Chapter 297

Because this little white is a big white tiger with a particularly huge figure.

And the whole body is white. If this were to follow one’s own past, a touch of white among the green grass and trees would be quite eye-catching.

There is no problem if you hide it well, but if you want the person in front of you to see it, it will definitely be exposed.

So Lin Mo thought of this time at 8:47: 00, he looked at Xiaobai in front of him and said to her: “Xiaobai, when I was following these people for a while.”

“Don’t follow me, you first look around here by yourself, I will contact you when the time comes.”

Lin Mo watched Xiaobai open his mouth and said this to him. He didn’t want Xiaobai to follow him, although it was safer for him to say that Xiaobai followed him.

But now he wants to follow Wang Dalong and Yu Xian’er to see what they are going to do.

It is really inconvenient if you bring Xiaobai with him. It’s better to let Xiaobai move around by himself in this neighborhood, maybe you can find some seventh-order eighth-order strange beasts.

At that time, after following Wang Dalong Yuxianer’s work, he can challenge the existence of these seventh-order and eighth-order strange beasts.

So Lin Mo just watched Xiaobai open his mouth and said this to him. He didn’t want Xiaobai to follow him when Lin Mo finished speaking to Xiaobai.

As soon as Xiaobai heard what Lin Mo said, he couldn’t believe that Lin Mo allowed him to move around here freely and didn’t intend to let himself follow him.

This makes Xiao Bai wonder what to do, because since Xiao Bai followed Lin Mo, he has basically followed him every step of the way.

But now after Lin Mo came to this sunset mountain range, now he actually intends not to let himself follow him.

I wouldn’t leave Lin Mo behind, so when Xiao Bai thought about this, he looked at Lin Mo and said, “Why doesn’t the master bring me by my side?”

“With me by my side, I can perceive the existence of alien beasts around me, and perceive their ranks.”

“If the master doesn’t bring me by his side, what should I do if there is any accident to the master, I don’t agree that the master doesn’t bring me…”

Xiaobai watched Lin Mo open his mouth and said this to him. He didn’t agree, Lin Mo didn’t take him.

Because he didn’t know what Lin Mo was thinking in Lin Mo’s heart, but just let him stay here just now, and didn’t tell her what he was thinking.

So Xiaobai didn’t know at all. He looked at Lin Mo and said that he absolutely disagrees with him being separated from Lin Mo alone.

At this time, Lin Mo knew what Xiaobai was thinking of when he heard Xiaobai say this.

So Lin Mo told Xiao Bai what he was worried about. When he finished saying these things, Xiao Bai finally understood, why did Lin Mo do this?

He finally knew that he was in this place. If he really followed Lin Mo in 4.7, he would definitely expose Lin Mo’s figure.

At that time, if the grass and the snake alarmed Wang Dalong, and Yu Xian’er and the others, it might really be against Lin Mo.

Because of his own huge body, outsiders will surely find it if you look carefully, so Xiao Bai also knows that for the sake of Lin Mo’s safety. .

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