
two years later.

hidden mountain village.

Among the Taoist temples in the deep mountains.

The Taoist priest, who looked extraordinary at first glance, was listening to the appeals of several villagers.

"Master Dao, please help me look at the little brat at home, I want to know if he is my seed."

"That child is gifted and intelligent, and he can learn everything at once."

"Obviously only two years old, you can read, write and so on."

"I always thought that it was my daughter-in-law who was sorry for me and stole a scholar secretly."

"But my daughter-in-law actually wants to show her ambition with death. I really don't know what to do. I ask the Taoist priest to help you think of a way."

One of the villagers, with the help of several other villagers.

Explain the cause and effect clearly.

At the same time, these villagers also took out chicken, duck, fish, and some herbs, and handed them to the immortal Taoist priest.

For this Taoist priest, the villagers all know that he is a man of righteousness.

Because of their grandfather's generation, Taoist priests came here to practice.

Decades passed, and older generations died.

A new generation grows up.

But this Taoist priest has always maintained his appearance in his thirties.

Years have never left any traces on him.

"I know about your situation."

"This seat has already arrived, and your village will surely be in disaster."

"That child is one of your catastrophes."

"Your wife is not sorry for you. The reason why your child is so smart is because he is possessed by a demon."

"If he is allowed to grow up, the consequences will be disastrous."

"For the sake of safety, bring him here and let me deal with it as an old man."

"As for you, you are having a new child with Mrs. Zun."

After the Taoist finished speaking, he took out a bottle of potion from his arms.

"It's a potion that will just put him to sleep."

"go Go!"

After finishing speaking, the Taoist priest issued an order to expel the guests.

Regardless of whether the villagers were willing or not, he closed the door and continued to meditate.

However, although the villagers were sad, they felt unbelievable.

But in the end, they all looked at each other and hurried to find the villager's child.

There's no way, who made my child too evil.


the second day.

In the morning, in the Taoist temple.

"What's wrong with me?"

A child who was only two years old woke up slowly.

"Which force are you a candidate for?"

As soon as the child woke up, someone suddenly asked.

"Ah? Who are you?"

"Didn't we just descend? Why are there such big people?"

A two-year-old child, after hearing the man's question.

His complexion changed instantly.

It stands to reason that the joint assessment of many forces should be extremely fair and just.

How could anyone, the card came in before them.

Isn't this killing them?

"I'm too remorseful, I have to die and return immediately, and report this matter when I go back."

"I can ask the teachers to check my true spirit memory. I believe that even if I return, I will not be expelled from school, because it is not my fault!"

The two-year-old made his decision quickly.

He glanced at the items beside him, picked up a stick, and planned to intubate his throat.

But the next second.

The Taoist laughed out loud.

"Haha, it seems that I guessed right, your assessment has begun."

"In that case, you can stay."

"Soul-suppressing talisman!"

The Taoist took out a talisman and directly restrained the child.

Then start asking some questions.

After asking all the things he wanted to know, he shot out a flash of spiritual light and killed the boy.

Moreover, it wasn't just the boy's reincarnation that was obliterated.

Even the true spirit was obliterated.

The reason why that aura can kill true spirits.

Because it is not an ordinary aura.

But the light of the beginning.

This middle-aged Taoist priest is the Lord of Absolute Beginning.

"After seventy years of waiting, I have finally waited until you are approaching."

"Relying on my previous accumulation and decades of penance, I have now condensed the golden core."

"In this world of ladder cultivation, and in the entire lower world, I am already invincible."

"The next step is to look for Yang Xuan."

"However, there are many beings in the lower realms. It's time to go to the Great Empire and let them help me find them together."

"Yang Xuan has the spirit of the world, which is a top guardian spirit that can be reincarnated with him."

"So his characteristics should be very obvious."

"All I need to do is wait."

"The angels in the upper realm will check the situation here from time to time. I can't take action directly. I have to be careful to hide my identity."

"Otherwise, this reincarnation will be wasted again!"

After the Holy Master in the beginning thought of this, he left the Taoist temple that he had not left for decades.

After the empire, he left behind.

Going back this time, he will directly become the master behind the scenes of the Dagan Empire.

Every reincarnation wants to achieve something in a reincarnation world.

Then a power that belongs to oneself is very important.

The Holy Lord in the beginning could even imagine it.

Students from the three academies of Daogong, Tianting, and Lingshan.

At least one-third of the people, all (ccff) would want to control the Dagan Empire.

After all, the Holy Master in the beginning did not know how many times he used this method.

But the Holy Lord in the beginning doesn't matter.

He is an existence at the level of the Holy Master, descending with a powerful advantage in the eighth rank.

Itself, still carries the light of the beginning.

Although it was just a wisp, it was enough to kill all student-level true spirits.

What's more, he has a way to gather the primordial spirit in the lower world.

"Hmph! Reincarnation is risky, so be careful when reincarnating!"

"The path of the reincarnated is full of various threats."

"Thirty years ago in the main world, the assessment made all the students buried in a world of Western practice system."

"So this time I don't need to hold back at all."

"It is very normal for the true spirit of the reincarnated person to fall into the world of cultivating immortals."

The Lord of Absolute Beginning was thinking as he walked.

Although there are still many students from the Dao Palace among the candidates this time.

However, he didn't intend to let it go.

As long as they are hit by themselves, one counts as one, and they will all be killed.

The light of the beginning can become powerful by absorbing the true spirit.

It's just that the Holy Master did not tell outsiders about this news.

Otherwise, although because of the strength of the eighth rank, no one would easily come to surround and kill him.

But over time, it will always arouse the scruples of many people.

That's why he was very careful not to reveal his appearance.


Time flies, time flies.

In the blink of an eye, eight years have passed.

In eight years.

Terrifying changes have taken place in the world of Heaven Ladder Cultivation Immortals.

First of all, there are endless levels of geniuses in this world.

Secondly, many martial arts magic methods have been researched.

In the end, the century-old peace of the three empires was broken.

The entire lower world of the ladder has been plunged into endless chaos of war.

Those hidden ancient sects and thousand-year-old families have also come to an end.

They all seem to have a realization.

That's when the Great War began.

If you don't stand in line and choose to be neutral, you will be eliminated in the first batch.

If you want to continue to survive, you must choose one of the three empires to bet on.


The most favored empire by sects and aristocratic families is the Dagan Empire.

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