Chapter 370

Just when everyone was in a hurry, knowing that they could not help Lin Mo and Wang Dalong.

I saw that Lin Mo had already met the wolf leader. Lin Mo saw the wolf leader with his big mouth open, the wolf’s legs pushed forward, and he leaped towards him.

Lin Mo knew that at this time, the leader of the wolf had to be resolved quickly, so that these wolves would lose their backbone.

At that time, they will not be as powerful as they are now, so when Lin Mo thinks of this, he has to quickly attack the leader of this wolf~ quickly.

I saw Lin Mo lift her leg quickly and swept towards the wolf’s head. Lin Mo wanted to listen to the wolf’s leader’s head with his legs, and then-kick it to the ground. .

But when Lin Mo just raised his leg and kicked it, the wolf leader’s reaction was quite quick, and he quickly rushed forward, avoiding Lin Mo’s attack.

Then he quickly turned his head towards Lin Mo and bit his leg.

When Lin Mo saw this place, he knew that the leader of this wolf had a very fast reaction speed, and he deserved to be the head of these wolves.

So Lin Mo knew that ordinary attacks were of no great effect to the wolf leader, and he could only use his own furious moves to deal with him.

So when Lin Mo thought of this, he quickly entered a state of anger, and then strengthened his abilities in all aspects.

So Lin Mo quickly rushed towards the leader of the wolf again, planning to kill the leader of the wolf.

Lin Mo didn’t believe that the big python was beaten to death by himself, and the leader of this wolf was not caught in his hand.

Therefore, Lin Mo quickly entered the furious battle and attacked the wolf leader.

The leader of the wolf at this time had no idea that Lin Mo would avoid his forward pounce so quickly.

Lin Mo’s current strength seems to be stronger than before. When the wolf leader saw this, he looked at Lin Mo suspiciously with his eyes.

He really didn’t want to understand how Lin Mo suddenly felt very strong.

Just as the wolf leader looked at Lin Mo suspiciously, Lin Mo took advantage of this wolf leader’s doubt and attacked the wolf leader several times in succession.

· ···Seeking flowers············

When he finished attacking these punches, the wolf leader felt a strong sense of crisis, and she quickly reacted to avoid it.

But when he reacted, it was too late to avoid, because Lin Mo happened to be in a state of anger.

…….. …….. …….

Therefore, the aura on his body has reached a peak, and its punching speed is quite fast, and the leader of this wolf can’t avoid it at all.

In this way, Lin Mo’s fists hit the wolf’s leader with punches and punches, and the wolf’s leader led its body.

He couldn’t bear Lin Mo’s fist at all, so when he met Lin Mo’s fist, he was beaten by Lin Mo and yelled.

At this moment, Lin Mo’s scene was shocked by Yu Xian’er and Xiao Dezi who were not far away there. They didn’t know what to say.

Because in their hearts they never thought that Lin Mo was such a powerful person. Spoon.

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