A total of three hundred and sixty years of life is erected.

"Forget it! Although the rank is not high, it is enough."

"Give me another three hundred and sixty years of lifespan. Excluding those consumptions, after studying the Humane Emperor's Court Sutra, I can still have two hundred years of lifespan left."

"Shouyuan is enough."

"The most important thing is that I have reached the level of a great master in this alchemy technique, and I can completely refine a perfect-level Zengshou Pill."

"The next step is to look for medicinal materials and start refining longevity pills!"

In the world of Tianti Xiuxian, there is a life-enhancing pill.

After Yang Xuan became a third-tier alchemist, he already realized that he didn't need help from outsiders.

Dan furnace, ground fire, Daqian Empire has ready-made ones.

Those were prepared by Zhang Taichu for him.

Nine out of ten medicinal materials were found in the Dagan Emperor's Capital, and Yang Xuan brought back the remaining few in just three days after tracking them with one click.

Until the moment the sun rises the next day.

Yang Xuan came to the Dan furnace.

At sunrise, the day of alchemy.

"Open the furnace today, don't disturb me for seven days!"

"Tell the outsiders, unite with Huang Xuanming, and conquer the Great Zhou Empire within seven days!"

After Yang Xuan finally explained, he entered the alchemy room.

Although Zengshou Pill only has the effect of increasing longevity, it also slightly improves the system.

For many warriors, it is not as good as the elixir that can help them break through.

However, longevity is the most difficult to increase.

Therefore, Zengshou Dan is also extremely difficult to refine.

Coupled with the difference in the laws of the world, even if Zhang Taichu asked him to refine the Zengshou Pill, which is the third-tier golden elixir, he couldn't guarantee 100% success.

But in the past few days, Yang Xuan has not only fully leveled up the alchemy method given by the reincarnated people with one click.

He also asked Liu Hongyu to arrange someone to get him a lot of alchemy secrets from the local world.

Therefore, under one key full level.

His current level of alchemy in this world has reached the peak of the world.

Even among those evil immortals in the upper realm, there are some people who control more subtle alchemy techniques, but in the third-level pill refining, they are definitely inferior to Yang Xuan.

What's more, the level of the perfect level is the ceiling of alchemy in this world.


The fire was lit.

Alchemy began to die.

Chapter 103 As soon as the immortal master came out, all nations surrendered (please subscribe!)

Five days later.

Great Zhou Empire.

Zhou royal family, inside the meeting hall.

"What? The Dagan Empire surrendered?"

"The emperor died, the national teacher died, and the rest of the ministers surrendered!"

"Some frontier generals didn't choose to surrender at first, and then they were all beaten to death!"

"Now, all the territory of the Dagan Empire has been attributed to the Universiade Empire!"

"Dagan, the country is subjugated!"

Emperor Da Zhou listened to the reports of his subordinates, and his heart was filled with disbelief.

He asked several people to confirm the news and see if it was a smoke bomb thrown by the Universiade Empire.

after all.

Talk about some fake news indiscriminately, so as to make the enemy's mind uneasy.

It is also a method commonly used by the three empires in the lower realm of the ladder.

It's just the surrender of the empire. This kind of thing is no longer what you say, and the enemy will believe it.

Because this matter involves too much.

But what makes the Great Zhou Emperor feel regretful is that.

No matter how many people he sent out to inquire, spy, and inquire.

Finally got a result.

That is the surrender of the Dagan Empire.

At the same time, the Universiade Empire plus the Great Zhou Empire gathered a total of 10,000 warriors who were at the ninth level of martial arts.

These are not 10,000 ordinary soldiers, or 10,000 ordinary warriors.

Instead, there are a total of 10,000 peak combat powers in the world.

A martial arts ninth level can sit in a city and enjoy a century-old reputation.

Three Martial Dao Ninth Layers can occupy a city, so that the local nobles dare not disobey in the slightest.

"Ninth Fifty Zero" Ten warriors from the ninth level of martial arts are united, and the empire will build cities for them.

Not only that, but people are needed for giving, money for money, and materials for materials.

This is the treatment that ten people from the ninth level of martial arts will receive after they gather together.


If a hundred people from the ninth level of martial arts gather together.

Then their fate is very simple.

It doesn't matter which country in the Three Great Empires these people from the ninth level of martial arts are in.

They will definitely be scrupled by the emperor of that country, so they will be besieged and suppressed in the rankings!

That's right!

It is encirclement and suppression!

Although a hundred Martial Arts Ninth Layers are formidable, under the encirclement and suppression of millions of troops, they will be exhausted to death.

But when thousands of people from the ninth level of martial arts gather together, even if it is to build a country by enclosing land, ordinary emperors will tolerate it.

Because even if an army of millions or tens of millions goes to encircle and suppress, it is impossible to be sure to encircle and kill a thousand people who are in the ninth level of martial arts.

In case one runs out.

Then it will be troublesome.

In the end.

If 10,000 people from the ninth level of martial arts are still united as one.

So what kind of surprises does this bring to a country?

Now the Great Zhou Emperor felt it.


The Great Zhou Emperor, who had a martial arts sixth level, was still pacing back and forth in front of his throne, thinking about how to deal with the Universiade Empire.

As a result, after hearing the news, the whole person couldn't stand still, and fell to the ground all of a sudden, trying to stand up again while holding the seat with both hands.

The little eunuchs on the side.

He was also too shocked to hear the news.

They didn't even go to help the emperor.

It seems that he completely forgot his responsibility.

"Your Majesty! This time we are really in big trouble, because we have no information at all."

"The Daqian Empire expanded so quickly before, and even reached the border of the Universiade Empire. The reason why the Universiade Empire has to surrender is because an upper realm immortal appeared in their country."

"Such a great existence has power beyond our imagination."

"So the Universiade Empire is about to surrender."

"But at this critical moment, the Universiade Empire somehow got the support of an immortal master."

"In the end, the immortal master of the Universiade Empire hit the capital of the Dagan Empire!"

"The two immortal masters fought, the Dagan Empire was defeated, all the royal families were slaughtered, and all the ministers were replaced."

"Universal luck has occupied Dagan so easily."

At this time, a minister in charge of inquiring about intelligence told all the news he knew.

Immediately afterwards, the little eunuchs also panicked and helped the Emperor Da Zhou up.

"Old Fu, tell me, are these all true?"

The emperor still couldn't believe what he was seeing.

He hoped that the old man in front of him could give himself an accurate answer.

Facing the emperor's longing gaze, Minister Fu finally nodded.

With 10,000 fighters of the ninth level of martial arts, the court of the Great Zhou Empire had no idea of ​​a countermeasure.

Now there is also the legendary fairy master.

This is simply bullying.

The two countries are at war, you are all tempted, just throw the king bomb, how can you fight!

"Emperor! And you, you are talented, intelligent, and brave."

"At only ten years old, you have already achieved the ninth level of martial arts. The elixir you refined even made the ancestor recover from his injuries. The battle armor you built increased the strength of our army by at least 30%."

"The thing you reminded of being a father basically played a vital role."

"In the end, you also said that the fate of all beings in the lower realm is about to undergo a huge change, and the legendary fairy master will come to this world."

"Now everything you said has come true, so if it's you, there must be a way, right?"

At this most critical moment, the emperor of the Great Zhou Empire stopped asking his prime ministers, ministers, and generals what to do.

Instead, he set his sights on a girl who was only ten years old but looked like she was fifteen or sixteen years old.

This girl is like a finely carved jade, her skin is better than snow, and her eyes are like a pool of clear water.

After listening to Emperor Da Zhou's words, while she was thinking and looking forward, she had an elegant and noble temperament.

The status of men and women in the Great Zhou Empire was extremely distinct.

Women are not allowed to serve as officials in the court, but this woman has broken the rules.

Since four years ago, Emperor Zhou has often brought her by his side.

She has a huge aura around her, she is only ten years old, but she has achieved the ninth level of martial arts two years ago.

Its eyes are full of spirit, and wherever the eyes pass by, people will be photographed by them, feel ashamed, and dare not desecrate.

However, because of her cold, arrogant and agile appearance, she also has a special flavor. For many men, people can't help but be haunted.

Such a woman, relying on her intelligence, influenced many decisions of the lord of a country.

Even at this critical moment, the only person that Emperor Da Zhou thought of breaking the situation was her.

She is the thirteenth princess of the Great Zhou Empire, Zhou Yuexing.

However, due to special reasons, the emperor of Zhou Dynasty broke the rules and made him king eight years ago.

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