Then even if Yang Xuan is not recognized.

There will definitely be that look in the eyes that I seem to know this person.


After Liu Qing saw Yang Xuan.

In the eyes.

Some just want to occupy the original emotion of the other party.

I didn't recognize him at all, he was Yang Xuan.

"Sure enough. Women will only affect the speed of my punching.!"

Yang Xian secretly sighed in his heart.

Not that all women are bad.

But Liu Qing.

Is a hopeless woman.

Regarding her punishment, Yang Xuan already had an idea.

"Hello, my name is Liu Qing."

Just when Yang Xuan was thinking about this.

Liu Qing suddenly stretched out her hand and introduced herself to Yang Xuan.

I want to come.

This aborigine is really handsome.

Anyway, this body has been ruined several times by Wang Changhe.

How about having a romantic life with this man in front of you who looks like an exile.

if possible.

She wished she could drag Yang Xuan to a secret room right now.

Just when Liu Qing was fantasizing about all this.

There was a cold voice.

Bring her back to reality.

"Recognize your identity."

"You are not qualified to know my officer's name, let alone know my officer's dignity."

There is no need for Yang Xuan to speak.

Zhang Hui took the lead in scolding Liu Qing.

Chapter 11 Is this an ordinary urban world? (Ask for flowers and comments! 3 more!)

PS: To be honest, although the data in this book is not as good as others, the little author is already super contented, thank you for your support.

Today I decided to guarantee 7 updates! That's right, 7 updates are guaranteed today!

Please come more violently with your flowers and comments.


Just now.

The elevator opened for a moment.

When Liu Qing appeared within the line of sight of Yang Xuan and Zhang Hui.

Yang Xuan revealed a look of disgust.

Moreover, it was undisguised disgust.

Zhang Hui captured this at that time.

But unfortunately, Liu Qing couldn't feel it at all.

Because of Yang Xuan's slight eyes, it is not the insight of a person whose realm has reached dark energy.

Can't see it at all.

"What are you, how dare you!"


Liu Qing naturally didn't know Zhang Hui.

Even Wang Changhe's side.

There is information about Zhang Hui.

But Liu Qing naturally wouldn't go to see those.

not to mention.

Zhang Hui's identity is top secret.

What Wang Changhe knew was only partial.


Zhang Hui will not be used to her.

Liu Qing just spoke.

Zhang Hui slapped him down.

This time.

It knocked out half of her teeth.

Her delicate cheeks.

It also instantly became red and swollen.


"How dare you!"

Liu Qing was exclaiming.

I can't speak clearly.

Two other women.

All of them widened their eyes.

They couldn't believe what they saw.

This is a banquet organized by the royal family of Xuancheng.

Liu Qing.

But Wang Changhe's personal secretary.

at this point.

We all know.

But Zhang Hui.

To be so disrespectful.

Dare to make a move.

Is this when there is no one in the royal family?

"Ah! How dare you do it!"

"Who are you?"

"What is your purpose in coming here?"

"How did you get in here?"

"Security! Security!"

yelling people.

It was after Liu Qing came to this world.

A friend I know is also a woman from a business family.

But not Missy.

His name is Zhou Ruo.

Another woman.

That is, among the three women.

The most noble and elegant woman.

It is one of the protagonists today.

The eldest lady of the Sun family, Sun Feng.

This woman lives up to her name.

Obviously just an ordinary person.

But temperament, breath, appearance.

Looks like he's superior.

Like a dragon and a phoenix among people.

Liu Qing was beaten.

Sun Feng also saw it.


Not only did she have no intention of speaking out to help.

Instead, there was a smile on the corner of his mouth.

She was actually very happy because Liu Qing was beaten.

at this point.

Both Yang Xuan and Zhang Hui saw it.

"Let me come!"

Yang Xuan looked at the two women who were mad.

Take a step forward.

He first pulled Sun Feng, the eldest miss of the Sun family, behind him.

Immediately afterwards.

The powerful aura of the gods.

In an instant, the entire elevator was covered.


Whether it's Liu Qing or Zhou Ruo.

All in an instant.

felt in the mind.

There was a flash of thunder.


Immortal Buddhas are flying all over the sky.

Their spirits were soon devastated like candles in the wind.

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