Through her understanding of Yang Xuan, she knew that Yang Xuan was not some sort of Holy Mother.

Saving her world must be for some good.

But no matter what the reason was, Yang Xuan saved them and wanted to save their world.

He even taught him the boxing techniques he practiced.

This gave Liu Xiaoxiao an idea.

It can even be said to be obsession.

That is to find Yang Xuan!

She wants to practice boxing well after the world merges, and strive to one day reach the state of being able to communicate with boxing, and touch the barriers of the world...

Then go to Yang Xuan.

She wanted to see Yang Xuan's real body.

I want to say something to Yang Xuan.

Want to see more of the world.


The other side of the world.


Wang Shan let out a mouthful of turbid air, with a smile on his face.

"It turns out that this is the power of a demigod!"

"They don't plan to fuse the power of laws in this world and become demigods, for fear of being backlashed by the supernatural laws of this world."

"However, I don't have to worry!"

"Because I still have a second soul!"

When Wang Shan thought of this.

A phantom appeared behind him.

It was a man who looked exactly like him.

Even the breath is the same.

However, this new Wang Shan's aura is much stronger.

Because this is his second soul, or it is fused with a supernatural law, advanced to become the second soul of a demigod.

"My second soul, none of them know!"

"So, this trip to the ghost world, that law must belong to me 1"

"Although I know, they all keep their backs!"

"But the only one who can succeed is me!"

"The second soul, the power of a demigod!"

"With such strength, I am already invincible in this world!"

"I can't imagine how I can lose!"

Feel the powerful power of the second soul.

The smile on Wang Shan's face could no longer be hidden.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

That's when.

There was a knock on the door.

Although Yuanshen has the ability to travel through matter.

But all of them reincarnated are super insecure.

His residence is covered with various defenses.

Therefore, when looking for someone, you always need to knock on the door.

"Wang Shan, come out!"

"Something went wrong! Big event!"

Wang Shan just put away his second soul.

Then I heard an extremely hasty voice from outside.

In his tone, he seemed very anxious.

It seems that something big happened.


After Wang Shan packed up, he walked out of his room.

As soon as he came out, he saw his companion who was also the reincarnation of the primordial spirit, and his face was a little panicked.


A strong man who was reincarnated from the soul.

At this moment, he was flustered.

I can't even hide my expression.

5.5 "What happened?"

Wang Shan couldn't help asking.

"Big event you can't imagine!"

"It's about all of us!"

Wang Shan's companion said anxiously.

Then, he grabbed at the void, and a vow document exuding an ancient aura appeared in front of the two of them.

This is a contract document made by the Western bosses using the power of law.

The price is 1 million true spirit points!

Originally, there were twenty people on it.

But now there are only fifteen left.


" is this possible!"

"In the end what happened,"

Wang Shan originally thought that his companion was making a fuss out of a molehill!

But when he saw the situation on the contract document.

He also gasped.

Because, five of his companions actually died.

To know.

This contract document will still exist in the main world.

If say the above name disappears.

Or, everyone agrees that the other party can terminate the contract.

Or, everyone thought that this contract could be cancelled, so they canceled it together.

Or, it is complete death.

This complete death is the fall of all true spirits.

There is no one that returns to the main world.

Their five teammates are obviously the third type.

ps: Guys, although Xiaopujie’s author has four updates, today it is 16,000 words, each of which is 4,000! .

Chapter 81 The blood moon is coming, cross-border pursuit (please customize! Please subscribe!)

The true spirit reincarnated in many worlds and invaded the world.

Take the world as food for self-improvement.

This is going against the sky.

In other words:

The road of seeking Tao is to walk against the sky.

It's normal to die on the road.

But what makes Wang Shan unacceptable is that.

Obviously this world has already been taken down by them.

People from the native world, although some became ghost masters.

But they've tried it not once or twice.

Those ghost masters.

They are simply not the opponents of reincarnated souls like them.

This premise is still in the case of not using the phantom of ghost gate.

Once the phantom of the ghost gate is used.

Those ghost masters, like facing natural enemies, will only be crushed.

Because the ghost gate is the nemesis of all supernatural laws.

However, it is clearly a world that should have been conquered by them.

Now it has devoured them.

The death of five soul-stage reincarnators.

It is still a five-member team carrying definitely more than one life-saving means.

Normally, in this world.

That team, logically speaking, should be invincible.

"Wang Shan, we are in trouble!"

"Perhaps, there are secrets in this world that we don't know!"

"Next we have to speed up the progress!"

"Also, bring everyone back in a hurry, and absolutely not be able to act alone!"

"You must know that their team is full of wind!"

Wang Shan's teammates spoke anxiously.

While speaking, he also released a communication talisman.

This talisman is also a talisman that is common to most of the laws of the world.

But this talisman is not produced by Lingshan and Tianting.

It was produced by Dao Palace.

Dao Palace·Small Three Realms Communication Talisman.

A very practical talisman.

The selling price is 10,000 soul points.

22 "I agree with you, and none of us can act alone!"

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