Yang Xuan has quickly formulated a plan.

Ten-year plan!

During these ten years, his physical body needs to grow.

With the help of the growth period of the physical body, Yang Xuan wanted to completely refine the reincarnation.

Originally, it would not take that long under normal circumstances.

But the lower realm of the ladder is really too thin.

Even with the assistance of the spirit of the world, it continuously gathered spiritual energy for Yang Xuan.

It is deduced based on the powerful spiritual thoughts of the spirit of the world.

It will take ten years for Yang Xuan to completely refine the seed of reincarnation with the true spirit.

Ten years later, the alchemy will be formed in one fell swoop!

His alchemy is not the pure way of Dharma cultivation or immortal cultivation.

It is a brand new alchemy that belongs to Yang Xuan himself.

With the heart as the core, the seed of reincarnation as the material!

Plus a world of mutated Heavenly Dao to assist.

This Dan Ruocheng.

its rank.


It's at the Heavenly Dao level! .

Chapter 93 Ten Years! Great World Controversy (Please Subscribe!)

"This old slave will definitely go all out. If you can't complete the mission of your lord, please come and see me."

Huang Xuanming continued to kowtow to Yang Xuan.

As an old man, he is used to such great gifts.

Although it has been many years since I have kowtowed to a certain person incessantly.

But if the target is Yang Xuan, he doesn't mind at all.

"Don't raise your head to see me, your life is very important to me!"

"Just do your best."

"For ten years, don't bother me easily!"

"But if something unexpected happens, such as those evil immortals come and discover our plan."

"Just wake me up."

"In the past ten years, I may have acted a little dull, so I must protect my physical body."

Yang Xuan wants to refine the seeds of reincarnation with the power of the mind.

Naturally, the consciousness is closed and the mind is restrained.

At that time, he will look like a fool to outsiders.

Eating and drinking Lazard need someone to serve.

So protecting the physical body is very important.

However, with the protection of the spirit of the world, the danger is not particularly great.

At this time, the importance of the spirit of the world is reflected.

Because she can guard Yang Xuan uninterruptedly around the clock.

Being so guarded by a fifth-order existence.

The sense of security is simply overwhelming.

"Don't worry, my lord, the villain will serve you!"

Huang Xuanming quickly expressed his opinion.

"You don't need to guard me all the time, I have a powerful guardian by my side, all you need is to arrange my diet and daily life."

Yang Xuan still needed Huang Xuanming to do things for him.

For those who are closely guarded, it is enough to have the spirit of the world.

"Yes! The old slave understands!"

Huang Xuanming didn't refute, because he believed that since Yang Xuan said so, there must be a reason for Yang Xuan.

His self-proclaimed Yang Xuan has also become an old slave.


"The throne of the Universiade Empire, let the current person sit first."

"When he asks you to help, you can decide whether to intervene."

"In short, everything is up to you for the next ten years. After ten years, I will give an order that all civil and military officials of the Universiade Empire will bow their heads and bow their heads!"

After Yang Xuan finally finished speaking, he asked Xiao Ling to bring him back.


As soon as he left, Huang Xuanming's room returned to its previous state again.

Those candles that had just been extinguished were actually re-ignited.

If it wasn't for him, he still fell to his knees on the ground.

If it wasn't the method of national martial arts practice that came to mind.

He would even give birth to the fact that he just went mad and had hallucinations.

"Ten years!"

"The **** battle on the ladder has just ended. If your lord wakes up, a new **** battle on the ladder will start within half a year."

"I want to come to the Lord, because I plan to use half a year to integrate the lower realms."

"It's time to directly counterattack the upper world of the ladder!"

"As expected of an immortal from the real immortal world, this time I must seize the opportunity to make those evil and false immortals pay the price."

Huang Xuanming thought so.

Then he didn't care that it was late at night, he went directly to find someone, and took Yang Xuan out.

Moreover, Yang Xuan's situation has not been exposed yet.

It's just that, having received the favor of Yang Xuan's mother, he couldn't bear to watch the little prince suffer in the cold palace.

So he was taken to the harem, the best courtyard.

That is, in the other courtyard of the empress dowager.

At first, the empress dowager didn't understand Huang Xuanming's approach.

But she thought of the late emperor's words, if Huang Xuanming asked for it.

All are allowed as long as they are not excessive.

After all, he protects the royal family and is currently the strongest in the royal family.

After thinking of this, although the empress dowager didn't like it a bit, 943 finally agreed.

The emperor of the current Universiade Empire, after knowing this, was naturally furious.

Obviously he has already made a decree, saying that Yang Xuan will make atonement for his mother.

But in the end, in a blink of an eye, he was picked up by the empress dowager's people directly.

Not only that, the empress dowager also gave Yang Xuan a name, which was recorded in the royal family tree.

Such a situation was simply unacceptable to the emperor.

Today's royal family is also surnamed Yang.

The emperor's name is Yang Ling, and his ambition is high.

He had just ascended the throne as emperor half a year ago.

A few days ago, he swept away the powerful officials and took back the emperor's authority.


His dream is to sweep the Great Zhou Empire and the Great Qian Empire that are in parallel with the Universiade Empire.

Then he was looked at differently by the immortal master from the upper realm and led him to the upper realm of the ladder.

As for the way to take the ladder, he thought that even if the power of the whole country were given to him, he would not be able to do it.

Because he doesn't have that talent.

Throughout the ages, no one who has been able to walk to the last floor of the ladder and break open the gate of heaven has ever been an emperor.

The emperors of the three lower empires at random, each wants to kill the other two.

Then, let's see if we can unify the lower world by virtue of the great ability to unify all countries.

Taking this opportunity, he was recognized by a certain immortal in the upper realm and accepted him as an apprentice.

In the end, before the dream could be implemented, he was disgusted by the two people in the palace who he was most worried about.

But he had no choice but to admit it.

One Empress Dowager, one Huang Xuanming.

Both of these people supported him when he was competing for the throne.

Not to mention, the strength of two people is still needed.

Even if he doesn't need the strength of the two, he can't take action against them recently.


Titles such as crossing rivers and destroying bridges, eating ugly, and being a fool in troubled times are all placed on him.

"Huh! I'm not angry!"

"For a mere child, what's the point of getting the support of those two old guys."

"This world is mine after all."

"My enemies are only those two people."

Yang Ling held back the depression in his heart.

Then, keep busy.


at the same time.

Between heaven and earth, many children were born today.

Basically every child is born without crying or fussing.

Their big eyes looked at the world curiously.

Dao Palace, Heavenly Court, Lingshan, plus some small forces, all reincarnated into this world.

For this world.

The arrival of those reincarnated people will greatly lead to the analysis and invasion of the world by the Tower of Reincarnation.

This world is facing an invasion on a huge scale.

This is a disaster for the world.

But for the creatures in this world, it is not necessarily the case.

Because in this world, all beings suffer!

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