Wang Xing quickly made a request to Ta Ling.

Taling also began testing and certification.

After finally confirming Wang Xing's identity, he directly released a burst of energy, instantly breaking up Wang Shan's body into pure energy, which was then absorbed.

"I did it!"

"Let me go, let me go back!"

After Wang Xing saw that his ancestor was gone without even the ashes.

I was relieved in my heart.

Because, he was just afraid that his authority was not enough.

Dead friends, not dead poor.

This is the true biography of the Wang family

Isn't it normal for a dead ancestor to not die himself?

"Very good! Very good!"

"Haha! Sister, did you see it?"

"The ancestor of the Wang family is dead!"

"The body is gone!"

"This time the Wang family lost all their bargaining chips!"

"Next, I will post on Moments to let everyone know about it!"

"Presumably, the Wang family will be finished today!"

"It's just a pity, I didn't kill that Wang Changhe myself!"

"Haha! Hahahaha!"

After seeing Wang Shan's death, the female doctor showed a bright smile on her face.

However, the teardrops slipped from the corners of her eyes.

Show that she's not laughing because she's having fun.

This smile is sad!

At the same time, her social circle of friends also released a message.

The patriarch of the Wang family lost his true spirit and his body!

Outside Wang Shan's reincarnation warehouse.

Everyone in the Wang family is still waiting anxiously.

But the wait time passed for several minutes.

None of them received any news, which made everyone have an ominous premonition.

"Use emergency communication to contact the doctor inside and ask what's going on!"

Wang Changhe's father, Wang Hong, explained to a family member beside him.

Then he paced back and forth.


"Ah this!"

But this time.

A member of the younger generation of the Wang family suddenly yelled.

Immediately afterwards, even the mobile phone on his body fell to the ground.

"What are you doing!"

"Give me some peace!"

Wang Hong was feeling irritable when he saw the child of that family lose his composure.

Immediately yelled loudly.


This submissive family member who only knew how to play games usually looked at him sadly.

Then, he shouted loudly: "The ancestor is dead, and there is no ashes left!"

There was a silence!

All members of the Wang family looked at that person unknowingly.

The man also quickly picked up his mobile phone.

The phone interface is a female doctor blogger named Fang Xin.

There is a route on it, and this video is the route that Wang Xing applied for Ta Ling to destroy Wang Shan's body.

Everything is crystal clear.

This video not only proves Wang Shan's death, but also what Fang Xin did.

It can be seen from this that the female doctor's plan is to die with their Wang family.

"Ah! How could this happen!"

"That woman! That hateful woman!"

"Come in! We still have the right to use the ancestor's room, we can open the door!"

The first thought of Wang Hong and others was to catch that woman.

He thought of a lot at the first time.

The patriarch died, leaving no ashes.

This is tantamount to killing their royal family.

If the old ancestor's body stays, at least he can find a backer and trade it.

In order to preserve a piece of the royal family's assets.

But now everything is over!

He was naturally not reconciled to this, at least he killed the female doctor with his own hands to vent his anger.

The rest of the Wang family were all stunned.

"Dead? The true spirit of the ancestor has fallen!"

"Ah... didn't the ancestor say that this reincarnation is very simple?"

"It's over, our Wang family is over!"

"Leave Shuncheng, our Wang family has made too many enemies in Shuncheng."

"It's late! It's too late, it's been a few minutes!"

"I'm afraid someone has already started attacking the Wang family, our 5.5 is finished!"

The Wang family is a person who has annexed countless small reincarnated families.

So they know very well how tragic the end will be when the backbone of a family is lost.

This tragic speed is not as simple as a person taking a cold tea.

But in just a few minutes, chicken and eggs will be beaten.

Then all the mistakes made will be liquidated together.

The interested Wang family opened the official notice and found that they had been included in the wanted list.

The security personnel in the True Reincarnation Tower have already started rushing here.


That's when.

The door of the Reincarnation Warehouse rented by Wang Shan was opened!

Immediately afterwards, everyone in the Wang family saw Fang Xin in a white coat, looking at them sarcastically.

"Although I didn't kill Wang Changhe and Wang Shan with my own hands, at least I buried the Wang family with my own hands!"

"Being able to see your incompetent and furious expressions, I have no regrets in my life!"

After Fang Xin said this, he closed his eyes, ready to face death.

She did not choose to commit suicide.

Because she is a doctor, she will be checked when entering the Reincarnation Tower, and she cannot carry weapons.

As for using exercises, you will die by yourself directly.

Sorry, she is just a small doctor, a second-tier doctor, and she has not yet formed a golden core.

Not the kind of exercises that demons disintegrate Dafa!

Therefore, she knew that the Wang family would kill her.

But it doesn't matter, anyway, her goal has been achieved.

"Sister! I hope you are alive and happy in heaven!"

"The Wang family, it's over!"

Fang Xin muttered silently in his heart and closed his eyes.

"Fang Xin! Fang Xin!!"

Wang Changhe's father, Wang Hong's eyes are almost popping out at this moment.

The death on the Internet, the destruction of the physical body, is even more dead than himself, and it makes him angry.

"I'm going to kill you, at least you will die before we get unlucky!"

Wang Hong shouted loudly, and then launched an attack on Fang Xin.


A huge impact spread throughout the entire Tower of Reincarnation.

"Ah! Ah Hong!"

"Brother Hong!"

"Old Hong!"

But what was surprising was that after Wang Hong launched the attack, the people on the Wang family's side let out miserable roars.

This strange situation made Fang Xin, who had closed his eyes waiting to die, open them curiously.

She wanted to see why the sound of attacks came out, but she was not injured.

As a result, he just opened his eyes.

She saw a scene that she will never forget.

Chapter 91 The Third Reincarnation: The Heavenly Ladder Cultivation World (Please customize! Please subscribe!)

At this moment, in front of Fang Xin.

Standing was a man in a golden and white robe who looked like a god.

She recognized this person immediately.

"Yang Xuan! It's you!"

Because Yang Xuan is very famous in Shuncheng recently.

Many transcendental forces came together to **** people.

Forget about Heavenly Court, Taoist Palace, and Lingshan.

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