Chapter 295

When he did all this, he watched Xiao Bai speak to him: “Xiao Bai, I stepped on these wild fruits.”

“I have tried these fruits and they are not poisonous, so you can rest assured to eat them boldly. After eating, we will start to do business.”

“Look at what those people are going to do. What is their real purpose here?”

Lin Mo watched Xiaobai open his mouth and said this to him. When he said this, he assigned most of the wild fruit to Xiaobai’s side.

843 Because Lin Mo knew that he couldn’t eat too many wild fruits, most of it would fall into Xiao Bai’s mouth.

Because it is a huge monster, if he eats too little, it is not enough for him to be between the teeth.

So Lin Mo divided a large part of the wild fruit and gave it to Xiaobai, and kept a few of them, simply enough to fill his stomach.

In this way, when Lin Mo finished speaking to Xiaobai, he had already divided these wild fruits quickly, and then he began to take the few wild fruits left by him and began to eat slowly.

(bdeh)   As Lin Mo is slowly eating wild fruits here, Xiaobai actually picked so many fruits when he saw Lin Mo here.

Hearing what Lin Mo said again, he quickly came here, and after looking at the wild fruits that Lin Mo gave him, he opened his big mouth and bit at the fruits.

So Xiao Bai, using his big mouth, quickly distributed Lin Mo’s wild fruit to him, and gave it to eat clean.

Xiaobai doesn’t believe that Lin Mo will take poisonous foods for himself, so he is completely relieved when he eats these foods.

When Xiaobai quickly ate all these wild fruits, he felt that his stomach was not so hungry.

At this time, Lin Mo was slowly eating the wild fruit in his hand, but saw that Xiaobai had eaten all the juice very quickly.

Lin Mo was particularly speechless. He knew Xiao Bai was very edible, but he didn’t expect him to be so edible.

This is the blink of an eye, and he eats all the fruits that he has distributed to him, and there is not one left.

Lin Mo looked at the few wild fruits left on his hand, and wondered whether he should give the remaining fruits to Xiao Bai?

Anyway, eat two or three by yourself, as long as you are not hungry.

When Lin Mo was thinking like this, he watched Xiaobai open his mouth and said to him: “Xiaobai, you can eat these fruits here too. I can’t eat it myself, just after you finish eating it. Can fill the stomach.”

Lin Mo watched Xiaobai speak and said this to him. When Lin Mo finished speaking, Xiaobai heard Lin Mo say this.

He saw the few fruits of Lin Mo here, but he didn’t open his mouth to eat, because he knew he had eaten a lot of such wild fruits just now, and Lin Mo himself didn’t keep a few.

If he went to eat again, Lin Mo would not be full. So Xiaobai decided not to eat Lin Mo’s wild fruits.

You can wait for a while as long as you don’t get hungry to eat these by yourself. I believe Lin Mo will bake some game dishes to reward himself when it arrives at noon.

So when Xiaobai thought of this, he looked at Lin Mo and said, “The master doesn’t need it, I’m already very full. Let the master eat these fruits slowly.”.

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