Chapter 296

Xiaobai watched Lin Mo speak and said to him, indicating that he was full and no longer had to eat his wild fruits.

When Xiaobai finished saying these words, Lin Mo knew it as soon as he heard Xiaobai say this. Xiaobai actually refused, so he shouldn’t be able to eat.

I should eliminate these things to replenish some of my physical strength. I believe that there will be a big battle waiting for me in the next few moments.

So Lin Mo stopped talking to Xiaobai when he thought of this moment, but quickly ate the wild fruits left in his hands.

In this way, after Lin Mo quickly wiped out these wild fruits, he looked at Xiao Bai and planned to ask Xiao Bai Wang Dalong and Yu Xian’er what is the situation of the group of people now?

So Lin Mo watched Xiaobai open his mouth and asked him: “Xiaobai, what do you look like over there? Have the people over there set off now? Or are they still staying where they are? ”

“During this period, have you heard some other news from these people? Have you heard any names mentioned by these people?”

Lin Mo looked at Xiaobai and asked if he had heard any useful news or saw anything useful.

When Lin Mo watched Xiaobai finished saying these words, as soon as Xiaobai heard Lin Mo’s question, he hurriedly responded to what he had discovered over there~Lin Mo said Came out.

When he finished saying these words, Lin Mo heard what Xiaobai said. In the morning, the two people who left last night had come back again, and they discussed some things together.

But the voice was very small, so Xiao Bai didn’t hear what these people were discussing, but vaguely heard some strange animals, as well as herbs and other topics.

Xiao Bai told Lin Mo all the things he had heard, when Xiao Bai had finished telling Lin Mo what he had heard.

Lin Mo thought when he heard what Xiaobai said, it seemed that this matter was really the same as what he thought, it was not that simple.

This Wang Dalong and Yu Xian’er are not alone at all. If they are looking for the green-haired macaque, they must have another purpose to come here.

· ···Seeking flowers············

Because Lin Mo thought that the green-haired macaque mentioned by Wang Dalong and Yu Xian’er before, should be a small animal, not a particularly powerful animal of several levels.

So Lin Mo thought of this. The gang should still have another purpose. It’s just that he doesn’t know what their true purpose is now.

…….. …. …

Just when Lin Mo thought of this, he quickly wiped out the wild fruits in his hand, and he planned to eat all these wild fruits.

He began to slowly approach Wang Dalong, Yu Xian’er and the others, to see when they set off there and in which direction they were going.

So when Lin Mo thought of this, he quickly wiped out the wild fruits in his hand and stood up, and then looked at Xiao Bai.

Because he suddenly discovered one thing, that is, if he hides his figure, and then slowly approaches Wang Dalong, Yu Xian’er and the others are completely possible.

But if he took this Xiaobai with him, then he might be exposed. Spoon.

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