"One key full level:..."

Many exercises such as Bajiquan, Taijiquan, Henglian exercises, Tathagata Divine Palm, etc., were directly promoted to the full level by Yang Xuan's urging.


The crackling sound of all the bones was continuously transmitted from Yang Xuan's body.

Immediately afterwards, Yang Xuan's body began to grow taller.

Soon his height reached the teenager level instead of the teenager level.

The originally handsome young man has once again turned into a young man who looks like a real fairy descending from the earth.

With the full level of boxing.

Qi and blood surged all over his body.

The huge power of blood even has a feeling of going straight to the sky.

If it were an ordinary person, the physical body would instantly rise to this level.

Then just the pain would make him dizzy and die of pain.

But Yang Xuan didn't seem to be affected in any way.

"It's not over yet!"

"I also have a book prepared by Huang Xuanming here, one of the strongest exercises in the world."

"And it's a name I'm very familiar with."

"Nine Suns Divine Art!"

The lower world of the Heaven Ladder Cultivation World is a world of low martial arts.

Yang Xuan has heard of many exercises here.


In the lower realm, the Nine Suns Divine Art is a god-level exercise.

It is rumored that those who have practiced the Nine Suns Divine Art are the easiest to reach the top of the ladder.

Because he will bring great recovery ability to practitioners.

There are 18,000 steps in the ladder, which is a test of recovery ability.

brush! brush! brush!

After Yang Xuan took the Nine Suns Divine Art, he immediately began to climb up.

The current Yang Xuan is already very knowledgeable.

Change to the previous words.

To be honest, he didn't understand this secret manual at all.

Climb over, that is, give it to the talent and supernatural powers to reach the full level with one click.

But today.

After he had mastered the Nine Suns Divine Art, he found that he could understand it.

And how to practice, after reading it, I have a basic concept in my mind.

However, even so, he will not try hard.

With the plug-in, what else are you trying to do.

"One-click full level: Nine Suns Divine Art!"

"Do you want to spend three hundred years of life to learn the Nine Suns Divine Art?"

Raising his voice, Yang Xuan was stunned for a moment.

The full-level Nine Suns Divine Art actually requires three hundred years of lifespan.

But soon, he chose yes.

Because after the full level of those boxing techniques, Yang Xuan's lifespan has reached 350 years.

Did he plan to spend his whole life here.

Losing three years of life, leaving fifty years is enough.

not to mention.

Yang Xuan has already discovered that his innate supernatural powers are relatively reliable.

Because after relying on his innate supernatural powers to make those exercises reach the full level, he will still get feedback.

Even if the Nine Suns Divine Art consumes his three hundred years of life, it will definitely give him more in the end.

The difference is.

If you practice alone, you may be able to live for seven hundred years relying on this Nine Suns Divine Art.

But if you directly use the life essence to upgrade, you can quickly gain strength, but the life essence is only three hundred years, or four hundred years.

This is absolutely not advisable for those who pursue longevity.

But Yang Xuan didn't care.

Anyway, they are all reincarnated physical bodies, not the main body.

Give him one year of life left, he can accept it.

"I choose yes!"


After Yang Xuan made a choice.

A powerful wind exploded from Yang Xuan's body in an instant.

His body was raised again, becoming the height of an adult.

Even the temperature around the body has inexplicably increased by five degrees.

Yang Xuan's eyes even revealed a little bit of golden light.

This is the effect of the great accomplishment of Nine Suns.

The time it takes to improve the Nine Suns Divine Art is three times longer than those boxing techniques.

After the promotion was completed, corresponding information appeared in Yang Xuan's mind.

Nine Suns Divine Art has nine layers in total:

The first layer, increase the skill for one year, and wash the marrow of the Book of Changes.

The second level, increase five years of skill, free from all diseases.

The third layer, increase ten years of skill, to yang heat.

The fourth layer, increase thirty years of skill, filled with purple energy.

The fifth floor, increase fifty years of skill, no leakage of the real body.

The sixth layer: Increase the power of eighty years, and all evils will not invade.

The seventh layer: increase the power of one hundred years, and the King Kong is not broken.

The eighth layer: increase one hundred and fifty years of skill, endless life.

Ninth layer: increase three hundred years of skill, create pure yang.

After reaching the full level in an instant, it is equivalent to Yang Xuan directly possessing 762 years of skill.

Such skill is matched with his national martial arts.

Let Yang Xuan walk out of another path, a path of body training.

All kinds of spells can be broken with one punch!

Those geniuses in the local world, when practicing the Nine Suns Divine Art, are actually at most eighth level.

The ninth floor is a legend in this world.

"No, I'm going to form a pill!"

"This Nine Suns Divine Art is actually a way to enter Taoism through martial arts!"

After reaching full level with one click, Yang Xuan suddenly discovered this.

However, Nine Suns Golden Pill was not the Golden Pill he wanted.

Although, this golden elixir is definitely a top-grade golden elixir.

But what Yang Xuan wanted was the Heavenly Dao Grade Golden Pill of Reincarnation.

Ever since, his thoughts spread rapidly.

"The method of outer alchemy!"

"The teacher explained it to me!"

"One key full level: the method of outer alchemy!"

Yang Xuan's mind was spinning rapidly, and the most direct consumption of ten years of life was to learn the method of condensing the outer alchemy.


The scorching breath quickly gushed out from Yang Xuan's body.

Immediately afterwards, a large amount of golden streamer also began to separate from Yang Xuan's body.

They quickly gathered in front of Yang Xuan, forming a gleaming golden pill.

This also made Yang Xuan's aura drop rapidly.

All the breath was transferred to the gleaming golden Yuan Dan.

"Heretician golden elixir, it's done!"

"Jiuyang Golden Pill, Dancheng top grade"

"Dan Jie, it's coming!"

Yang Xuan walked up to Jin Dan and tapped Jin Dan lightly.

Soon the golden core flew into Yang Xuan's body.

The powerful, scorching breath also appeared on Yang Xuan's body again.

Today's Yang Xuan has become a strong man at the Golden Core level in the world of Tianti Cultivation.

Moreover, it is still Dancheng top grade.


At this time, the roaring sound appeared above the palace of the Universiade Empire.

Thunder Tribulation!

coming! Death.

Chapter 95 The shape is like a god, the meaning is an immortal, the body is a dragon and a phoenix, and the power is like the sky (subscribe)

In the lower world of the ladder.

Thunder and rain are quite normal.

But the thunder tribulation or something is simply a rare scene in a thousand years.

Because there is too little aura in the lower realm of the ladder, even if there is little, they will set up a large spirit gathering formation and let the talented immortal cultivators practice.

At the same time, give him the best elixir that can be refined in the lower realm.

He never hoped to form a pill in his life.

The Holy Lord in the early days was able to form alchemy because he rushed into the upper realm of the ladder in the previous reincarnations and stole a lot of good things from the upper realm.

After all, he is the Holy Lord, and with the ability to reincarnate infinitely, he has achieved some things that ordinary reincarnators cannot do.

Just like this, the Holy Master of Absolute Beginning succeeded in forming alchemy in the lower realm.

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