"Now I'm about to die at his hands again, but this is the first time I've even heard of the title of Master Miao."

"It's really frustrating!"

Thinking of this, Zhang Taichu immediately spat out a mouthful of blood.

He also dodges and doesn't struggle anymore.

Because he knew that he was bound to die.


Sure enough, it was this time.

A huge finger crushed the Taoist temple.

"One finger of the ancient Buddha!"

"Sure enough, it is a Buddhist supernatural power!"

"After I go back, I must kill Lingshan and ask that Puxian old bald donkey who is this Great Master Miao."

"One finger of the ancient Buddha is a supernatural power he obtained. Now that this Miao great mage uses it, it must have a great relationship with him!"

this moment.

Zhang Taichu felt that he already had a clue about this Lingshan monk's heel.

Perhaps, even Yang Xuan himself didn't know.

The blow he released casually caused Zhang Taichu's misunderstanding.

And let Lingshan take the blame even more.

"Master Miao, Zhang Taichu lost this match!"

"After returning, I will do something with you."

"The situation makes you understand why our Dao Palace has been suppressing your Lingshan for many years."

"Don't say I won't give you a chance, after you go back, hurry up and have a round with Pu Xian, that old bald donkey."

"If I catch you alone, I will definitely let you know what is the Prison of Absolute Beginning, and there is no light in all worlds!"

"Let you bear endless darkness!"

After Zhang Taichu finished his last sentence, he closed his eyes.


Huge fingers, quickly pressed down.

Immediately, Zhang Taichu's reincarnated body turned into a puddle of blood.

But in the blood.

However, there was a broken light golden ball, which was not damaged.

The huge palm picked up the ball all at once.

After that, the ancient Buddha in the sky disappeared.


at the foot of the mountain.

Yang Xuan slowly opened his eyes.

Then, he stretched out his hand and glanced at the broken golden core in his palm.

The condition of the golden core is not very good, and it is about to break.

At this time, it was only thanks to Yang Xuan's strength that it remained undamaged.

The breath about Zhang Taichu inside also disappeared without a trace.

"This golden elixir is low-grade, but it has been warmed by the light of the beginning, and its essence is extremely high."

"It can be used to stabilize my six paths of reincarnation!"

Yang Xuan stretched out his hand and crushed the golden elixir.

Soon a huge energy directly and completely merged into his body.

Yang Xuan was also right here, and began to wait for the golden elixir of reincarnation to devour the golden elixir of the Holy Lord of Absolute Beginning.

After a full hour.

Only then did Yang Xuan open his eyes again.

Then, he was delighted to find that the law of reincarnation he got was really powerful after sneaking into the spiritual world without hesitation.

Because by devouring Zhang Taichu's golden core, he actually obtained a special innate supernatural power.

Although that supernatural power is just a seed, this innate supernatural power is extremely powerful.

"A surprise! It's really a surprise!"

For this unexpected surprise.

In fact, Yang Xuan himself didn't even think about it.

I didn't think about it at all, I could still get this ability.

after all.

This is the natal supernatural power of an eighth-level master.

Now, under the circumstances of many causes and effects converging, it was obtained by Yang Xuan.

He is the strongest ability of the Holy Lord in the beginning, the light of the beginning.

At this moment, at the core of Yang Xuan's primordial spirit, there is a golden pill exuding an ancient aura.

The yin and yang of the golden elixir rotate in rotation, as if life and death have been completely disillusioned.

This is the golden elixir of reincarnation.

Inside the golden elixir of reincarnation, there is also this faint white light.

Bai Guang looked at it at a glance, and there seemed to be nothing special about it.

But if you take a closer look, you will find that he is extremely dazzling. People with a little unsteady will, just need to see this white light, their consciousness will be sluggish, and they will walk towards him unconsciously, and then turn into the original energy Integrate into Dan.

"Swallow everything and break it into pieces!"

"At the beginning of the beginning, all things will end!"

"This is the light of the beginning, although it is only a weak seed level, if you are not careful, it will disappear!"

"But he is indeed the Light of the Beginning, and he has also become one of my supernatural powers."

Yang Xuan secretly immersed himself in his soul, revealing his own attribute panel.

Name: Yang Xuan

Age: 18

Guardian spirit: the will of heaven in the mutant supernatural system (Ghost Gate)

Cultivation: Main World (Second Tier), Local World (Fourth Tier, Primordial Spirit of Outer Daoism)

Talent: Destiny Reincarnator

1. One-key tracking: input information, consume energy, and one-key tracking.

2. One-key full level: select exercises, consume energy, and one-key full level.

3. The light of the beginning: all things have a beginning and an end, it is both the beginning and the end of all things. Introduction: Swallow all things, break them into pieces, the beginning of the beginning, the end of all things.

Remarks: This young man is a reincarnated man with a big boss behind him. If he offends him, suicide may be the best choice.

This time, one more attribute was added to Yang Xuan's attributes.

That is the primordial light.

"Haha! This trip is worthwhile! This trip is worthwhile!"

Yang Xuan laughed loudly, and then walked away.

As for this dilapidated Taoist temple, there is nothing to check.

He can be sure that with Zhang Taichu's personality, nothing will be left for him.

Instead of looking for it from others, it is better to use one-click tracking to find it yourself.


Daqian imperial capital.

After Yang Xuan dealt with Zhang Taichu, he came back here again.

Not long after that, Liu Hongyu brought several ten-year-old children in Taoist robes to the front of Yang Xuan.

At this time, Yang Xuan's appearance had undergone some special changes.

It seems that the whole person has become heavier, and has the appearance of a true immortal who has practiced for thousands of years.

····Ask for flowers·········

"Meet the master!"

As soon as several Taoist boys came over, they saluted Yang Xuan one after another.

After being influenced by Yang Xuan's supernatural power, they all became Yang Xuan's disciples.

Even though, these Taoist boys are actually reincarnated.

But before the true spirit returns and is healed by the Reincarnation Tower, they will all recognize Yang Xuan as their master.

"Write down all the alchemy methods, techniques, and alchemy recipes you have learned and learned."

Yang Xuan's return to the Daqian Imperial Capital naturally had a purpose.

Especially the alchemy method is an imminent matter.


These Taoist boys who became his disciples.

After the other people under his command took up the pen, ink, paper and inkstone, they started a meeting to write without saying a word.

True Explanation of Pills, Secret Records of Pill Alchemy, Essentials of Pill Fire Control, and Profound Sutra of Pill Fire.

Guyuandan, Peiyuandan, Lianqidan, Bigudan, Zenshoudan and many other pills were also written out one after another.

Among them, there happened to be what Yang Xuan wanted, the most critical life-enhancing pill.

In this way, one after another alchemy cheats and alchemy recipes, soon appeared in Yang Xuan's hands following their writing.

However, after seeing these alchemy cheats.

Yang Xuan was not so excited.

Because by the time he accumulated ten years of lifespan, all alchemy skills had reached the full level.

Only then did he discover that his level of alchemy had reached the peak of the third rank.

He thought that one-click full level would be the upper limit of this world.


As a result, it seems that the upper limit of cheats provided by these people is not very high.

But that's enough.

Refining the third-level elixir is equivalent to refining an elixir that is comparable to the power of a golden elixir.

After learning these alchemy techniques, Yang Xuan already had a concept in his mind.

For Jindan-level Zengshou Pills, one pill can start at two hundred lifespans.

Ordinary Zengshou Dan, a person can only take one.

It is useless after taking the second tablet.

If it is a perfect-level life-enhancing pill, after taking the first pill for two hundred years, the second pill can continue to increase the lifespan by one hundred years, the third pill for fifty years, and the fourth pill for ten years.

This is the difference between perfect pills and ordinary pills.

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