The emperor of the Dagan Empire had a very high vision, he was not suspicious of employing people, and he was willing to delegate power.

At the same time, he took out many royal secret methods to enhance everyone's overall strength.

The most important thing is that in the short eight years of the Dagan Empire, more than a dozen masters of the ninth level of martial arts have emerged one after another.

Rumor has it that a master-level alchemist was born in the Dagan Empire.

With this master refining medicine and alchemy, the warriors' breakthroughs are much smoother and more convenient.

So now the Daqian Empire is the only one.

The other two empires were all overshadowed.

Many of the heaven's favored ones who appeared suddenly also chose to join the Daqian Empire.

It's just that the martial arts of the Dagan Empire is extremely strong, and there are often challenges in the street.

Therefore, many arrogance will fall in the duel.

However, when the number of Tianjiao who died increased, some people discovered a clue.

After all, it wasn't just Tianjiao who died.

They also have another identity, the reincarnation.


Universiade Empire.

In the palace.

Emperor Yang Ling was looking at a letter of credence from the Daqian Empire.

The content of the credential is very simple.

That is, if the Universiade Empire surrenders now, Yang Ling will have a remote place to live on.

The Daqian Empire will not kill him completely.

If you don't surrender, you will soon come to the city and break the gate of the country.

In simple terms.

It is that people make the Universiade Empire bow its head and become a vassal, otherwise it will directly attack.

With the ability of the Universiade Empire, it is natural to be able to keep some time.

It's just that Yang Ling has been calculating his winning rate for the past few days.

He even chose to hire a few special people.

Those few special people have extraordinary knowledge and put forward some useful opinions.

It's just that although they have written clearly about their origins.

But when Yang Ling was most depressed, they were all children.

Especially now, there are already two children about ten years old, a boy and a girl, who are by Yang Ling's side.

These two are his military advisors.

Even in the main hall of the palace, their two children are qualified to stand beside Yang Ling.

"Hmph! The Daqian Empire is deceiving people too much."

"Emperor Qian actually asked me to surrender, or immediately launch a large-scale invasion."

"Does he think he is invincible? He is not afraid of me joining forces with the Great Zhou Empire."

Yang Ling couldn't help talking.

After speaking, he threw his credentials on the ground.

On the side, a boy, one of the two children, picked up the credential of the empire.

"Agreed, we have nothing else to do now."

"After years of confrontation, our food and supplies are almost exhausted"

"If you admit defeat now, you can at least get a piece of land so that you can make a comeback.

"If you don't admit defeat, we will all die!"

The boy is naturally one of the reincarnations.

His name is Zhuge Xin, and he is very scheming, originally a very strong person.

However, the Dagan Empire used its strength to break through all methods.

Many high-ranking warriors have been created.

Moreover, the Great Zhou Empire was almost conquered by the Dagan Empire.

Zhuge Xin speculated that the probability of the Great Zhou Empire surrendering was 80%.

If the Universiade Empire did not surrender, the end would be extremely miserable.

"Your Majesty, surrender!"

The little girl who was in charge of accompanying Yang Ling couldn't help but sigh.

The current situation of the three empires.

She analyzed it carefully, and the final result was surrender.

The Universiade Empire has no chance of winning.

Even if it is a desperate resistance, it will only delay for some time.

It's better to surrender this time, at least one acre can be guarded.

"You cannot surrender, Your Majesty!"

"Your Majesty, we can join forces with the Great Zhou Empire first, and we can hold on for a while before we talk."

"Your Majesty, you cannot surrender."

The suggestions given by the reincarnators are all for the benefit of the future.

For them, backbone or something is worthless.

However, the veterans of the Universiade Empire would rather lose the country than defeat the emperor directly.

This is a fundamental difference.

"That's it for today, let's talk about it tomorrow!"

Yang Ling planned to think about it for a day before speaking.

In fact, he didn't want to surrender either.

But he couldn't find the slightest chance of winning.

Today's Dagan Empire is too strong.

Therefore, the balance in my heart has long been tilted.

In desperation, he planned to take a break first and make a decision tomorrow.

But having said that, in fact, everyone knows that the emperor has made a decision.

Presumably, many people will persuade them to surrender tomorrow.

In the end, His Royal Highness had no choice but to surrender for the sake of the country's prosperity and the people's safety.

But what Yang Ling didn't know was.

In addition to the civil and military ministers of the Universiade Empire, there is another powerful force watching everything in the Universiade Empire.


In the depths of the palace.

"So, it seems that Yang Ling has made a choice!"

"At first, I didn't want to wake up His Majesty so early, but it's obviously less than ten days away."

"Hey! But since the matter has developed to this point, we can only ask Your Majesty to go out first and preside over the overall situation."

Huang Xuanming said helplessly.

The ten-year period is approaching.

But now something happened, he could only disturb Yang Xuan.

"Go down!"

Huang Xuanming waved to his subordinates to let them leave.


As soon as this subordinate left, he hurriedly closed the door.

Then, he wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

"In ten years, Eunuch Huang not only didn't look old, but got younger and younger."

"Besides, it's good fortune. Just the breath that was accidentally leaked just now made me almost think that I was in an arctic glacier."

"Is this the realm of spiritual manifestation?"

"Interfering with external objects with the mind, a brand new method of martial arts practice."

"Physically and spiritually improved together, the current Eunuch Huang may be able to slap those masters of the ninth level of martial arts to death with just one slap."

"It's so clean, when can I achieve it!"

As the subordinates walked, they fantasized that one day, they could also achieve spiritual manifestation.

Possesses the terrifying ability to interfere with external objects with the mind.

Chapter 94 Full Level with One Click: Heretic Golden Elixir (for Subscription)

Universiade Empire, in the deepest garden courtyard of the imperial palace.

A fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl in luxurious clothes was sitting on a stone pier.

With a man who looks a little younger than her, admiring the full moon in the sky.

"Brother Shitou, I have heard those palace maids say at least a dozen times today that our ~ Universiade Empire is coming to an end."

"The Dagan Empire next door has strong soldiers and horses, and it is said that there have been a large number of martial arts-grandmasters!"

"It is rumored that once they don't talk about martial arts, they will directly let a large number of martial arts masters come over and use the beheading tactics."

"We're all going to die!"

The little girl was obviously only fifteen or sixteen years old, but she had a sad expression on her face, which didn't look like the expression that should appear on a little girl at all.

She hoped that the other party would give an answer.

But unfortunately, the little girl found out that her half-brother still ignored her.

She met this brother Shishi five years ago.

At that time.

Her imperial grandmother deliberately called her to her side and told her.

Said to let her get close to this brother Shitou, not asking how good he is to Shitou brother.

Just treat him as a silly brother and don't bully him.

Saying this would be of great benefit to her in the future.

This little girl is called Yang Xue.

A very common name, one of Yang Ling's many daughters.

But her mother was indeed from the empress dowager family.

Although she is not favored anymore, but with the presence of the empress dowager, at least this daughter is quite comfortable in the palace.

At first, Yang Xue didn't take Yang Xuan seriously.

As time passed, she realized that it would be nice to have such a silly brother.

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