Title, King Zhou Xing.

This prosperity is the meaning of great prosperity for all generations.

This shows how much the Great Zhou Emperor valued her.

It is unprecedented for a princess to become a king.

Not to mention, he is still a powerful king.

At that time, this incident shocked the entire Great Zhou Empire.

Many people have vaguely guessed, and they all secretly suspected that this princess, that is, King Zhou Xing, might be able to create an unprecedented situation, a woman ascending to the throne.

After all, she was so loved and valued by the Great Zhou Emperor.

"Father, there is no other way!"

"The people in the Universiade Empire are too strong. I obviously started helping you very early, but I didn't expect to be a step behind!"

"No! Not just one step slower, but ten years slower!"

"If you give me another ten years, I might have a way to deal with that Golden Alchemy Immortal Master. But now, there is no way!"

"Ten thousand fighters from the ninth level of martial arts, you sound very difficult to deal with, and you are an existence that cannot be defeated."

"Seriously, I have a hundred ways to kill them!"

"The Ninth Heaven of Martial Arts is just a stronger ant in my eyes."

"However, a so-called immortal master is the current ceiling of combat power!"

"Unless we can communicate with the immortal masters in the upper realm of the ladder for my use, there is no way at all."

"But it is unrealistic to communicate with the upper realm of the ladder."

"Most people should know the situation. I have already shared the relevant information with you. According to the information I have compiled, the Upper Realm of the Ladder is not the legendary fairy world, but the bottomless abyss, the **** of all beings..."

"In our world, all living beings suffer!"

When the girl said this, she turned and looked at Emperor Da Zhou.

Then he bowed deeply to him, and said, "Father, maybe you have mediocre aptitude and mediocre wisdom, and you are just an ordinary person."

"But at least you're willing to listen to others and you can see the bigger picture."

"But today, the other party has become an immortal master one step ahead of me, so all we can do is surrender."

"The only way to survive is to surrender and become one with the Universiade Empire!"

When Zhou Yuexing said this, he couldn't help but sigh.

As one of the best freshmen in Tianting Academy, she didn't get off to a very good start.

Because she was born inferior.

Her mother was a court lady. Although the Emperor of the Great Zhou gave her the title of princess, her initial status in the royal family of the Great Zhou was not as good as those favored court ladies.

If I'm not a reincarnated person, I really don't have much promise.

It's useless even if you are talented, because you can't touch anything at all.

Cultivation techniques, cheat books, news, nothing.

She just has the advantage of being a reincarnator, and she can start learning and improving herself very early.

Then deliberately create opportunities and walk into the eyes of the emperor.

In the end, relying on her own wisdom and experience, she came to the present step by step.

I thought that she would be the most powerful among the many new students in the assessment of the world of Tianti Cultivation.

In the end, who would have thought that someone would gather a golden core in this spiritless world.

Then there is no need to play, surrender.

"It stands to reason that I should commit suicide and return. After all, I don't know if the person who has achieved Jindan will attack us."

"But I'm not reconciled! I'd like to see which faction's arrogance can congeal pills for ten years in this world without aura."

Zhou Xingyue thought to herself, and then bowed to Emperor Da Zhou again.

"Father, please write the letter of credence, explaining that I, Da Zhou, is willing to surrender, the royal family will descend to the royal family, and all children will not be held official positions, and will not be in charge of military affairs, nor practice martial arts, but only study literature."

"All the ministers still do their own things to ensure the operation of the Great Zhou Empire."

"I will set off today and go to the Universiade Empire to personally deliver the surrender letter!"

Zhou Xingyue is determined to meet the person who has defeated her.

So, she made this request.

No one objected to her request.

Submitting the letter of surrender, and letting the royal family surrender to the king, setting such strict requirements, it is like turning the Zhou 5.5 royal family into an ordinary literary and Taoist family in the future.

Although this is inevitable after the surrender.

But now she brought it up.

Then she will bear the blame.

Those who disliked her in the royal family, and those who disliked her in civil and military affairs, were all very happy to see such a situation happen.

"Emperor, why bother!"

The Great Zhou Emperor turned pale, but he did not refute.

Because this matter is too critical, to be honest, he doesn't feel relieved to hand it over to someone else.

If it was her own daughter, then there must be no problem.

He just didn't know how the Universiade Empire would treat his unicorn.

If it were him, if the person who is sitting on the world at this time is his Great Zhou Emperor.

He will definitely kill Zhou Yuexing.

Because this daughter of his is too evil.

So make a decision in your heart and let Zhou Yuexing complete this matter.

His heart was infinitely desolate.

Because he would think that he let Zhou Yuexing go to die.

Originally, he thought that with the help of this Qilin'er, he would have a chance to dominate the world when he marched out the army in the future.

As a result, ten thousand warriors from the ninth level of martial arts forced them over.

When the legendary fairy master appeared.

He just woke up completely.

In this world of my own, what is the kingship and wealth, what is the army of tens of millions, and what is the ninth level of martial arts.

It's all rubbish.

The only way to sublimate is to achieve one's own strength and become immortal.

As soon as the immortal master came out, all nations surrendered.

Chapter 104 Building the Immortal Dynasty (for Subscription)

Two days later.

The Universiade Empire received the letter of credence from the princess of the Great Zhou Empire.

The Great Zhou Empire is willing to surrender.

The empire was reduced to a dynasty, under the jurisdiction of the Universiade Empire.

If the Universiade Empire wanted to, it could assign officials to take over the Great Zhou Empire at any time.

At this point, the lower realm of the Tianti Cultivation World has been completely unified.

Those reincarnations who have not yet died and continue to live in this world.

Everyone's eyes widened.

Only ten years.

Many reincarnators from various universities have only just come into contact with martial arts in this world.

Except for a top talent like Zhou Xingyue who has achieved the ninth level of martial arts.

Most of them didn't even reach the third or fourth heaven of martial arts.

There are also people who are really new, have just left their villages, and plan to go to nearby big cities to explore the secrets of this world.

As a result, they all heard the terrible news.

What? The lower realm of the ladder is unified?

What? The three empires merged into one?

What? Has someone surpassed the second level and achieved the third level?

What? Is this going to start the counterattack on the upper world of the ladder?

What are we doing, where are we, what are we doing?

They are all reincarnators, why are others so good.

Is this really the nascent assessment world?

For a while, none of the surviving reincarnated students knew what to say.

But they have no other choice but to passively accept the current situation.


The old capital of Dagan, today's Dagan City of the Universiade Empire.

Because the entire Dagan Empire surrendered, it is no longer called the imperial capital, but Dagan City.

The period of seven days has passed.

In the early morning of the next day.

Yang Xuan directly walked out of the alchemy furnace and faced the sunlight of the outside world.

"Unexpectedly, the longevity pill can also improve some physical fitness, but the improvement is not very high."

Yang Xuan has already taken the longevity pill.

Moreover, there are four longevity pills of the perfect level.

Now, he has three thousand years of life to spend.

So, he dealt with the people who came to worship, and came to the secret passage again.

Below the secret passage.

The huge dragon corpse still exudes a terrifying aura. It is clearly dead, but the corpse is so terrifying.

In this way, Yang Xuan guessed that when this real dragon was alive, he might have at least the sixth level, or even the seventh level of level 22.

The Holy Lord in the beginning, I don't know how to get him.

Yang Xuan's guess is that the Holy Lord of Absolute Beginning used a certain method to go to the world of cultivating immortals in the upper realm of the ladder, and then stole the dragon corpse from there.

"One-click full level: Humane Emperor's Court Sutra!"

In fact, Yang Xuan can choose one-click full level wherever he is.

However, he still chose to be here.

Although Yang Xuan hasn't learned the Humane Emperor's Court Classic yet, he can see it.

If you want to learn this secret method, you must use the dragon corpse.

So, he directly upgraded here.

"Consume 3,000 years of lifespan, and reach full level with one click!"

Humane Emperor's Court Classic, full level!

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