For the immortals in the upper realm, it should be a certain kind of spiritual material, food.

And during the **** battle on the ladder, I don't know how many warriors will die on the ladder.

Eighteen thousand steps to the sky.

Fighting all the way up, countless people died.

But those who died, their physical bodies will be absorbed by the ladder.

Only clothing and weapons will be automatically cleared by the ladder and thrown to the ground.

Ordinary people only think of immortals who like to be clean.

But Huang Xuanming felt that they were 'eaten' by the ladder.

"Is it a deformed world of cultivating immortals?"

"According to the character of the immortals in this world, I am afraid that there will be no newborns in the upper world."

"So, this time, the freshmen who enter Dao Palace, Tianting, Lingshan, etc. should all be reincarnated in the lower world."

"But if you want to get good results, you must hit the upper bound."

"Even if the upper layer of this world is a big pit, you have to go."

"Also, the immortal cultivators at the upper level will definitely be supplemented by personnel."

"The lower level should not be just a pasture. If there are people who are qualified to cultivate immortals in the lower level, I'm afraid they will also be brought to the upper level."

"No! Perhaps, if immortal cultivators are born in the lower layers, they will probably be regarded as high-level ingredients."

After thinking of this, Yang Xuan couldn't help but feel his scalp tingle.

This world is kind of scary.

It is even more mysterious than the spiritually revived world.

"Master Xianzun, according to the records I searched for!"

"The cultural inheritance of the lower world will be cut off frequently, and every time it is cut off, there must be a legendary treasure."

"So I think it should be an immortal from the upper realm. If he wants to refine some treasures, he directly uses the creatures from the lower realm as materials."

When Huang Xuanming said this, his eyes were full of sadness.

He knew that he would be beaten to death immediately after he said this.

But the situation is stronger than others, so what can he do?

"Oh? Absolute Heaven and Earth Connection, block the spiritual energy."

"Suck Qi and blood, stabilize and live forever!"

"I probably know the situation in this world."

The ethereal voice came to Huang Xuanming's ears from all directions again.


Huang Xuanming suddenly discovered unexpectedly that he was in this dark house.

Suddenly, a ray of light appeared.

The light is very weak, not particularly bright, but it is very integrated, and it also illuminates the surrounding space.

at the center of the light.

There is also a boy born like a fairy, with a perfect face and impeccable temperament, which support the extraordinaryness of this boy.

The boy just stood quietly above the void, looking down at him.

But for some reason, a thought came to Huang Xuanming's heart.

This person is a real fairy!

He is worthy of the word 'immortal'!

"Immortals have no virtue, and the law collapses!"

"Since our monks were born into this world, we must break the shackles and restore the universe!"

The young man held his head high and held his chest up, speaking righteously.

"I am reincarnated as a true immortal!"

"Respond to the call of the will of this world, and be born here!"

"This trip is to sort out the order of the world and restore the vitality of this world!"


"Huang Xuanming, let me ask you, are you willing to assist me to level the world and rule the world!"

"Then attack the ladder and break open the gate of heaven!"

"Knock down all those evil immortals and false immortals in the sky!"

Yang Xuan made up an identity for himself, and then extended an invitation to Huang Xuanming.

Since you want to face the upper bound of this world.

Then it is natural to unite all forces that can be united.

First of all, let's start with the Universiade Empire.


"Are you an immortal from another world?"

Huang Xuanming did not directly agree, but could not suffocate, looking at the young man who looked like a real fairy.

"The soul is holy, the fairyland in the palm!"

Hit with one palm.

With the help of the revised version of Tathagata Palm, Yang Xuan directly made the scene of Fortune Heavenly Palace appear in Huang Xuanming's mind.

To know.

Even when Yang Xuan was always brought into the holy realm of the Dao Palace by himself.

He was extremely shocked by the many scenes there.

For him, the holy land of the Dao Palace fits all his fantasies about the world of cultivating immortals.

Therefore, he knew that if he showed the holy realm of the Dao Palace, the old man would definitely join him.

Become his first subordinate in this world.

"Ah this!"

"This is what the fairy world should look like!"

"Everyone is like a dragon. Even if they fight each other and fight each other, they all rely on their abilities and their destiny."

"Ordinary people also have channels for promotion!"

"Although true immortals have great power, at least they will not treat mortals as livestock and divide and eat them!"

"This is the real fairy world!"

"Teacher! You went too early!"

"If you live a few more years, if you don't participate in that **** ladder battle, maybe you will be lucky enough to meet the real immortal."

Huang Xuanming burst into tears.

Once upon a time, he also had a dream.

Want to attack the ladder and break open the gate of heaven.

Kill all the evil immortals inside.


In the past few decades, there has been a more talented and powerful warrior than him.

He was also a member of the ninth level of martial arts, and that person defeated him with a single punch.

But after he reached the top of the ladder and entered the gate of heaven.

That is, no audio at all.

Apparently, it was all eaten.

From that moment on, he knew he was hopeless.

So when Yang Xuan appeared.

And when he uttered such a slogan, Huang Xuanming felt as if he had been reborn.

at this time.

Huang Xuanming has completely become Yang Xuan's supporter in the Immortal Kingdom in the Hand.

This is not because Yang Xuan used the will attack to directly transform the opponent into his disciple.

Instead, Huang Xuanming did it on his own, immersing himself in that beautiful holy land.

Therefore, he chose to serve Yang Xuan sincerely.

"Your Majesty, the villain Huang Xuanming is willing to do your best for you!"

"The villain can just follow the respect and leave. There is no shortage of villains in the Universiade Empire."

"Please also give the villain a place, the villain will go find your reincarnation!"

Huang Xuanming knelt on the ground, kowtowing non-stop.

This is the etiquette of the Universiade Empire.

Show endless respect.

He also noticed that Yang Xuan mentioned birth and this world.

(no good)

Therefore, it is natural to go to Yang Xuan.

"Get up!"

"I am in the palace!"

"The newborn baby in Lenggong is me!"

"Go and take care of my physical body, I want to practice directly from now on!"

"Although the aura here is extremely thin, I have a way to strengthen myself without much aura."

"Now, I will also teach you this method!"

After Yang Xuan finished speaking, he stared directly at Huang Xuanming.

The methods of national martial arts practice, such as breaking the void, seeing gods not bad, manifesting the holiness of the mind, and interfering with matter, all appeared in Huang Xuanming's mind one after another.

With the new practice method, Huang Xuanming found that he could make great strides.

But he hadn't had time to say thanks.

Yang Xuan continued.

"Huang Xuanming, with this seat's cultivation technique, you are responsible for selecting trustworthy people, and build power for me from now on."

"If you want to counterattack the upper realm, the first thing you need to do is to unify the lower realm."

"So, I'll give you ten years."

"In ten years, you will build the world's number one intelligence organization, the world's number one martial arts alliance, and the world's number one military division alliance!"

"And hide in the dark, don't be discovered by those evil immortals in the sky!"

"At the same time, look for some strange people, some people whose words and deeds do not agree with this world."

"When you find them, monitor them closely and don't startle them."

"Ten years later, I will show up at the front desk and be crowned the throne!"

"Can you do it!"

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