He actually disappeared directly in place.

when it reappears.

It was in front of the **** red-haired woman.


"September 13" He tapped lightly on the talisman in front of the red-haired woman.

The Void Shifting Talisman that was about to be activated instantly returned to its unused state.

After Yang Xuan picked up the talisman.

I silently assigned a sound effect to myself.

"Ding! Congratulations, you have obtained 500,000 true spirit points!"

After collecting the talisman.

Yang Xuan turned around again.

next second.

He returned directly to his throne.

"Let's scatter!"

I saw him whispering a word to the void.

Immediately afterwards.

Endless black silk threads appeared from around the five primordial spirit reincarnators in an instant.

Every black silk thread is the embodiment of a law.

They quickly entangled the five of them.

Then, in the terrified eyes of the five people.

Pull them directly into the depths of the endless void.

No screams, no traces.

When the five people were completely wrapped in black silk threads.

They are like pencil drawings on a drawing board, erased by an eraser.

All breaths, all traces.

Disappeared completely.

This is the power of ghosts and gods.

At first, Yang Xuan didn't expect that he could really advance to become a ghost.

Because the black evil ghosts and gods are originally lies of the World Destroyer Society.

But unexpectedly, the lie became reality.

This gave Yang Xuan a guess.

That is too many ghost emperors, believing in the existence of Heisha ghosts and gods.

Moreover, this belief lasted for two hundred years.

As a result, the will of the world is changed by the will of all living beings.

such a situation.

Yang Xuan learned it when he was in school.

The will of the world is strong, but not unchangeable.


When the will of all beings is united, then it will transcend the will of the world.

Perhaps, this world is like this.


Solved the people who destroyed the world.

Yang Xuan waved his hand.

The Void Ghost Domain completely disappeared.

But it's not gone completely, either.

Instead, the range of thirty-seven survivor bases with bronze gates has been completely covered.

but does not appear.

This is still the real world.

But once Yang Xuan's mind moves, he can directly let the void ghost world descend.

It can be said.

Now two-thirds of the world's land.

It has become Yang Xuan's kingdom of ghosts and gods.


He no longer needs any specific conditions, and he can travel freely in his own kingdom of ghosts and gods.

Liu Xiaoxiao was inexplicable and became a ghost master at the level of ghosts and gods.

But sadly, she is now a foodie.

With the title of the strongest ghost master, what Tian Tian likes to do most is to study various dark dishes.

Regarding this, Yang Xuan had no idea.

"After becoming a ghost, I will no longer be bound by the power of the world."

"I can feel that the ghost world of this world has accepted me!"

"I'm not the same as those five reincarnations in the Yuanshen stage."

"Now I can summon thirty bronze door projections with just one thought."

"Next, it's time to find Wang Shan."

"And, take down all the bronze doors and open the ultimate secret of this world!"

A reincarnated person who has passed through the five primordial stages.

Yang Xuan already knew everything he knew.

Wang Shan has actually accomplished his goal.

That is to get the law fragments.

He can return at any time, and when he returns, he will become a fifth-level demigod or demi-immortal.

But they accidentally discovered the ghost world in this world.

There is an even more powerful law.

That law will even arouse the hearts of big bosses from such big factions as Tianting, Dao Palace, and Lingshan.

Therefore, Yang Xuan's goal now is to obtain that law.

As for Wang Shan.

It can be crushed to death easily.

"Unexpectedly, one day I will become the sword **** of Shilipo!"

Yang Xuan laughed at himself.

After he restored the situation in the main city of Bronze Gate, he came to the kitchen where Liu Xiaoxiao was.

"Liu Xiaoxiao!"

As soon as Yang Xuan came out, he called the other party's name in a low voice.

She was concentrating on cooking, but was taken aback by Yang Xuan's sudden appearance.

"Zero, what's the matter with you?"

Liu Xiaoxiao hadn't seen Yang Xuan much recently, so she was very surprised.

"I'm leaving, leaving completely!"

"This world, if nothing happens, it won't be long before it returns to normal!"

"I came here this time to reveal a piece of information to you in advance."

Yang Xuan said here.

Just tap Liu Xiaoxiao's forehead lightly.

Immediately afterwards, a series of black lines quickly entered her mind.

Then, endless information was transmitted to Liu Xiaoxiao from the black thread.

World recovery, world collision, world fusion.

Martial art world!

Boxing practice!

After Liu Xiaoxiao accepts these memories.

More than half an hour has passed.

After recovering, she really wanted to find Yang Xuan.

But he found that he had lost contact with Yang Xuan.

Yang Xuan unilaterally terminated the contract with her.

But Liu Xiaoxiao was not harmed in any way.

Because Yang Xuan took the initiative to bear everything.

Those injuries were like tickling to Yang Xuan.

This is the case.

Let Liu Xiaoxiao lose his mind for a while.

After a while.

Liu Xiaoxiao came back to his senses.

She clenched her fist hard.

Then, he said to himself: "National art, boxing!"

"If one day, my fist can be magical!"

"Then, can I see you again?"

"Visitors from another world!"

After this period of time, the World Extermination Society understands.

In addition, analyze Yang Xuan's situation.

And most importantly, the news Yang Xuan just gave her.

Your own world will be merged with another world

Liu Xiaoxiao has already come up with an answer.

Yang Xuan is a person from another world.

Therefore, he can become a perfect spiritual body.

Moreover, Yang Xuan is still hostile to the Mieshihui.

The World Destroyer Society destroyed their own world.

But Yang Xuan seemed to want to save his own world.

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