Chapter 368

Lin Mo and Wang Dalong were two people. When they saw this, they knew that this pack of wolves was a very large team.

What they will face now is to repulse these wolves, so that they will be safe.

So when Lin Mo and Wang Dalong saw this, they decided to wait for a while when the wolves attacked, and the wolves they were going to fight with all their strength would never be distracted.

Just when Lin Mo and Wang Dalong both looked at these wolves, these wolves slowly appeared in the sight of Lin Mo and Wang Dalong.

These wolves did not take the lead in attacking Lin Mo and Wang Dalong. They seemed to be waiting for something.

They stood motionless at the same time, and then they looked at Lin Mo, Wang Dalong, Lin Mo and Yu Xianer behind Wang Dalong with their eyes.

When these wolves looked at Lin Mo and Wang Dalong, Lin Mo noticed that these wolves seemed to be well-trained.

As if waiting for their leader, Lin Mo quickly looked in the final direction of these wolves.

Lin Mo saw a very tall wolf coming out of these wolves. This wolf was completely different from the wolves that I saw before and now.

Because the wolf’s hair seemed to be brighter, and the wolf’s body was more burly than these wolves, Lin Mo guessed that this wolf should be the leader of these wolves.

When Lin Mo guessed all of this, Lin Mo saw the wolf at this time, and it walked slowly, and when he saw all the wolves, it automatically separated a path, allowing the wolf to reach the most. Front.

When Lin Mo saw all this, he was even more affirmed. He felt that this wolf was the leader of these wolves, and it seemed that these wolves were well trained.

I don’t know what level of these wolves have reached, and what level of level the leader of this wolf has reached, Lin Mo thought that this wolf could deal with him alone, could he deal with it?

Because Lin Mo has never fought with such wolves, he has never played against them, so he doesn’t even know what their strength looks like.

So Lin Mo looked at the wolf leader, then turned around and said to Wang Dalong: “Wang Dalong will deal with this wolf leader, you deal with these other wolves~ “.”

“.々Be sure to stop all these wolves, don’t let them jump behind and hurt Yu Xian’er and the others.”

Lin Mo turned and looked at Wang Dalong who was aside, and said to him, when he finished speaking.

As soon as Wang Dalong heard Lin Mo say this, he nodded there, because he knew he had to listen to Lin Mo at this time, and he couldn’t run away alone at this time.

Because if he sneaks and runs away, waiting for him will be very shallow, because (the money is good) running for him at this time is not like that time.

Because when he ran away for the first time, it was this big boa constrictor and a snake, and he could run out very successfully.

It is possible for Yu Xian’er and the others to attract the attention of this big python, so he can run out successfully.

But now it is different. There are so many wolves, but they are all watching him, if he turns around and runs away, leaving his back to these wolves. .

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