With the massive consumption of life energy, Yang Xuan's body could not help but tremble.

His own strength has also directly dropped by at least 30%.

But it soon started to recover again.

Then, he discovered that he had a faint connection with the dragon corpse.

It seems that he can manipulate this dragon corpse.


"The Emperor's Court Sutra of Human Way is worthy of being a skill that consumed three thousand life yuan of my life in one go."

"This exercise, if only one person alone."

"There is no special use at all!"

"But if there is a country that upgrades this secret technique to the full level, then it will exert a power far beyond human imagination."

After Yang Xuan upgraded this skill, he immediately thought of a sentence.

Your energy is beyond your imagination.

Originally, civilians are civilians, warriors are warriors, even if everyone presides over the small family, and then forms everyone again.

But if you insist on counting, everyone is still an independent individual.

But if you use the Humane Emperor's Court Sutra and cooperate with the dragon corpse to release the secret method.

Then you can integrate everyone, condense luck, and break it into pieces.

Therefore, this Human Dao Huang Ting Jing also needs special power to fully activate it.

Because not all energies can integrate and sort out the luck of the human race.

"It's no wonder that the Holy Master in the beginning didn't dispose of this dragon corpse. It turned out that he wanted to use the Humane Emperor's Court Sutra, and he needed special energy to activate it."

"So, he didn't destroy the dragon corpse before he left."

"In his opinion, even if an outsider finds the dragon corpse, there are three major difficulties in learning the Humane Emperor's Court Manual."

"First, it is very difficult to understand the mysterious runes on the dragon corpse."

"Second, learning takes a certain amount of time, a lot of time."

"Third, it can be used to use this technique to integrate the luck of the human race, sort out the humane imperial court, and condense the energy of the golden dragon of luck. It is very rare and very rare."

"Unfortunately, Zhang Taichu miscalculated again."

Yang Xuan even wanted to laugh a little at this moment.

There is no problem with the calculation of the Holy Lord in the beginning.

But he lost because he lost, and he didn't know how unreasonable Yang Xuan was.

One-key tracking, one-key full level, plus the golden elixir of reincarnation devoured the light of the primordial lord.

Now Yang Xuan found that he could use the Huang Ting Jing of Humanity.

not only that.

His primordial light was originally relatively weak, and it belonged to a state that would be shattered if he was not careful.

However, when his Humane Emperor Court Sutra reached its full level.

Yang Xuan discovered that the torrent of humanity can increase the growth of the light of the beginning.

Even the Holy Lord of Absolute Beginning cannot use the Humane Emperor's Court Sutra to deny his own Light of Absolute Beginning.

He also wants to use the light of the beginning to help the human emperor grow up and gather the golden dragon of luck.

This is the low-level humane Huangting Jing, which is different from the full-level humane Huangting Jing.

after all.

The premise of the Humane Emperor's Court Sutra is to have an empire of one's own.

And the reincarnators will not stay in one world forever.

Therefore, the reincarnated body will basically not be able to practice the Humane Emperor's Court Sutra to great success.

They are just initial applications.

"Now the lower realm of the ladder has been unified by me!"

"However, if you want to maximize the power of the empire, you still need a ceremony."

Yang Xuan looked at the dragon corpse with a little emptiness.

Then, a light of primordial light merged into the body of the dragon corpse.

Relying on the connection between the dragon corpse and him, the residual breath of the dragon corpse did not resist at all.

This is also the effect of the full-level humane imperial court scripture.

Even the Holy Lord of Absolute Beginning wanted to use this dragon corpse, but it was not so simple.

"It's almost January!"

"Use the light of the beginning to refine this dragon corpse god, create a small reincarnation with the reincarnation golden pill, and create a fake real dragon spirit."

"Hold the last ceremony to sacrifice to the sky, and with the thoughts of all living beings, make falsehood come true!"

"In this way, the essence and quality of the Luck Golden Dragon will far exceed that of Zhang Taichu."

"Maybe, just break open the gate of heaven and see it."

Yang Xuan's idea of ​​conquering this world has become more and more clear.


Feathering Heavenly Mansion unfolds.

Yang Xuan returned directly to the imperial capital of the Universiade.

the next day.

An announcement spread throughout the entire ladder.

One month later, the three empires officially completed the handover and merged into one.

The name of the new empire was changed to 'Ancestor'.

After the merger, it will no longer be the 'Empire of Absolute Beginning', but the Immortal Dynasty of Absolute Beginning.

As soon as the news came out, the world boiled.

So far.

It is not that the countries in the Lower Realm of the Ladder have never been unified.

But even after unification, the title of the country is the empire.

What, what empire.

But Yang Xuan made a change.

He replaced the empire with the Xian Dynasty.

This meaning is already very obvious.

In particular, this fairy dynasty was also named Taichu.

This made all the reincarnations of the Taichu first line of the Dao Palace run towards the imperial capital of the Universiade Empire immediately.

Among the many reincarnations.

The reincarnators of the Absolute Beginning series are the happiest.

Because the title of the Immortal Dynasty says everything.

In their Taichu Academy, there is a boss who has achieved at least the power of the Golden Core level in the Heavenly Ladder Immortal Realm.

Then unified the three empires, directly changed the dynasty, and opened the era of the fairy dynasty.


The people from Taichu Academy all planned to come and join that mysterious boss.

As for the students of the School of Good Fortune and the School of Eternal Life in Dao Palace, many of them plan to defect.

After all, everyone is a student of Dao Palace.

And the reincarnations of other colleges, such as Lingshan and Tianting, all of them are bitter.

Especially the bald people in Lingshan.

They also heard before that there was a Mage Miao from Lingshan who went to the Dagan Imperial Capital to defeat the national master of the Dagan Imperial Capital.

At that time, Lingshan thought they were about to rise.

Unexpectedly, the trace of the mage disappeared after the first second.

Finally, there is the rise of the Universiade Empire.

But the new empire changed its name to Taichu Xian Dynasty instead of Lingshan Holy Land, which is enough to explain everything.

The Great Master of their Lingshan was given to the genius of Taichu Academy for nothing.

So the bald people in Lingshan feel bitter.

As for the people in the heavenly court, there is no need to say more.

They all knew that after their return this time, they would definitely be talked about.

Heavenly Court is very concerned about this joint reincarnation assessment.

Originally, most of the reincarnations in the Heavenly Court didn't want to be the first, but they couldn't be too far behind.

However, the Absolute Beginning Academy of Daoist Palace has already dominated the lower realm of the ladder.

That's what they do.

"The evil Dao Palace, the evil Academy of Absolute Beginning, have they cheated!"

"What are the people from Taichu Academy going to do? The ten-year ladder **** battle is about to begin. At this time, shouldn't we hide our strengths and bide our time, and after this time's ladder **** battle, work hard to develop for ten years, and then counterattack the upper world of the ladder?"

"The Upper Realm of the Ladder and the Lower Realm of the Ladder are completely two concepts. Let alone ten years, it is not an exaggeration to develop it for a hundred years."

"The people of Taichu Academy are too anxious. They can develop for a while, but they have to be so anxious. If they fail, we will also be buried with them."

"I don't know why, this practice of Taichu Academy reminded me of one thing, Humane Emperor's Court!"

"It can't be the Humane Emperor's Court. The Humane Emperor's Court needs time. Now that the lower world of today's ladder has just been unified, if you want to take the path of the Humane Emperor's Court and gain powerful power, you should first endure, then develop people's livelihood, and quickly expand the population. It is right to condense the luck of the golden dragon in one fell swoop."

Various places in the lower world of the ladder.

Those reincarnations who were still alive began to speculate non-stop.

Some of the reincarnations started to watch, they continued to disguise their identities as a normal ten-year-old child.

Some reincarnators secretly formed an alliance, waiting for the opportunity to earn some achievements, hoping to get a good reincarnation score.

However, a large number of people were those who went to the Universiade Empire to defect to Yang Xuan.

At this moment, Yang Xuan was communicating with a reincarnated person.

This reincarnated person is Zhou Yuexing.


In the fairy capital of Taichu, in the main hall of Yuanchu.

Since Yang Xuan changed the name of the Universiade Empire, the main hall of the palace was also renamed.

At the beginning of Yuan Dynasty, the beginning of Yuan Yuan, the beginning of Vientiane!

This is also very in line with the momentum of Taichu Academy.

"It only took ten years to achieve the ninth level of martial arts and become the most trusted child of the emperor of the Great Zhou Empire."

"If nothing else happens, you are the strongest student of this group of reincarnators."

Inside the hall.

Yang Xuan looked at the fairy-like little girl standing opposite him, and couldn't help admiring her.

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