The point is that even people from the West have already arrived.

So even if Fang Xin thought he had never heard of Yang Xuan, it was impossible.

Especially within a day.

Reports about Yang Xuan have spread throughout Shuncheng.

Or not just in Shuncheng.

All over the federation, there are reports about him.

"That's right, it's me!"

Yang Xuan nodded to the female doctor.

Then he turned and looked at the members of the Wang family.

He deliberately rushed over from Dao Palace Good Fortune Academy.

The purpose is to save this female doctor who destroyed Wang Shan's physical body.

Although he didn't pay attention to the situation in Shuncheng.

But now Yang Xuan is a man of the hour in Shuncheng.

Many families in Shuncheng wanted to curry favor with him.

So when Fang Xin's news came out, someone immediately told Yang Xuan about the Wang family's situation.

Then Yang Xuan came.

Just saved the female doctor who was attacked by Wang Hong.

"Yang Xuan! It's you!"

"Why you again?"

Wang Hong lay on the ground and kept roaring.

He tried to stand up, but found that he seemed to be unable to use all his muscles.

Then a desolate look appeared on his face.

Because he knew he was abolished.

He is the existence of the third rank.

As for Yang Xuan, who just reincarnated once, although he was lucky enough to become a second-tier professional.

But now, as soon as he made a move, he, the third-tier person, was directly abolished.

Such a gap.

It has made Wang Hong completely desperate.

He couldn't do anything more than growl impotently.

"That's right, it's me."

"The Wang family committed heinous crimes, and this doctor's actions are just to enforce justice."

"Justice may be late, but it will never be absent. This is what a great man said."

"And I, of course, will not let this heroine be hurt by you."

Yang Xuan said this very naturally.

He directly defined the Wang family as a heinous family.

In the past, no one would take his words seriously.

But now, in Shuncheng.

When Yang Xuan spoke out, the facts had already been established.

Federal law denies it, and it is useless.

tread! tread! tread!

That is, such a short time of effort.

The law enforcers in the Reincarnation Tower finally rushed over.

In fact, they had arrived earlier, but the higher-ups had sent a message to ask Yang Xuan to deal with these members of the Wang family first.

They can only appear after Yang Xuan loses interest.

"Wang Hong, Wang Lei, Wang Lei, your Wang family committed a heinous crime."

"Unscrupulously hurt the weak in Shuncheng."

"There are countless ordinary civilians who died at your hands."

"We now officially announce that all members of the Wang family will be taken away for interrogation."

22 As soon as the members of the law enforcement team arrived, they put on the confinement gloves specially designed to block the power of the reincarnated people on the members of the Wang family.

But they didn't take away everyone from the Wang family immediately.

The captain of the law enforcement team.

After all the members of the Wang family were arrested, they ran to Yang Xuan and questioned him.

"My lord, all members of the Wang family have committed the death penalty."

"Do you think it will be handled by you, or by the laws of the Federation?"

The captain of the law enforcement team put his attitude very low.

Because he knew very clearly how huge the status gap between himself and Yang Xuan was.

"Leave it to her!"

Yang Xuan tapped Fang Xin lightly.

to be honest.

After Wang Shan died, Yang Xuan no longer had any interest in the Wang family.

Because he knew the Wang family was over.

Even if he didn't take action, the end of the Wang family must be very miserable.

This is not.

The ancestor of the Wang family had just had an accident, and the avengers had already hit the door.

"sure no problem."

"Miss, you can dispose of the members of the Wang family as you like."

"From now on, our team will follow your orders."

"No matter what you do, we will fully cooperate with you."

The captain of the law enforcement team simply went to Fang Xin and reported it.

And An Xin looked at Yang Xuan with a bewildered expression.

She never thought that her ending would not be a tragedy.

But times come and go!

"Go ahead and do it boldly."

"After dealing with the matter of the Wang family, I will give you a place to enter the School of Chemistry and become an ordinary student."

"Take this as your reward for helping me punish the Wang family."

Yang Xuan nodded to Fang Xin.

He turned around, boarded a flying boat and left Shuncheng.

This flying boat is her teacher's exclusive car.

There are professional drivers inside.

This car has the ability to travel through space.

And Shuncheng didn't have any powerful formations that could block the space shuttle.

That's why Yang Xuan could arrive here in an instant.

If you go back.

Naturally, it can be done in an instant.

"Wait a minute, I don't need to be paid!"

After Fang Xin came back to his senses. Immediately call Yang Xuan to stop.

She wanted to express her gratitude, for saving her life.

And told Yang Xuan that she would be very satisfied, satisfied and grateful to be able to deal with this group of **** from the Wang family with her own hands.

I dare not ask extravagantly for a chance to go to Good Fortune Academy.


Yang Xuan didn't even give her a chance to speak, and left directly.

"Yang Xuan. Thank you very much."

"I will cherish the opportunity of the Creation Academy."

"Since you have avenged me, then my life is yours."

"Don't worry, I will let everyone in the Wang family pay their corresponding price."

"However, since the law enforcement team has also intervened, I will let them screen to see if there are any members of the Wang family who have never done evil."

"If there are such royal family members, I will let them go."

"Even if they want to choose revenge in the future, I will just accept it!"

Fang Xin didn't care whether Yang Xuan could hear him or not.

He directly stated what he was going to do next.

She's pretty sensible.

He obviously hated the people of the Wang family so much, but he thought of releasing those innocent members of the Wang family.


Dao Palace, within the Creation Academy.

As soon as Yang Xuan came back.

He took Liu Hongyu there and reported to his teacher.

After Fairy Fengyu saw Liu Hongyu.

Naturally, it was extremely depressing.

But the raw rice has already been cooked, so what else can she say.

He could only keep reminding Yang Xuan that he must pay attention to the purity of his true spirit.

If the purity of his true spirit is polluted.

Then my teacher will definitely punish him.

Most definitely.

In this way, an invisible storm passed.

What follows is a big day for many colleges to jointly conduct freshman assessments.


three days later.


The Holy Master of Absolute Beginning came to his exclusive reincarnation capsule just after zero o'clock.

"Perform reincarnation and lock the exclusive reincarnation world: Tianti Cultivation World."

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