But Yang Xuan.

Never sneaked into the upper realm, never stole exercises from the upper realm, and never used pills.

Just relying on a large number of exercises, he has reached the golden core realm.

"Nine Suns Divine Art is very strong, a skill in the field of martial arts, which forced me to achieve Jindan!"

"However, the first eight levels of this exercise are okay, but the ninth level is too difficult."

"I don't know how long the Ladder World has existed, countless years, and I don't know how many geniuses have appeared, but only the founder of the exercises can achieve the ninth floor."

"Furthermore, according to Huang Xuanming, the reason why the master of this exercise has reached the ninth level is also because he was born with a body of pure yang."

"Therefore, this is a technique specially created for the body of pure yang. When someone is born, it is equivalent to carrying the characteristics of the ninth level technique."

"Otherwise, there are so many geniuses in the world, how could it be possible that none of them has been trained to the ninth level and achieved the Nine Suns Golden Pill!"

Feeling the terrifying thunder above the sky, Yang Xuan's mind also became active.

He thought a lot about it, and at the beginning he planned to let everyone practice the Nine Suns Divine Art and create a Nine Suns Heavenly Group...

But after thinking about it, it was too difficult.

just give up.

There is no way, this technique is powerful, but the practice time is too long.

And the combat power is not very strong until the later stage.


At this moment, the thunder in the sky sounded again.

"I'm coming!"

"What's the hurry, it's not that I won't give you money!"

Yang Xuan complained speechlessly.

Then he pushed open the door, and Shen Shen jumped onto the roof.


In the bedroom.

Yang Ling tossed and turned, unable to sleep at all.

"Ancestors come again, Yang Ling has a great foundation thanks to his ancestors!"

"However, it's not my fault!"

"The Daqian Empire is really too strong!"

"Their national teacher is rumored to have surpassed Huang Xuanming, and is dedicated to assisting the Daqian Empire."

"Their civil and military ministers are united as one, and they must follow orders."

"Looking at me, the minister has the idea of ​​a minister "September 43", the general has the pride of a general, the queen mother doesn't agree with me, and that old dog Huang Xuanming knows how to paddle."

"I'm suffering!"

"It's not good for my subordinates. Apart from surrendering, I'll make a compromise. When I go to the small town in the future, I will find a few more women to leave descendants for my ancestors. I will do my best and die."

"It is said that beautiful women come from green mountains and green waters. I don't know if it is true!"

"I'm not here to live, but for our Yang family!"

"Maybe outsiders won't understand me, but compared to the ancestors, they will definitely understand me."

"After all, everyone is not a good person... No, after all, we are all dedicated to my great luck and the inheritance of my Yang family."

The more Yang Ling thought about it, the more relieved he became.

It seems that he has already convinced himself.

From the grief and unwillingness at the beginning, to the helplessness and despair later, and finally the relaxation.


After accepting the ending of surrender, Yang Ling found himself very relaxed.

Although there is no chance to realize his grand ambitions, at least he can go to a remote town and continue to live the life of an emperor.

Of course, the premise is that the Daqian Empire really abides by the contract.

Yang Ling thought, Daqian Empire wants to rule the world, so we can discuss later, but at least it needs to win people's hearts in the early stage.

So Yang Ling thought that his family members might not end well.

But he should be fine.


However, at this moment.

Suddenly, there was a loud thunder.

Yang Ling was so scared that he got up from the bed and went outside to see the situation.

But the matter of crossing the catastrophe, he naturally couldn't think of it.

Just wondering why there is light and thunder but no rain tonight.

I thought to myself, could it be that my actions angered the ancestors?

But I was also forced to be helpless!

How can this be my fault!

Then, he went back to sleep.


at the same time.

Huang Xuanming had already started to act.

Ten years of layout, ten years of forbearance.

The reason is that the moment Yang Xuan stepped into the main hall of the imperial palace tomorrow morning, all civil and military officials surrendered.

And, surrender all civil and military officials.

All to be done tonight.

Acting ahead of time will only expose their existence.

Huang Xuanming was naturally not afraid, his power was exposed.

After all, the intelligence network, think tank, warrior alliance formed in the past ten years, plus an extremely secret killer organization.

Huang Xuanming has been allowed to take over the palace at any time.

But he didn't do that before, because he was worried that if he didn't hide it.

On the way, he met the gaze of the evil immortal from the upper realm, so wouldn't that cause trouble for Yang Xuanping?

Now that the time has come today, it is natural to show your fangs.


Universiade Empire, Prime Minister's Mansion.

Since retreating from the court today.

He Ziming, the prime minister of the court, has been depressed all the time.

He still has a strong sense of belonging to his country.

"Father, please see me, my child!"

Just when He Ziming looked helpless and planned to take out some wine to relieve boredom.

Outside the study, a familiar voice came.

That was his eldest son, He Xinzheng.

He Xin is the native genius of this world, not a reincarnated person.

Righteousness of heart means not forgetting one's original heart and righteousness of mind.

From this, it can be seen how much hope the Prime Minister gave to his eldest son.


Started nine years ago.

His own son lived in seclusion and fell in love with dancing knives and guns.

Aside from wasting his studies, he didn't see any fame in martial arts.

In the past, no one in the Manchu dynasty of the Universiade Empire knew the nickname of his son, Wenquxing Xiaxia.

But now, his eldest son has become a joke.

So he himself seldom went to see his eldest son.

Out of sight out of mind.

However, today is rather special.

He Ziming thought that the Universiade was about to disappear, and it seemed that his son's behavior was extremely wise.

Because after the Daqian Empire came over, they found that their descendants were not passionate young people who were determined to restore the country.

There is a high probability that he will ignore him.

On the contrary, this is a lifeline.

After thinking about it, He Ziming felt better.

"come in!"

He called his son in.

He got up and came to the tea table, and then let him be opposite to him.

After sitting down, He Ziming suddenly realized.

His eldest son, who had been abandoned by him, seemed to satisfy him somewhat unexpectedly.

nine years.

The eldest son has changed from being high-spirited before to returning to basics now.

Not only that, he also discovered that in the past ten years.

He already looked very old.

But the eldest son, logically speaking, is thirty-five or sixteen.

But it looks like a young and honest boy in his early twenties.

This situation made He Ziming vaguely aware that something was wrong.


The eldest son obviously hasn't come to him for a long time.

Ever since He Ziming started training his other sons.

Except that he would occasionally call the eldest son over to reprimand him and test the school.

He can be sure that He Xinzheng never took the initiative to look for him.

But today, tonight!

Now for this special moment!

He Xinzheng is here.

There was still a gentle and refined smile on his face, which made He Ziming feel no joy in his heart after seeing it.

On the contrary, his body trembled, and his heart felt a little cold.

Because, he couldn't see through the eldest son.

"Father, why are you so vigilant!"

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