"Forget it!"

"Left and right are just a day's delay!"

"Arrange it, I will come in person tomorrow morning!"

"The ten-year period has come, and it's time to start our plan."

"Let me see your achievements in the past ten years tomorrow, don't let me down!"

Yang Xuan's tone was very flat, but after hearing this, Eunuch Huang seemed very nervous.

"Your Highness, don't worry, this old servant will not let you down!"

After speaking, he slowly backed away.

Only those maids, eunuchs, guards who dared not move, and Yang Xue, who was full of shock, were left behind.

"Brother Stone, you..."

"No, Your Highness Tianxuan, do you always talk?"

Yang Xue looked at Yang Xuan in disbelief.

"I'm practicing a secret method. I usually close my mind and wake up only when I'm called by a special person."

Yang Xuan explained briefly.

Then, he glanced around.

After glancing at the maids, eunuchs, and guards, he released his aura again.

"Do your own thing honestly, don't pay attention to the struggle in the palace!"

"Since Yang Ling can't even keep his own country, there is no need for him to stay in that position."

"You just need to do your own thing, and the great luck will not be destroyed."

After finishing speaking, Yang Xuan immediately restrained himself.

Then walked back into the room.

Yang Xue didn't know what to do, so she followed Yang Xuan into the room in small steps.

"In this world, if you want to live the life you want, you must have the corresponding strength."

"If you put your heart into learning martial arts, so what if the palace is captured!"

"You can punch and kick, just hit it out, and live the life you want."

Yang Xuan said something to Yang Xue.

"Ah! But royal women are not allowed to learn martial arts!"

"This is the rule!"

When Yang Xue said this, she looked a little disappointed.

"Rule? This rule is just a joke!"

"The rules are made by the strong, just to prevent someone from surpassing them."

"And they are the ones who often break the rules."

"In the future, in the Universiade Empire, anyone can practice martial arts!"

"No! Everyone must practice martial arts!"

"This is the new rule, as I said, it must be implemented!"

A few simple words from Yang Xuan made Yang Xue wonder what to do.

At this moment, her worldview was shattered.

She is also yearning for martial arts.

As long as you become a powerful warrior, you can control your own destiny.

However, from birth till now, she has only been envious.

Practicing martial arts has become an unattainable dream for her.

But who knows, now this dream will come true.

"I still have things to do, you go down first!"

"Tomorrow you can go to Eunuch Huang and ask her to arrange someone to teach you martial arts."

"If you don't understand anything, you can ask her!"

"Remember, you are truly powerful only if you are strong."

After Yang Xuan said a few words to Yang Xue, he let her go out.

"Yes! Thank you, Brother Stone!"

After Yang Xue finished listening, tears appeared in the corners of her moved eyes.

Although, she still doesn't understand.

Why does such a powerful Eunuch Huang obey his younger brother who is only ten years old.

But anyway, her fate changed.

She doesn't have to worry about being sent to other countries and becoming a doll for other royal families.

Don't worry, your country will be captured one day.

Don't worry, you can only live a life arranged by others.

Because she can practice martial arts, she can gain strength by herself.

Better yet, take control of your life.

After thinking of this, Yang Xue couldn't help calling out the previous address for Yang Xuan.

Brother Stone!

Regarding this, Yang Xuan just smiled lightly and did not refute.

This means that he accepted the title.

In such a situation, Yang Xue's little face couldn't help turning red.

The little girl bounced away like a rabbit.


Today will be a day she will never forget in her life.


inside the room.

Yang Xuan waited until Yang Xue left, and then secretly awakened his innate magical powers.

"One-click tracking: Reincarnator Liu Hongyu."

"Whether to consume three days of life to track."


Without hesitation, Yang Xuan chose yes.

It's only three days, he doesn't care at all.

"Successful tracking."

Immediately afterwards, Liu Hongyu's location appeared in Yang Xuan's mind.

She actually reincarnated in the Dagan Empire, which is also the capital of the Dagan Empire.

It was a place of right and wrong there, but since she was still alive, it proved that she hid it well.

After Yang Xuan thought for a while, he started to track down the next target.

"One-click tracking: Reincarnator Zhang Taichu!"

Yang Xuan entered a new name again.

This person is no ordinary person.

He is the Holy Lord in the beginning.

The real name of the Holy Lord in the beginning was Zhang Taichu, but after he became the Holy Lord, he was no longer called by his real name.

However, these Yang Xuan's teachers knew about it.

Even Fairy Feng Yu once told Yang Xuan about it.

She said that she was worried that the Holy Lord of Absolute Beginning would have some means to possess the students of the Land of Absolute Beginning.

Then retaliate against Yang Xuan.

After all, no one who has offended the Holy Lord of Absolute Beginning so far has ever heard of anyone alive.

Apart from Yang Xuan, there is no one special.

I'm afraid Fairy Fengyu didn't even think about it, but his guess was half right.

Although it is not possessed by students, it has really come to this world.

"Is three years of life consumed for tracking?"


Yang Xuan continued to choose yes.

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Taichu's location appeared in his mind.

It is also the Dagan Empire, and it is still in the palace of the Dagan Empire.

····Ask for flowers··········

But after receiving the news, Yang Xuan remained silent.

After a while, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Sure enough, it still came over!"

"Zhang Taichu, I was still thinking about how to treat you."

"But since you can't wait to chase after him, even if you can't be killed in this world, you will have to pay a certain price."

Yang Xuan was not afraid of Zhang Taichu's arrival.

Because the other party is definitely not coming in real body.

It is even more impossible for the Holy Spirit to descend.

So it must be just ordinary reincarnation.

Even at his level, even ordinary reincarnated souls have extremely strong power and some special abilities.

But there is one key thing that the Holy Lord in the beginning cannot avoid.

That is, even if there are exercises and resources.

He also wants to start from scratch.

And Yang Xuan, no need.

"Although the awakening time is a little earlier, the seed of reincarnation has not been completely refined yet."

"But the naturalization body has grown."

"So, you can get back the previous strength first."

Yang Xuan used the power of his mind to perceive his own situation.

He began to call his second talent.

"One-click full level: Bajiquan!"

"One key full level: Tai Chi!"

"One-click full level: body training!"

"One-click full level: Tathagata palm!"

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