Chapter 369

Then these wolves can pounce him to the ground with a single forward, and then use their wolf teeth to bite their bodies, and then they will be buried in the mouths of these wolves.

So at this time, Wang Dalong was very wise to know that he had to fight alongside Lin Mo, so that he could deal with these wolves well.

When Lin Mo finished speaking to this Wang Dalong at this time, he saw that he knew what he had ordered.

Lin Mo saw that Wang Dalong had no other thoughts, he nodded and thought of this Wang Dalong in his heart.

Fortunately, 887 didn’t have any crooked ideas, or else I wouldn’t mind knocking him out first and then throwing him into the pack of wolves for the wolves to eat it.

Just when Lin Mo thought of this, the wolf leader looked at Lin Mo and Wang Dalong. After a while, he howled at the sky.

Then he started to attack Lin Mo quickly, because he already knew that the martial arts of the two humans Lin Mo in front of him were very powerful.

So it is up to him to deal with Lin Mo, and the rest of his fellow wolves have to deal with Wang Dalong.

After the wolf leader howled at the sky, he quickly attacked Lin Mo. At this time, Lin Mo also watched the wolf leader’s every move.

When he found out that he attacked himself after yelling, Lin Mo cursed inwardly. This wolf leader would really find someone to know his martial arts skills, so he found himself.

When Lin Mo saw this, he was not afraid at all, because he knew that if he couldn’t deal with this wolf leader, how could he experience this game.

How can you deal with those high-level and high-level monsters? So Lin Mo felt that the wolf leader was against him.

Then he quickly cleaned it up, so that the crisis in front of him can be resolved, and Lin Mo quickly followed the wolf head (bdeh) to get started.

At this time, Wang Dalong saw that Lin Mo had already started to fight with the wolf leader, Wang Dalong also noticed that the remaining wolves were ready to attack him.

Wang Dalong knew that he had to take action at this time, and dealt with these wolves preemptively. Otherwise, when these people started to attack him, he would be at a disadvantage.

So when Wang Dalong thought of this, he quickly attacked among these wolves, and he took the knife that held the big python before, and began to rampage against the wolves among these wolves.

At this time, Yu Xian’er was watching what happened in front of him, he was anxious, because he didn’t know whether Lin Mo and Wang Dalong were the opponents of these wolves.

He wanted to step forward to help, but he knew that he could not step forward, because if he stepped forward, he would put these injured partners in danger at that time, so he could only watch here and be anxious.

At this time, Xiao Dezi, these people also saw all this in front of them, watching Lin Mo and Wang Dalong fighting together with these wolves, they were also very anxious.

They also wanted to participate in the battle, but they knew that their physical injuries would not allow them to participate in the battle, and they could not stand the pain as long as they moved. .

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