The world that the Holy Master spoke of in the beginning is the world where many academies are about to enter the assessment.

But the assessment time for the students was 5:00 in the morning, and the time she chose was 0:00.

In this way, he will enter the reincarnation world 5 hours earlier than the students.

These 5 hours.

Enough to make him count 10 years ahead of the students in the world of reincarnators.

"Yang Xuan, just wait, this time I must make you look good."

"I will torture your true spirit forever."

"To make it impossible for you to return at all."

"After I come out, I have to make that little girl Feng Yu pay enough."

In the beginning, the Holy Lord started his own reincarnation with endless malice.


4:30 am.

On the square of Creation Academy.

Thousands of freshmen at the entrance point have assembled.

Each of them, if placed in the Federation, is a genius among geniuses.

But when they came to Good Fortune Academy, they were just the most ordinary freshmen.

But now among the freshmen in the Creation Academy, there is only one person who can be called a genius.

Everyone else can only look up to that person.

And that person was standing beside Dean Feng Yu right now.

He is naturally Yang Xuan.

In the entire Good Fortune Academy, no matter if it is a freshman or an old student.

The only person who is qualified to stand beside Dean Fengyu is actually Yang Xuan.

Of course, if another person wants to, he can also stand by Dean Fengyu's side.

She is Shen Xiyun, the number one true disciple in the Creation Academy.

But for Shen Xiyun.

He just accidentally revealed Dean Feng's secret yesterday.

Yang Xuan even threatened to make trouble for her.

So she ran away directly, planning to return to the academy when the reincarnation to the great world of creation began.

"Is that person Yang Xuan?"

"It's the first time I've seen him, but I've heard his name not once or twice."

"Using the power of a second-level reincarnated professional to challenge the eighth-level Holy Lord of Absolute Beginning, it's unbelievable that such a person has survived until now!"

"It's unbelievable. The Creation Lord has already supported Yang Xuan, and now the dean has become his own."

"It can be said that not only in the Good Fortune Academy, but even in the entire Good Fortune Heavenly Palace and the entire Taoist Palace, that Yang Xuan can walk sideways."

"Hey! Why don't we have such a life!"

on the square.

Freshman students of the Faculty of Creation.

Ninety percent of the people were discussing about Yang Xuan.

Another 10% of them were discussing matters related to Dean Feng Yu and the Holy Master of Absolute Beginning.


"The freshman assessment begins now."

"Everyone entered the academy in an orderly manner, inside the Reincarnation Tower, ready to start reincarnation."

"The world of reincarnation is a very special world of immortal laws."

"This reincarnation assessment does not restrict you to purchase any props."

"But because our invasion of the laws of that world is not particularly perfect, there should not be many things that can be purchased."

"The information I can disclose to you is that this world is very dangerous."

"In this world, there is a mysterious power that can completely destroy the true spirit."

"Everything is good for itself."

"Life and death depend on fate."

After Dean Feng Yu finished speaking, he waved his hand, and then the door of the Reincarnation Tower of the Creation Academy opened.

The students went to the Reincarnation Tower one after another.

Find a reincarnation pod and start reincarnation.

Ordinary students are not eligible to get their own exclusive reincarnation pod at all.

Only people with special identities and special opportunities are eligible to obtain their own exclusive reincarnation pods.

Yang Xuan followed Fairy Fengyu directly, and continued to enter her turning room.

In the room, there is another pure and beautiful woman who has been waiting for Yang Xuan for a long time.

It's just that after the woman saw Yang Xuan, she didn't show joy on her face, instead she looked depressed.

"Yang Xuan, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

"Didn't you tell me to reincarnate at 4 o'clock? What time is it now?"

Liu Hongyu looked at Yang Xuan speechlessly.

Yang Xuan pretended to be surprised and said: "Is there? Did you remember wrongly? Didn't I tell you it was 5 o'clock? When did I say 4 o'clock?"

He's pretending to be crazy and stupid.

She wanted Liu Hongyu to beat Yang Xuan violently, but she really had nothing to do with Yang Xuan.

Just act as if nothing happened.

"Liu Hongyu, pay attention to your identity."

"You are just a maid. If you continue to talk to Yang Xuan like this, I don't mind teaching you a lesson for him."

Fairy Feng Yu didn't realize that Yang Xuan was joking with Liu Hongyu, so she thought this woman was bullying her.

Just looking for a fight!

"Teacher, we are joking, why do you take it seriously?"

"Ah this?"

Yang Xuan hurriedly explained.

In return, Fairy Fengyu was shocked and endlessly embarrassed.

"Hmph! Prepare to reincarnate!"

"I don't care about you two!"

"By the way! Liu Hongyu, you must keep an eye on him, don't let him bring a woman back casually."

"Without a woman in my heart, reincarnated as a natural god!"

"Only by practicing without distraction can one lead to the supreme path."

Fairy Feng Yu gave a final warning and left directly.

Her reincarnation tower is very safe, there is no need to worry at all, someone can come here to attack her, or poison her when Yang Xuan is reincarnated.

It's simply not possible.

And now Fairy Feng Yu's turning room has added two more reincarnation chambers.

A reincarnation warehouse was re-customized by Fairy Feng for herself.

Another one was customized for Liu Hongyu.

As for Yang Xuan, she used her previous reincarnation pod.

Fortunately, this room is big enough, not to mention three reincarnation pods, even if you put 30 reincarnation pods, it can actually fit.

Although Liu Hongyu was just a person from another world brought out by Yang Xuan.

But under Yang Xuan's strong request, she has now become a freshman of the Good Fortune Academy, and she will also participate in this assessment.

Because Liu Hongyu needs to obtain a 100% fit body that belongs to her in this reincarnation world.

Once you get a physical body, if you have the opportunity, you should practice well in this reincarnation world.

If there is no chance, if you encounter danger, you will directly return to the main world of the reincarnated person.

Yang Xuan specifically told Liu Hongyu that there are many crises in the reincarnation world.

She is a person who is not good at fighting and calculating.

The best thing is to use the regression symbol directly to return when she becomes an adult.

Practice and so on can also be done in the main world.

It proves that Yang Xuan's true spirit point is very high now, and he also has a universal method for all worlds.

Liu Hongyu can completely practice Chinese martial arts in the main world.

Although this kind of progress is a bit slow, she is not a general responsible for fighting the world for Yang Xuan after all.

She is just a maid, and what she needs to do is very simple, just serve Yang Xuan well.

Click! Click!

With the closure of the reincarnation chamber.

Yang Xuan immediately asked Taling to show him the corresponding items that can be purchased in this world, as well as his identity and authority.

Following his inquiry, Taring quickly gave an answer.

"Identity cannot be purchased!"

"Can't buy exercises!"

Items available for purchase:

1. Second reincarnation, 1 million points. After death, you can continue to reincarnate in this world, but you cannot awaken your true spirit within 10 years after reincarnation.

2. True spirit awakening time, 100,000 points. You can specify to awaken directly after reincarnation, or to awaken your true spirit memory within a few years.

Yang Xuan saw that there were only two purchase options.

I felt depressed for a while.

He vaguely remembered that the reincarnation status in the original world was very cheap.

Why does this world of cultivating immortals need 100,000 points just for the awakening time of the true spirit.

100,000 points is fine, the key is not including the identity of the reincarnation.

As for the second reincarnation, that is, to get a chance to be reborn within the time of cultivating immortality, it is even more outrageous. He actually needs 1 million true spirit points.

After Yang Xuan thought about it carefully, he made his own choice.

The purchase of True Spirit Awakening Time consumes 100,000 points and the purchase is successful.

Began reincarnation, the third reincarnation.

The world of reincarnation, the world of ladder cultivation.

Lock the awakening time of the true spirit, and awaken at birth.


Within the world of Heaven Ladder Cultivation Immortals.

The Universiade Empire, the royal family, and the cold palace.

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