"The Wang family, today is removed.".

Chapter 10 The highest specification invitation! (Ask for flowers and comments! 2 more!)

Yang Xuan directly made a choice.

Announced the fall of the royal family.

"Yes, sir!"

Zhang Hui didn't even think about it, so he responded.

Then, report the matter casually.

The above approved it without even thinking about it.

Appointment and dismissal of the mayor of a top city.

It was settled so easily.

All those who have interests in the Wang family.

this time.

No one spoke well of the Wang family.

No one dared to inform the Wang family about this matter.

until an hour later.

Zhang Hui pulled Yang Xuan to the door of the restaurant.

on the way.

Zhang Hui also took Yang Xuan with him.

I went to change into a dress specially for the banquet.

Wear it with this dress.

Yang Xuan is handsome and handsome.

It's hard to look directly at.

It seemed to be only Yang Xuan.

It is a kind of blasphemy.

And during this period.

No one in the Wang family knew what had happened.

Xuancheng Restaurant.

"Hello, are you here to attend the prince's engagement ceremony?"

Zhang Hui just drove the car to the door.

A waiter came up to ask.

But Zhang Hui didn't answer.

He glanced at Yang Xuan.

Waiting for Yang Xuan to make a decision.

"That's right."

"I am a classmate of Prince Wang."

"Come here today to attend his engagement banquet."

Yang Xuan told the truth.

He is indeed Wang Changhe's classmate.

at this point.

He knew that even if Wang Changhe came over in person. Nor will it be denied.

"It turned out to be Prince Wang's classmate."

"Please show me the invitation."

The waiter had a smile on his face.

But he still didn't forget to check the most critical things.

The invitation Yang Xuan naturally disappeared.

However, he needn't worry at all.

Because Zhang Hui took out his mobile phone.


When the waiter saw the electronic invitation in Zhang Hui's mobile phone.

Immediately take a deep breath.

Because of this invitation.

It is an invitation of the highest standard.

"Guest, please go to the top floor."

"Prince Wang is already entertaining nobles above."

The waiter immediately handed the phone to Zhang Hui.

His face was full of respect.

As for Yang Xuan.

He dare not even look at it now.

Because he knew that Zhang Hui was just a driver.

So Yang Xuan's status must be very noble.

"By the way. I want to surprise my old classmate."

"So please don't tell him about calling me over."

"I'll be at the moment the engagement ceremony begins."

"Send him my best wishes personally."

Yang Xuan casually said something to the waiter.

His attitude is very casual.

But the waiter nodded immediately.

Although he didn't know the identity of Yang Xuan.

But Zhang Hui's invitation card of the highest standard.

represents everything.

"Don't worry, honored guest."

"I'll pretend I don't know anything."

"You will definitely bring surprises to Prince Wang."

The waiter backed away immediately after speaking.

Even if Zhang Hui wanted to give a tip, he didn't dare to ask for it.


Zhang Hui drove to the underground garage.

He doesn't like having others park for him.

Because there are many confidential items in his car.

and dangerous weapons.

After Zhang Hui parked the car.

Just lead the way.

Into the elevator.


The elevator goes up and goes straight to the top floor.

But when we reached the eighth floor in the middle, the elevator stopped for a moment.


The door opens.

Three beautiful women in evening dresses.

Walked into the elevator.


these three women.

They all took a breath.

Then they all stared at Yang Xuan with flushed faces.

Especially the women standing on both sides.

their eyes.

It seemed that he wanted to eat Yang Xuan.

The woman in the middle is a little better.

He was only after being amazed by Yang Xuan's appearance.

He lowered his head with a blushing face.

The other two women stared blankly at Yang Xuan for nearly a minute.

He walked into the elevator in a panic.

their move.

It made Zhang Hui secretly feel funny.

And as the one being stared at.

Yang Xuan just sneered in his heart.

Because among these three women.

There is someone he knows.

Liu Qing.

The ex-girlfriend of the former body.

A vicious woman who tricked her predecessor into signing a tracking seal.

this woman.

After seeing himself, he didn't recognize him.

This shows that he has never had feelings for his predecessor.

Although Yang Xuan has changed a lot now.

It can be compared with the previous state of the predecessor.

There will definitely be three similarities.

If it was a woman who gave her heart to Yang Xuan's predecessor.

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