Usually, what to say, what to do, as long as you are with this younger brother.

Don't be too restrictive.

Also, he is a very good listener.

No matter what he said, he would not interrupt himself.

Nor will I refute myself.

Just listen quietly.

Of course, I will not express any opinions.

Including today too.

After hearing what the maids said, Yang Xue felt very insecure.

So much so that I couldn't sleep at night.

She told her maids to bring her to Yang Xuan's residence.

After pulling Yang Xuan out and watching the moon with her, her heart gradually calmed down.

It seems that as long as she is by Yang Xuan's side, she can find a sense of security.

Yang Xue had already discovered this special situation.

But she didn't think too much about it, she only thought it was Brother Shitou's special talent.

"Brother Stone, do you know that I have read a lot of literature!"

"If our palace is broken by the enemy, our fate will not be very good."

"Especially the women of the royal family, they will basically become very miserable."

"I don't want to be such a miserable existence."

"I don't know what the father intends to do. I have heard rumors that the father intends to surrender."

"However, once the father surrenders, his life can be saved, but we will all be taken away by the enemy country."

"The fate that awaits us is probably very tragic."

"With a high probability, I will become someone else's plaything!"

Yang Xue's mood calmed down, but the worries in her heart still existed.

In this way, she talked to Yang Xuan who never spoke for half an hour.

It wasn't until a figure appeared that she hurriedly got up from the stone pier.

Then restrained his casual emotions, and looked at the visitor with a dignified and solemn expression.

"Eunuch Huang, what's the matter with you looking for me so late?"

The person who came was Huang Xuanming, and Yang Xue still knew this person.

After all, this is the number one chief executive, and most importantly, everyone says his martial arts is the best in the world.

However, being number one in the world does not mean being invincible.

It is said that if there are a few fighters from the Nine Heavens besieging him, even the number one master in the world will have to suffer on the spot.

"Princess Little Snow, you are here too!"

"However, the old slave didn't come to look for you."

Although Huang Xuanming said so, he seemed surprised that Yang Xue was here.

But in fact, he sensed Yang Xue's existence from a long distance away.

After getting Yang Xuan's boxing technique.

It took Huang Xuanming five years to reach the state of seeing the gods and manifesting the holiness of the soul.

Ever since he gained the power of mind, he has clearly discovered that his spirit has reached a certain kind of evolution.

Even if they are far away, he can perceive a certain situation.

"Ah? Didn't Eunuch Huang come to look for me?"

Yang Xue was very surprised.

You must know that Eunuch Huang's position in the Universiade Empire is very detached.

Even her royal father never treated this Eunuch Huang as a slave.

But for such an existence, if he came here not to find her, then he must have come to find Yang Xuan.

"Oops, brother Shitou did something unintentionally to anger Eunuch Huang!"

Inexplicably, Yang Xue thought this was the most likely situation.

So she said hastily.

"Eunuch Huang, no matter what Brother Stone did wrong, I will apologize for him!"

"He's just a fool. Look at him, he's just stupid. He can have any bad intentions."

"No matter what you do, it must be unintentional, so don't take it to heart."

Yang Xue said very nervously.

When he said this, the anxious look on his face almost brought tears to his eyes.

Seeing Yang Xue caring so much about Yang Xuan, Huang Xuanming smiled.

He was just about to say something.

As a result, something was sensed suddenly.

Immediately afterwards, the whole face suddenly became extremely serious.

Then, he didn't care that there were many maids, eunuchs, and guards around him.

It was so straightforward, kneeling down in Yang Xue's direction.

Arrange to kneel.

He also knocked his head three times in a row, "Boom! Boom! Boom!"

He shouted in his mouth: "I have seen His Royal Highness Tianxuan!"

Tian Xuan, Yang Xuan's title in this life.

Not a name, just a title.

His name, under Huang Gonggong's suggestion, the empress dowager also named him Yang Xuan.

But six years ago, the Empress Dowager gave Yang Xuan another title, Tian Xuan.

Bestowed the title of king, King Tianxuan.

Taking the sky as the name, this is very honorable.

After the empress dowager bestowed upon Yang Xuan, many people in the Universiade Empire found the emperor Yang Ling and said they must stop the empress dowager.

Give such a noble title to a foolish prince.

It's like losing the face of the empire and so on.

But the storm lasted for less than half a day before dissipating.

By the next day, everyone seemed to have forgotten about it, and no one would bring it up again.

So Yang Xuan got the title of King Tianxuan.


Yang Xue was naturally very shocked to see Eunuch Huang kneeling and kowtowing.

She originally thought that Eunuch Huang had suddenly seen her father, that's why he made such a grand ceremony.

Although, it seems that Eunuch Huang doesn't salute the emperor every time he sees the emperor.

But what if today is a special case.

Who would have thought that the person Huang Gonggong kowtowed to would not be her father, but the stupid and extremely dull brother Shitou behind her.

This sudden change of style made her little head dizzy.

I don't know what kind of medicine is sold in Huang Gonggong's gourd.

Just when Yang Xue was in a daze.

A slightly immature, but surprisingly magnetic voice reached the ears of everyone present.

"It's only seven days before the time comes, why wake me up early!"

The voice came from behind Yang Xue.

Accompanied by the sound, there was soon a terrifying coercion, carrying the force of heaven and earth, making Yang Xue tremble in fright.

Yang Xue is even considered good.

Because the person who spoke deliberately suppressed the leakage of his own breath, and deliberately protected Yang Xue.

But those court ladies, eunuchs, and guards around.

But they all lay on the ground one by one, trembling.

One must know that among those guards, some are experts at the sixth level of martial arts.

But even such a master could not even stand up under Yang Xuan's terrifying aura.

It can be seen that ten years of precipitation.

Let his spiritual power increase several times.

"Huh? Brother Shishi spoke?"

At this time, Yang Xue had completely recovered.

Because Yang Xuan has gradually controlled his aura as the time of waking up has become longer.

"Your Highness, the incident happened suddenly, and this old servant has nothing to do!"

"The Dagan Empire, one of the three great empires in the lower realm, is attacking our Universiade Empire!"

"Yang Ling has decided to surrender!"

"No accident, tomorrow morning, he will sacrifice all the royal family in exchange for himself to go to a small border town and live a life of captivity."

"For his own survival, he felt that he would sacrifice the entire Universiade Empire!"

Eunuch Huang told the matter quickly.

in words.

He actually didn't have the slightest respect for the current emperor, Yang Ling.

What makes people's scalp tingle the most is that Eunuch Huang is so respectful to Yang Xuan.

That's just a foolish prince.


Not anymore, because the prince has also spoken.

Why did he suddenly become someone whom Eunuch Huang respects so much?

"I see!"

"I almost lost my grounds."

"This Yang Ling is really a waste!"

"I knew that he would not be allowed to take charge of the Universiade Empire."

After Yang Xuan listened, he felt depressed for a while.

The ten years of practicing kung fu that belonged to me originally belonged to my own foundation, but Yang Ling almost gave it away.

How could this not be depressing.

"Your Highness, please come out and preside over the overall situation."

After Eunuch Huang finished speaking, he continued to kowtow, waiting for Yang Xuan's decision.

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