
When the last moment is approaching.

Yang Xuan stopped.

He once again turned into the appearance of a living banished immortal.

There is only a transcendent aura around him.

There is no longer a terrifying coercion.

But both Liu Qing and Zhou Ruo knew about it.

The man in front of me is not human!

He is God!


This god!

Just a single thought can determine their life or death.

ordinary people.

In the face of the gods, there is no resistance at all.

Zhou Ruo even knelt down on the ground.

He also shouted in his mouth.

my lord!

I'm guilty!

She believes in Western religion.

In her eyes.

Yang Xuan is God!

The place Yang Xuan is in is heaven.


in her eyes.

Yang Xuan is the incarnation of God.

She even began to tell her crimes one by one.

Then begged Yang Xuan's forgiveness.

But Yang Xuan was unmoved.

And Liu Qing on the other side.

Although the spirit was extremely exhausted, he did not lose his true heart.

But it is because there is no loss.

Her heart was like a stormy sea, and the dark clouds were incomparably shocked.

"How is it possible! This is just an ordinary urban world!"

"In an ordinary urban world, who can tell how this powerful professional came about."

"The other party just gave me a look, which almost broke my nerves and turned me into an idiot!"

"Do all the teachers in the school eat 'Ollie'?"

"In ordinary cities, the water is so deep, won't you tell us in advance?"

"No! An urban teacher once said that there are martial arts masters in ordinary cities."

"But is this an ordinary martial arts master?"

"It's not an exaggeration to say that you are a Tier 2 professional."

In the main world, step into the extraordinary realm.

Those who have entered the gate of the extraordinary are called first-tier professionals.

For example: junior magicians, monks in the Qi refining period, martial arts practice to generate internal strength (acquired warriors), junior mecha masters, junior ghost masters, junior summoners, etc.

These juniors are all first-level reincarnated professionals.

second stage.

It represents a level closer.

For example, an intermediate magician, or a monk in the foundation period.

This kind exists.

Has stepped into the extraordinary.

It is a terrifying existence that cannot be compensated for by the large number of ordinary people.

But in Liu Qing's cognition.

The initial world of this ordinary city.

There is no transcendence at all, no masters who have reached the first level.

But right now, what the hell!

Liu Qing was already desperate.

Chapter 12 How Powerful This Is (Ask for flowers, comments! 4 more!)

PS: 4th update, this 7th update is guaranteed. Thank you for your support, the little author!


Even if some people are physically strong.

He has practiced boxing since he was a child.

But it's just a stronger human being.

The reincarnations of the main world.

Complete the initial world and get certain achievements.

As well as the recognition of the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower, there are true soul points.

Then after returning to the main world, just buy a job change.

Or buy exercises to practice on your own.

They can instantly crush all ordinary people in this world.

But the appearance of Yang Xuan.

It broke Liu Qing's cognition.

It also broke Liu Qing's three views.

The reincarnation world of an ordinary city.

You find me a professional who is at least the second tier.

Still playing with mud!

"Liu Qing, I haven't seen you for a few days, don't you know me?"

Yang Xuan gave Liu Qing a few seconds to recover.

Then he pointed out his identity.

"What? How is it possible!"

"No! It's impossible!"

Liu Qing is no longer a nympho.

Moreover, although she is a scumbag, she is not stupid.

As soon as Yang Xuan's words came out.

Plus, the more you look at it, the more familiar it looks.

Liu Qing didn't know Yang Xuan's identity.

She stared at Yang Xuan with wide eyes.


She has a delicate, beautiful face.

First, it became red and swollen because of Zhang Hui's slap.

Then he was forced by Yang Xuan's divine aura.

The spirit becomes sluggish.

at last.

After learning the truth of the matter.

Her expression finally became ferocious.

But amidst the hideousness, there is also endless fear.

Because she knows.

I'm done!

Not only is it over.

Wang Changhe is also finished.

The other two Wang Changhe's dog legs are all over.

She even recalled, when she was in school.

It seems that there is a teacher who said something in a class.

"Students, if you are in a low-level world."

"But found power beyond what this world should have."

"Then you must keep in mind that if you are just in an ordinary relationship."

"Just try to please them as much as possible!"

"In this way, you will achieve unprecedented achievements, and then get more truth points."

"If, that existence is your enemy."

"Suicide immediately!"

"Only by committing suicide immediately and returning the true spirit to the Reincarnation Tower is the most effective stop loss."

"Otherwise, in case the other party has something bad in mind."

"You may suffer great losses, even damage."

"After the true spirit is reincarnated, if it dies in the reincarnated world, there is no problem under normal circumstances."

"But if the spirit has been greatly tortured, it may also be greatly hurt."

"This is very likely to affect the situation after the return."

"In short, reincarnation is risky, so be cautious when making enemies!"

The teacher's words.

at this moment.

echoed by her.


Liu Qing really just took it as a windfall.

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