"I have seen the Holy Lord of Absolute Beginning! The students did not expect that it was the Holy Lord of Absolute Beginning who reincarnated into this world in person."

"If I had known the coming of the Holy Lord in the early days, the junior would have left directly."

"After all, my master told me about the prestige of the Light of the Beginning!"

"The beginning of all things, the end of all living beings!"

"Appeared in the beginning, the true spirit dies!"

"My teacher once told me that the holy light of the Holy Lord in the beginning is a terrifying method that can directly attack the true spirit of others."

"It is really an honor for me to meet the Holy Lord of Absolute Beginning today."

Zhou Yuexing was really looking forward to seeing Yang Xuan.

But after seeing Yang Xuanzhi 950, she regretted it.

At first, she thought that the person who defeated herself and surpassed her imagination was a certain supernova in the Dao Palace.

She even thought of the news she had received.

There is a freshman in Dao Palace who got the evaluation of SSS perfect level and set a world record.

At first, she thought that the person who went down the ladder together and defeated her was the genius of that Taoist palace.

But today she was summoned by that mysterious person.

Then, she saw Yang Xuan, who looked like a real fairy, and the Queen of Light in Yang Xuan's hand, who almost made her fall just by looking at it.

She was afraid.

Although her expression was still cold, her slightly trembling body revealed her true inner thoughts.

Facing ordinary people, Zhou Yuexing will not be too nervous no matter how scared he is.

The big deal is to die and go back.

But the Holy Lord in the beginning is different.

Among the three major factions in the Dao Palace, the two major factions, Good Fortune and Taichu, are very terrifying.

Other forces are unwilling to offend them.

It is because the bosses of the Good Fortune Faction and the Absolute Beginning Faction can directly attack, obliterate, and refine the True Spirit.

The gate of good fortune in the good fortune Tiangong is famous all over the world.

The light of the primordial land of the primordial land, the power shakes the Quartet.

Zhou Yuexing's teacher told her not once or twice that it's okay to meet ordinary Taoist reincarnations.

But when you meet someone who summons the Gate of Creation, or the projection of the Gate of Creation, you must run away. Don't rush to die and return directly, but find a safe place and return after death.

Also, if you meet someone who uses the Light of Absolute Beginning, be even more careful.

The gate of good fortune of the good fortune faction can be summoned by many people.

Therefore, the chance of encountering is higher, but it is not necessarily the Holy Lord of Creation, so there is a chance to escape after encountering.

But in the land of Absolute Beginning, only the Holy Lord of Absolute Beginning has mastered the Light of Absolute Beginning.

The Light of Primordial Beginning is unique, and even outsiders can't learn it.

Therefore, seeing the light of the beginning is equivalent to seeing the Lord of the beginning.

As for someone who can rely on the ability to refine a reincarnation of the Holy Lord of Absolute Beginning and obtain the Light of Absolute Beginning.

It was beyond her imagination.

Her teacher is also absolutely unexpected.

"I don't want to die, I don't want the true spirit to die!"

"Please also ask the Holy Lord of the Beginning to give me a chance. I know that I have nothing to show for it, but at least it is my first time."

"It doesn't matter whether it's the reincarnation world or the main world."

"I can do anything for Lord Holy Lord, just let me go, I have an obsession to complete."

"I must finish it."

Zhou Yuexing said this with a pale face.

She seemed to think of her teacher, the teacher who drool every time she saw her.

It was also the teacher who kept saying that if she was older, her cultivation could be more diligent.

Perhaps because of the virtue of her teacher, she thought that all the men in the world didn't have a good thing.


Yang Xuan's head was full of question marks, what was it all about.

Is he, Yang Xuan, the kind of person who wants to leave a mark when he sees a woman?

What do you think of him! ! .

Chapter 105 The Arrival of the Pagoda Spirit, the Secret of Reincarnation (Subscribe)

Yang Xuan looked at the trembling Zhou Yuexing below.

He couldn't help frowning.

This woman thinks too badly of herself.

"You are the number one person in Tianting's generation, it's embarrassing to be in such a state of mind!"

"Although after seeing my light of the beginning, I understand that it is not that simple to die and leave, but you should also understand that if I wanted to kill you, I would have done it long ago, so there is no need to show such a gesture."

"Although I am not a monk from Lingshan Mountain, there is no shortage of women who are stronger than you."

"So you don't have to think about it."

Yang Xuan said calmly to Zhou Xingyue.

He already knew the deeds of the reincarnated person in front of him.

That's why he wanted to pretend to be the Holy Lord of Absolute Beginning and plan some things.

He has not forgotten the giant spirit **** in the heaven.

But it seems that he was too successful in pretending to be the Holy Lord in the beginning, and the other party was scared in the end.

"Master Holy Master!"

"I...my true spirit is still very pure, if the Lord wants, I can blend with your true spirit!"

"I just ask the Holy Lord to give me a way out."

"If the Holy Master wants, I can do both this reincarnated body and the returned physical body!"

"But Yue Xing bears a **** vendetta, and he doesn't want to die like this before the vengeance is avenged!"

"Also ask the Holy Master of Absolute Beginning to give Yuexing a chance!"

Zhou Yuexing's cold face has become very charming at this moment.

She even started to gently open her clothes with her hands.

This is too timely.


Yang Xuan hurriedly stopped.

He began to doubt the character of the Holy Lord in the beginning.

"I want to plant a seed in the heavenly court. As the first person born in the heavenly court, you have the qualifications!"

"I am very interested in some materials, exercises, and world coordinates in the heavenly court."

"So, this seat intends to recruit some powerful newcomers to form an alliance of the strongest newcomers."

"The name of the alliance is called 'Reincarnation Palace'."

"I am the Lord of Reincarnation!"

Yang Xuan hurriedly stated his purpose.

Otherwise, he was afraid that he would not be able to control himself.

After all, the one in front of me started in three years.

It fits his requirements perfectly, but he is not that kind of gentleman.

When he came to Zhou Yuexing, he actually wanted to create a new force.

A reincarnation force of his own.

Ever since he became an authorized person and allowed a world to merge into the Reincarnation Tower, he has had a lot of ideas.

One of them is to form a team to go to the low-level world, help them complete the advancement, and then get the world's thanks, and finally let the world automatically merge into the Reincarnation Tower.

There are so many original worlds.

Each one is a huge treasure house, these are secrets that other reincarnators have not discovered yet.

Therefore, Yang Xuan will start planning now.

But now, this world of Heaven Ladder Cultivation is an opportunity, he has condensed the golden core of reincarnation, and the Holy Lord of Absolute Beginning is responsible for it.

Be sure to seize the opportunity and control some reincarnated geniuses.

Then, exploit them!

Especially, this reincarnation trial, people from Heavenly Court and Lingshan have all come.

It will be very difficult to meet them when reincarnated in other worlds in the future.

But Zhou Yuexing was extremely shocked by his words.

"Lord of Reincarnation!"

"Reincarnation, reincarnation!"

"Could it be that Lord Holy Master wants to plan the Reincarnation Tower!"

"I've heard a legend that the Reincarnation Tower is actually a terrifying artifact beyond the ninth rank, which belongs to us and cannot be recognized."

"Now the Reincarnation Tower is ownerless."

"As the reincarnation becomes stronger and stronger in the future, those at the top may refine the reincarnation tower and completely control countless worlds."

"But it's just a rumor, no one can confirm it!"

"Now the Holy Master of Absolute Beginning suddenly said that he would become the Lord of Reincarnation. Could it be that he has seen the way forward and started to prepare for it?"

For a while, Zhou Xingyue made up a lot of brains.

But she didn't say it, she just tore it and it became clean.

Not a single thread is on the body.

"I'm willing to be Lord Holy Master's pawn, but when I ask Holy Master to inject the mark, don't let the teacher find out!"

"After all, my family teacher values ​​me very much. In order to let me enter the heavenly court, I will not hesitate...to make me a lonely family and widow!"

When Zhou Xingyue said this, his face was full of hatred.

It turned out that the person she hated so much turned out to be her teacher.

Her teacher has a high position in heaven and is a seventh-level existence.

This teacher valued her aptitude, and wanted her to become a real fairy, and then treat it as a fruit for herself.

It is through the kind of intimate harmony between men and women, absorbing her special spiritual power, helping oneself to break through the seventh level and hit the eighth level.

So Zhou Xingyue would rather sacrifice everything than die, because she wanted revenge.

"Revenge, this is a good motivation."

"In this case, then join the Temple of Reincarnation, so that you can know more clearly the secrets about the main world."

"And the unknown secrets of the heavens and the world."

Yang Xuan thought about it.

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