An old nun kept encouraging a young woman.

"Young lady, come on! The child's head is coming out!"

"Ah! It's a prince!"

"Great, it's a prince!"

"Ah! Mistress! Mistress! Wake up!"

"The imperial doctor, save the empress!"

"Where's the imperial doctor? Come quickly!"

"Your Majesty treated you well back then!"

After the old mother picked up the child, she found sadly that her mother was gone.

at the same time.

The news of the birth of a prince also reached the ears of the person sitting on the supreme throne in the Universiade Empire.

930 "It's fine if you're dead!"

"For the sake of being a mere queen, the harem was made into a mess of smoke"

"Let her child be imprisoned in the cold palace instead of her."

"It is announced that the child is also dead."

"Don't let anyone enter him into the royal family's genealogy."

"As for the name, don't give it to him!"

"He doesn't deserve a name. He was born to continue to atone for his mother!"

The emperor of the Universiade Empire.

It directly determined the fate of the newly born prince.

Obviously he is a noble prince, but after his words, he fell directly from the clouds into the abyss.

However, if this is just an ordinary prince.

Maybe he will stay in the cold palace for the rest of his life.

Unfortunately, he is no ordinary person.


In the cold palace!

After Yang Xuan was born, he regained his will.

Because the world cannot buy identity.

So reincarnation is random.

Therefore, Yang Xuan can only appear in one place with his guardian spirit.

As for Liu Hongyu, it was only by his tracking that he could find it.

After birth, Yang Xuan began to perceive the surrounding situation.

Although he couldn't open his eyes, Yang Xuan still had other ways.

"Similar to an ancient courtyard."

"There's only one old woman near me!"

"And a dead woman!"

"It's death at birth again. Am I going to overcome my mother in the reincarnation world like this?"

"No! Her death has nothing to do with me. Her body is in a state of extreme weakness and severe malnutrition."

"It seems to be a woman with a story."

Through the realm of spiritual manifestation, coupled with one's own world spirit, one can clearly perceive the surrounding situation.

"Xiao Ling, feel the situation in this world."

Yang Xuan said to his guardian spirit in his heart.

He named his guardian spirit Xiaoling.

Soon, the spirit of the world also gave him feedback.

The place they are in now is actually a place where the aura is extremely weak.

Counting on this bit of aura, you will never even think about entering the Qi refining period in your life.

Also, there are very few people around.

But there are many people in places a little further away.

Xiao Ling has now recovered the ability of the fifth level.

She is like a demigod.

Therefore, a huge spiritual thought can instantly cover the entire palace.

And it can also pass this sense to Yang Xuan.

This is another big plug-in ability.

"It turns out that I was born in a mortal palace."

"Still a prince!"

"However, he is an abandoned prince."

"Gong Dou, why did you come to such a world?"

"Didn't it say that this is the world of cultivating immortals?"

"Why is there only warriors with tyrannical blood in this palace."

"It's still the kind of warrior who uses internal force to practice."

"It's like coming to a world of low martial arts."

"Where are the immortals? What about the immortal cultivators?"

Yang Xuan was full of puzzlement.

However, he remembered the naming of the world by the Tower of Reincarnation.

The world of ladder cultivation.

In other words, the key point is the ladder.

"Forget it, since I have already been born!"

"Then start practicing from now on."

"Go through the period of physical weakness first!"

"Although I am an abandoned prince, but with the protection of the spirit of the world, I can walk sideways in this palace!"

"Let's find someone at random and take me out of the cold palace to talk."

"I don't want to stay in this broken place!"

Although Yang Xuan was just born, he was not someone an emperor could bully.

So he directly asked Xiao Ling to lock the old man with the highest kung fu in the palace.

That's right!

In the whole palace.

The most powerful one was a disabled person who looked to be at least sixty years old.

When Xiao Ling gave this answer.

Yang Xuan couldn't help but think of what his teacher said before he reincarnated.

There is no woman in your heart, and you practice the natural god?

Could it be that what the teacher said is right?

Why was he taught a lesson when he was just born.

Chapter 92 Ten million! don't want! Immortal! (Please subscribe!)

Today, in the evening.

The Universiade Empire served the father-in-law of the two emperors, and Huang Xuanming was practicing in retreat.

As the strongest master in the Universiade Imperial Palace.

The ninth level of martial arts, the person who is at the apex of the ninth level.

The guardian of the royal family of the Universiade Empire.

In the Universiade Empire, its status is truly under one person and above ten thousand people.

Even the current emperor affectionately calls him Huang Lao.

Because for the royal family, if Huang Xuanming doesn't get the support, then he is not qualified to be the emperor.

It can indeed be small.

The position of the emperor of an empire depends on whether it can be recognized by an old eunuch.

"Huh? Who's here?"

Huang Xuanming, who was practicing, suddenly opened his eyes.

Because just now.

He felt a breath.

It was a terrible breath, a breath he had never felt before.

It's extremely dark, just feeling this breath is like falling into hell.

not only that.

The moment he felt this breath.

It was as if countless evil spirits emerged from the endless void, roaring in his ears.

It seems that he is going to be pulled into a ghost gate.

Behind the ghost gate, there are endless demons and ghosts.

They were all waiting and looking forward to Huang Xuanming's fall.



The sudden aura made Huang Xuanming's state of mind indifferent, and his skills were confused.

In the next second, a blood spurt out directly!

He glanced around in disbelief.

Echoing all the people and things he has heard and seen since he achieved the Ninth Heaven of Martial Dao.

But I couldn't find what kind of realm it was that could only rely on breath.

Just hurt him like this.

"No! I thought of it!"

"In this world, there is indeed a kind of existence that can hurt me like this with the breath."

"But those existences, shouldn't they live high in the sky!"

"Above the ladder, the most holy immortal!"

"Ten years of **** battle, once ascended to immortality!"

"Unexpectedly, it was the immortal who descended. Huang Xuanming, a mortal from the lower realm, welcomes the immortal!"

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