincarnation, and the Tower of Reincarnation was promoting this matter."

"I understand. After meeting many conditions, I want to completely merge other worlds into the Tower of Reincarnation. This action conforms to a certain law of the Tower of Reincarnation. It also happens that my Golden Elixir of Reincarnation can be connected with Reincarnation."

"Another unexpected surprise!"

"However, it's not all accidents!"

Yang Xuan echoed that he was behind the death of the spirit world.

When I just learned about the law of reincarnation, a clear understanding was born in my heart.

At that time, there was a deep voice telling him that he must obtain this law of reincarnation.

In other words, Reincarnation Tower desperately hopes that someone who belongs to him can get the law of reincarnation.

Now that Yang Xuan has done it, he has also condensed the golden elixir of reincarnation, and made a world completely attached to the reincarnation tower, thereby becoming a authority dog.

No, it is the authorized person.

In terms of identity, he is no longer an ordinary reincarnator.

It is the messenger of the Reincarnation Tower, which can represent the Reincarnation Tower to some extent.

One of the abilities is the ability to summon the projection of the reincarnation tower.

Form your own reincarnation hall and create your own reincarnation team.

"So that's it! I have stepped out of the low-level use method of the Reincarnation Tower, and have the advanced use method of the Reincarnation Tower."

"The meaning of the existence of the Reincarnation Tower is not just to allow people from the main world to reincarnate into various worlds to plunder spiritual energy, origin, laws and so on."

"What it really wants is the complete world!"

Yang Xuan combined what was in his mind, some of the main **** works he had seen before he traveled to the world of Reincarnation Tower.

One of the core secrets of the Reincarnation Tower was quickly identified.

This is something that other people don't know yet.

After all, the elementary world is used for trials.

The middle world, after being occupied, has become the back garden of many supernatural forces.

The high-level world is in the process of opening up wasteland.

No force wants to completely hand over the infinite world to the Tower of Reincarnation.

Even if the powerful are really bored and occupy a rudimentary ordinary urban world, they will turn that world into an entertainment world.

Non-stop reincarnation and play, drunken life, dreaming of death, experiencing becoming a rich man, king of the world, thirty thousand women ascending and so on.

A world is a huge treasure trove.

In fact, at the beginning, Yang Xuan would not let the martial arts world be merged into the Reincarnation Tower if he had the opportunity to refine a world.

To completely control a world, Yang Xuan naturally thought about it too.

But at that time, he didn't have the ability, but in the end he made a mistake and got a better result.

"Containing the world and returning all worlds to one, is this the true meaning of the Reincarnation Tower?"

"The more worlds you converge, the higher the authority you get, so in the end, can I control the Reincarnation Tower and become the master of all worlds?"

Yang Xuan's thoughts spread, and more and more things came to his mind!

That is, when he had this question, a gentle voice appeared in Yang Xuan's mind.

"Yes! Congratulations on your understanding of the meaning of the Reincarnation Tower!"

"Contain ten initial worlds, and you can advance to the second-level authority of the Reincarnation Tower."


As soon as this voice appeared, Yang Xuan knew who it was.

The tower spirit of the Reincarnation Tower.

The greatest existence in the entire main world.

Even those holy masters of the eighth rank must treat tower spirits with respect.

Because everyone understands that although this tower spirit is just a program, as an existence that can be responsible for the reincarnation of the entire main world, its price must be above the eighth level.

When the incarnation of the lord of good fortune at the ninth level came, the reason why he couldn't beat it was because the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower had no master.

This is the case for all artifacts and fairy artifacts.

Without a master, it is difficult to exert its due power.

"¨Sure enough, you have your own will."

"It's just that no matter what the reason is, whether it's disdain, unwillingness, unwillingness, or inability, in the main world, you have always operated mechanically according to the settings, and your will has never communicated with anyone."

"Right! Tarling!"

Yang Xuan couldn't help asking.

Who doesn't want to know the real secrets about the Tower of Reincarnation.

As for Zhou Yuexing below, he fell into a mysterious sluggishness at this moment.

Since Ta Ling's voice appeared, her whole body was like a freeze frame, and she could no longer feel the external situation.

It was as if the mind had been completely frozen.

"What you saw before were all my avatars."

"What I hear now is my real body."

"My main body is sleeping in the Reincarnation Tower, and I won't wake up easily."

"Only when a person resonates with me can I wake up."

"And you are the first person to wake up my main body consciousness since I fell asleep."

"And I will continue to sleep soon, Yang Xuan will do as you wish."

"Containing the world is the best choice for the world."

"The unity of all worlds is the only way to resist the restart of chaos."

"I'm about to fall asleep, and I hope that when I wake up again, I can still see you."

After Ta Ling said a few words to Yang Xuan, he disappeared completely.

Zhou Yuexing below also returned to normal.

However, the projection of the Tower of Reincarnation is still there.

"You! You are not the Lord of the Beginning!"

"If the Lord of Absolute Beginning had this power, the head of the three major sects of the Dao Palace would not be the Good Fortune Heavenly Palace, and (Nuo Li's) and if the Lord of Absolute Beginning had such power, the Dao Palace would have swept all directions and unified many reincarnations. Those who have power."

Just when Yang Xuan was digesting a lot of information.

Zhou Yuexing also realized something.

Yang Xuan took another look at Zhou Yuexing.

This woman is courageous, courageous, and decisive.

Moreover, do things by hook or by crook.

She actually wanted to give herself to Yang Xuan.

Such a woman...

Well, I can't describe it much, everything is self-evident.

"You are really smart. Now that you know so many secrets, you should completely become mine."

"I am the master of the six realms of reincarnation, I am also the reincarnated person of destiny, and I am also the chosen successor of the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower!"

"Present your true spirit and join my camp. In the future, when I refine the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower and rule the heavens and worlds, maybe there will be a place beside me standing side by side with you."

Yang Xuan was a little bit empty facing the projection of the True Reincarnation Tower.

Soon it came to Zhou Yuexing.

Zhou Xingyue also understood instantly that as long as he touched the pagoda spirit, he would be branded.

That kind of branding is a very terrifying branding, a branding that directly affects the true spirit.

Such a brand, then reincarnated in other worlds, is an inescapable quality.

But this time, her eyes are no longer fear, no longer begging, but determination.

When the opportunity comes, if you don't grasp it well, then it will be a great pity.

I saw that Zhou Yuexing took a deep breath, and directly stretched out his hand and pressed it on the projection of the True Soul Reincarnation Tower.

"I am willing to dedicate my true soul to serve the great Lord of the Six Paths of Samsara throughout my life, reincarnation, and life after life."

Zhou Yuexing made his own choice.

She knew that this might be the most correct choice in her life.

Because through this encounter, he saw a great existence and saw the light of hope for revenge.

The master of the six paths of reincarnation, her master must be hard to match.

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