"Is this the power to break the void and be immortal!"

Zhang Qiang finally understood.

The gap between myself and Yang Xuan is already worlds apart.


There is only one realm difference.

But he couldn't even catch Yang Xuan's move.

that's all.

He left with awe of Yang Xuan.

half a day later.

at dusk.

Zhang Qiang reappeared and handed over a mobile phone and a certificate to Yang Xuan.

Yang Xuan thanked you.

Then, under Zhang Qiang's frightened eyes, he flew directly downstairs.

this moment.

Gravity seems to have lost its definition.

Obviously at such a high altitude.

But Yang Xuan fell down gently like a feather.

Finally, blend in with the crowd.

I don't know where to go.

"It's nothing more than that!"

"Otherwise, how can I explain that an eighteen-year-old boy was so ordinary before."

"Now you are invincible in the world."

Zhang Qiang sighed with emotion.

Also left.

He knew that the next world.

It is destined to become even more exciting because of Yang Xuan's appearance.

On the plane from Kyoto to Xuancheng.

Although Yang Xuan has become a great master.

But he won't run to Xuancheng either.

The most convenient transportation.

Of course it is the plane.

Buying a flight ticket is even easier.

The mobile phone provided by the security department to Yang Xuan.

Software with various super permissions.

Yang Xuan simply searched for air tickets.

Soon, there will be an optional software for air tickets.

No matter where you are, you can buy tickets with one click.

Easy and convenient.

With the certificate of the Ministry of Security.

Going through various procedures is the channel of VVIP.

So just the next morning.

Yang Xuan walked out of Xuancheng Airport.

after coming out.

A business luxury car.

Have been waiting for a long time.

This is the exclusive car of the Security Department.

Not to mention the value of the car.

Just the license plate.

It was enough to make Xuancheng's high-level officials show courtesy.

Although Xuancheng is also a first-class city in **.

The chief of the shi here also has a very high status.

But this country is still a country after all.

With the existence of the Security Department, Mayor Xuancheng can't afford to mess with it.

on the way.

"Sir, I will be Zhang Hui, and I will be responsible for everything you do in Xuancheng."

"Of course, if you don't need me, I will leave directly. If you have something to do, you can contact me directly."

The driver Zhang Hui introduced himself realistically.

"Take me to the Wang family!"

Yang Xuan naturally would not refuse.

There is a local who takes himself.

Obviously more convenient.

"Is it Chief Shi, the Wang family?"

Zhang Hui couldn't help asking.

In Xuancheng, there are too many people with the surname Wang.

But only the head of the Wang family is famous.

"That's right!"

Yang Xuan nodded.

He observed Zhang Hui calmly.

The driver Zhang Hui.

It was a major general in uniform.

Before Yang Xuan got into the car, he discovered this.


This is someone who knew the news and deliberately came to contact him.

A major general, come over and be your driver.

Arrange yourself throughout the whole process, no matter what, you have to give the other party some benefits.

What Yang Xuan cares about is.

This major general.

It is an existence of the peak of dark energy.

Age around thirty.

The momentum is restrained.

But it's a pity that he couldn't escape Yang Xuan's perception.

"Sir, the young master of the Wang family is engaged to Miss Sun's family today."

"Their family is all in the Xuancheng Restaurant."

"Are we going there?"

Zhang Hui is a local stationed in Xuancheng.

Nature is very clear about this.

The engagement between Mr. Wang's family and Miss Sun's family.

It has already spread.

So he is very clear.

"Are you engaged today?"

"What a coincidence!"

"Since it's such a coincidence, it's natural to prepare a big gift for the other party."

Yang Xuan smiled slightly in his heart.

He still doesn't know what Wang Changhe is like.

reincarnated into this world.

this world.

Especially the women in Xuancheng, naturally suffered.

"Zhang Hui, this Wang Changhe is not a good person."

After Yang Xuan knew that Zhang Hui was also a local.

Let's find out the news from him first.


Zhang Hui didn't know how to speak.

"It's okay! Tell the truth! I have a problem with him!"

Yang Xuan was very straightforward.

It's almost like I'm here to settle accounts with him, Wang Changhe.

"I see!"

Zhang Hui breathed a sigh of relief.

Then said.

"The girls who have been spoiled by him have already exceeded three digits."

"He has supernatural powers and helped the Wang family grow a little bit, but the process was very bloody."

"Although Xuancheng is under the rule of the Wang family, it has become more and more prosperous."

"But many people have suffered unfair treatment."

"Miss Sun, who is engaged to Wang Changhe today, was persecuted."

Zhang Hui gave an overview of Wang Changhe's situation.

The 18 years that Wang Changhe traveled through.

It is true that turning your hands into clouds and hands into rain.

It also brought a certain improvement to Xuancheng.

The method is extremely cruel, and it is an LSP.

"I see, you guys should choose a new chief soon."

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