Huang Xuanming seemed to have thought of something.

Then, he actually started to kneel and kowtow three times to the void.

But his eyes betrayed his mind.

Although his tone was trembling, the words he spoke were extremely respectful.

But his suppressed anger, resentment, hatred and other emotions.

But it couldn't be hidden from the owner of that terrifying aura.

This Huang Xuanming doesn't respect immortals!

And in Huang Xuanming's heart.

But he remembered decades ago when he was a young eunuch.

There is an old man who is like a father and a mother, who swept away many warriors and climbed to the top of the ladder.

He was originally because, a person like himself, who is like a father and a mother, became a fairy and enjoyed eternal freedom.

But who knows that after he entered, there was no more than two breaths.

There was a shrill scream that reached his ears.

That is a very secret way of transmitting sound into the ear.

Until now, Huang Xuanming clearly remembered what the teacher he loved and respected the most in his life said to him at that time!

"Don't become a fairy! Don't become a fairy!"

"Never try to reach the top of the ladder, just live in the lower world!"

"Forget me, forget everything about today!"

"Walk back as if nothing had happened. Smile! Smile happily!"

"Must laugh! Don't be sad!"

"We must live!"

"Keep this secret, and tell your closest people if you can!"


don't want!


That voice ends here.

Huang Xuanming remembered these words for a lifetime.

But so far, he hasn't told anyone else.

Because he has no heir yet.

"The Most Holy Immortal?"


A kind of void, and an ethereal voice came out.

At the same time, endless black threads began to appear.

Huang Xuanming's room also began to become dark.

All the lights are starting to disappear.

But Huang Xuanming, the Ninth Heaven of Martial Arts, the great master of the world, still knelt on the ground, not daring to move.

Cold sweat had soaked his clothes.

He is afraid of death!

Very scared!

Because, I haven't found a successor, and haven't told anyone the news, so I died here.

In this case, that message is a crucial secret message.

It was completely buried.


boom! boom! boom!

That's when.

In Huang Xuanming's room, a gust of wind hit first.

Immediately afterwards, all doors and windows closed by themselves.

In the room, it has become a dark situation that is almost invisible.

However, no one around noticed Huang Xuanming's abnormality.

Obviously, there are guards standing around.

But they don't know what's going on here.

As for this, Huang Xuanming knew it.

If someone wants to kill him, then he must be finished.

"Master Xianzun, how dare the villain hate you, the villain is afraid!"

Huang Xuanming tried to explain.

What Yang Xuan said just now really scared him.

He obviously tried his best to control himself, but the other party still found out.

Sure enough, those evil immortals were very difficult to deal with.

"Don't worry, I'm not the most holy immortal 〃〃 you said!"

"On the contrary, I am very curious, what kind of existence is that fairy in your mouth?"

"where are they?"

"I clearly scanned the entire city, but I didn't notice the existence of immortals at all."

Yang Xuan asked the question in his heart.

Just after he heard Huang Xuanming's words, he knew that he had found the right person.

Sure enough, this is a world of cultivating immortals.

However, there seems to be some big secret.

This Martial Dao Ninth Layer is equivalent to the second-level peak of the main world, only one step away from the old man who condensed the golden core.

After sensing his breath, he actually had such a big hatred.

The story here must be very interesting.

"The Immortal Venerable is joking, all the Immortal Venerables live on the upper level of the ladder, and our lower world is just some corrupt mortals."

"No fairy will choose to live in the lower world."

At this time, Huang Xuanming also had a lot of doubts in his heart.

Because this Immortal Venerable doesn't look like an 'Immortal Venerable'.

But it's normal to think about it.

After these years, he kept searching for information and understanding the situation.

I probably have a little understanding of the immortals in the sky.

Although the immortals there are powerful, they all seem to be a little 'crazy'.

Moreover, the lower world is like a pasture to them.

All that is raised here is food.

"The world of ladder practice, so that's what it means!"

"The world is divided into upper and lower layers. The upper layer is the world of immortals, and the lower layer is the world of mortals."

After listening to Huang Xuanming's words, Yang Xuan understood the world somewhat.

"Why do you have so much hatred for the immortals above?"

"Don't try to deceive me, although my realm is not a real fairy."

"But you, a person who is at the peak of the second stage and has not even achieved a golden core, you will die if I think about it, and you will die quietly."

"And after you die, I can directly torture your soul!"

"You should have sensed this just now!"

Yang Xuan wanted to know more from Huang Xuanming.

When he asked this sentence, Huang Xuanming also had some guesses.

That is, this Immortal Venerable seems to be a newborn Immortal Venerable.

And for some reason, he didn't go to the upper world.

So I don't know much about the upper world.

Thinking of this, he had a huge plan in mind.

He wanted to use the ignorance of this immortal to fight against the upper immortal.

But as soon as the idea was born, it was dismissed.

Because the other party should not have lied, he can know whether what he said is true or false.

Then think of what I clearly saw, after the scene that looked like the gate of the abyss and purgatory.

Huang Xuanming sighed, and then told everything.

As he spoke slowly.

In Yang Xuan's mind, he also had a preliminary understanding of this world.

The world of ladder cultivating immortals.

I don't know how many years ago, someone became a celestial being and opened up the upper realm of the celestial beings.

Thus, the aura rises.

Ninety-nine percent of the aura is in the upper realm of the ladder.

The upper realm is the fairyland of this world.

The lower realm is the mortal realm.

The existence of the mortal world is to continuously deliver... food to the fairy world!

Those great immortals built a ladder to heaven.

Every ten years, a **** ladder battle will start.

The strongest can be recognized by the ladder and enter the upper realm of the ladder.

But Huang Xuanming's teacher, an old **** from decades ago, had a tragic thing happen after he entered.

Although, Huang Xuanming didn't hear what happened to the old eunuch.

But one could guess that the old **** was probably eaten.

The mortal world of this world also pays attention to the cultivation of the physical body.

Because there is still a bit of aura in the mortal world.

Therefore, all warriors who have reached the peak of the second level, that is, the ninth level of martial arts.

They all contain a certain amount of aura.

Although there are not many, it is still no problem to strengthen the physical body and let oneself have a touch of aura.

But it is impossible to be promoted to immortality.

So afternoon warrior.

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