"Damn, accident! Variable!"

"Let's go! Quickly activate the small void shifting talisman!"

"This ghost emperor is a reincarnation!"

"But how did he know the coordinates of this world? We all signed the contract under the witness of Ta Ling."

"Don't think about it, run!"

The reincarnation of the five primordial spirit stage, at this moment, is too lazy to think about the reason.

The only thing they want to do now is to get out of here.

"I see!"

A woman with blood red hair.

At this moment, while the vajra body ring was still there, he took out an illusory talisman.

This is also their life-saving means.

A small void shifting talisman produced by Heavenly Court.


Five hundred thousand true spirit points.

It can carry up to ten people and instantly transfer to the void.

It is a must-have talisman for traveling at home, killing people and stealing goods, stealing treasures, and snatching **** heads.

····Ask for flowers··········

"It's another talisman worth hundreds of thousands of true spirit points. The boss in the Yuanshen stage is really rich!"

Yang Xuan looked at the other party, and then took out another life-saving item.

Can't help but sigh with emotion.

He got an SSS-level evaluation and killed a few members of the Wang family, and he had hundreds of thousands of true spirit points.

But look at this group of reincarnated masters in the primordial spirit stage.

The props used are all treasures with hundreds of thousands of true spirit points.

He, Yang Xuan, is envious.

"Your talisman is very valuable, and it can be brought into the heavens and worlds for use."

"However, it is too wasteful in your hands."

"Why don't you give it to me!"

Yang Xuan made a suggestion to the scarlet red-haired woman.

"Dream! Void Teleportation, open!"

The blood-colored red-haired woman roared.

At the same time, the power of the primordial spirit was injected into the talisman, intending to open the talisman.

Escape from Yang Xuan.


When she had just finished shouting the last word, when the talisman was just about to be activated.

Yang Xuan also made a move.

"Void ghost world, come!"

The space seemed to stand still at this moment.

With the arrival of Yang Xuan's ghost world.

above the sky.

At some point, thirty-seven illusory ghost gates appeared.

They may not be very large.

But each of them exudes an aura that is enough to make those who turned around from the five primordial spirits shudder.

That's when.

The sky seemed to lose its color.


Clearly the sky with the moon and stars.

After Yang Xuan released the Void Ghost Domain, all of them disappeared.

The space is still and the thinking is stagnant.

Even the movement of energy is imprisoned at this moment.

"Not bad ability, but I don't like the ability of thinking stagnation!"

"After all, if their thinking is imprisoned, who will come to see my performance!"

Yang Xuan was still standing above the void.

He glanced at his new skill with satisfaction.

Then, he released one of the abilities of the Void Ghost Realm, the imprisonment of thinking!

With this ability released.

The boss who reincarnated from the five primordial spirits immediately noticed the changes in the surrounding space.

As the existence of Yuanshen period.

They are also very sensitive to space perception.

"The space we're in has changed."

"But none of us felt it!"

"That is to say, we were controlled just now, and our thoughts were controlled!"

"Thirty-seven ghost gate projections appear in the sky!"

"It's that mysterious reincarnation, he subdued those ghost emperors, and then summoned them."

"No! Wait a minute! Please feel carefully, this is not just subduing those native ghost emperors, but refining them."

"Didn't you find out that the projections of the thirty-seven ghost gates are actually the owner of him!"

"Ah this..."

After five people regained their thinking.

Some things have been analyzed.

But the more you know, the greater the shock in your heart.

Even, they faintly gave birth to a trace of despair.

These five people were reincarnated because of the primordial spirit.

I found that my thoughts were still there, and I couldn't do anything else.

They can see the surrounding situation and perceive the surrounding situation.

But you can't move, you can't mobilize any energy.

Just like a puppet without an owner, it stays quietly on the ground.

The vajra protective rings on their bodies had been broken at some point.

They are now lambs to be slaughtered!

"Look! Look! His eyes!"

"It's turned into pitch black!"

"His clothes have also changed, it's no longer blood red!"

"It turns out he's not a ghost emperor!"

"This is a ghost! A ghost that surpasses the ghost emperor and all living beings!"

"The corresponding realm, the sixth rank!"

"We were mocking a sixth-tier position just now!"

"The clown turned out to be us!"

"The sixth level, it is still the sixth level that perfectly fits the laws of this world!"

"Haha, the next bit of hope is gone, and the true spirit can't go back!"

The five reincarnated souls were all staring at the sky, that terrifying figure that looked like a bottomless abyss and seemed about to be swallowed just by looking at it.

Their emotions have also collapsed at this moment.

In the face of ghosts and gods, they have no chance of winning.

The void was blocked, and the teleportation talisman worth 500,000 true spirit points could not be used.

Now they have no other means.

The only thing that can be done is to allow Yang Xuanzai to die.

Chapter 80 Wang Shan: How I Lost! (Please customize! Please subscribe!)

For these five main world people who turned around with their souls.

Such a hopeless experience was something they had never had before.

When traveling to other worlds before, although occasionally I was a little depressed.

Even being driven to a dead end by some aborigines.

But at most it is nothing.

The power of the Reincarnation Tower.

It's about traveling through the world.

As long as it is not particularly unlucky, even if there is no gain, there will be no loss.

But this moment.

They know that they have lost.

The opponent is really too strong.

"We don't complain about losing, after all, the other party is a true immortal!"

"If I'm not mistaken, for the treasures of this world, this lord directly let his immortal-level primordial spirit come down."

The blood-colored red-haired woman just regarded Yang Xuan as a mysterious and powerful true immortal.

Yang Xuan naturally would not deny it.


There are still many great powers in the main world.

If you speak without any scruples, maybe you will reveal a clue.

In the face of people who are also the master of the world, and are sure that there is a real fairy behind the other party.

You can't be too careful.

Don't make unnecessary mistakes.

"I want this talisman."

"As a price, I will let you die as comfortably as possible."

Yang Xuan took a step forward.

The result is the next second.

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