Chapter 179

Lin Mo kept moving forward and soon came to the front of the entrance.

Unlike other places before, there is a strong suction at the entrance, and I want to suck Lin Mo into it.

Lin Mo’s feet are like long suckers, firmly nailed to the ground, and they are not sucked into them by suction.

These suction forces should be intended to suck in these energy clusters.

But these energy clusters are extremely stable. Even when the sharpness is produced, Lin Mo feels that these originally loose energy clusters are actually united together to form a piece that resists this suction.

Lin Mo looked into the entrance. Like the previous two nests, there were a lot of plants inside. These plants had buds, fruits, etc., which contained evil beasts and resentful spirits.

Lin Mo didn’t immediately grab these plants, he quickly checked.

Something that contains the law of fate!

This is what he wants.

He just watched it again, but he didn’t notice it.

But this is also very normal. If it were so easy to find out, it might have been taken away long ago.

Lin Mo quickly released his two fields.

In the next moment, everything inside was clearly seen by him.

“Under the ground!”

Lin Mo quickly discovered what contained the law of fate.

Even Lin Mo discovered that this thing is huge.

“This thing has become the foundation of this lair. If it is taken away by force, I’m afraid this place will collapse completely, but if I take away a small piece, there should be no problem.”

Lin Mo watched for a moment, and then used the power of the causal realm, and used his energy to grab the object that contains the law.

Although it was just released, but the next moment, his energy was in front of the thing of law, and the attack fell on it.


A powerful explosion is produced.

In the next moment, those plants all fled to a deeper place. ,

Lin Mo took a look and didn’t care. He is not short of money now, what he lacks is something that contains the law of fate.

He didn’t want to spend too much time catching the Wraiths and the Beasts, if the time came, and the place moved again, and he hadn’t been able to get the destiny thing, then he would cry.

The explosion subsided quickly!

Lin Mo glanced, his eyes narrowed involuntarily.

The thing is still intact.

“In that case, take my kick~ “.”

Lin Mo used his supernatural powers to trample, and stomped it down with one foot.

The strength of this foot is more than 10 billion catties, reaching the realm of a junior martial sage.

Lin Mo is not very clear about his explosive power, but more than 10 billion catties, he is sure to reach the martial arts level.

His previous test machine was only able to test one million catties, which was already impossible to test.

Lin Mo plans to go out this time and change to a test machine.

Through the transfer of the realm of cause and effect, Lin Mo’s foot is equivalent to stepping directly on the thing of fate.

The earth shook, revealing the thing of fate.

A turquoise light emerged from the ground, and at the same time, a small piece of green flew out quickly.

Lin Mo reached out and grabbed it, and this thing appeared in his hand.

This is a piece of jade, about ten centimeters long, falling off the huge destiny, and it looks a bit like a blade.

A wave of the law of destiny passed from this fragment.

Lin Mo smiled and put the thing away.

At this time, the suction suddenly began to decrease, and then the entrance began to shrink, and gradually disappeared.

This lair disappeared again.

Lin Mo turned and left, although he didn’t catch those resentful spirits and evil beasts and resentful spirits this time, he was not depressed.

After leaving this dangerous place, Lin Mo quickly left the ancient battlefield.

After returning to the Holy Land of Cultivation, Lin Mo asked Wang Jing: “This is a thousand square energy crystals. Help me buy a test machine.”

The materials used in the testing machines are all extremely high-level, especially when the materials are more than 10 billion jins, the materials to be used are even higher.

It would be more expensive if it weren’t because it was just a test of power, and the required requirements were not high.

Wang Jing took the storage ring, and his heart was shocked.

Since Lin Mo wants him to buy a higher-level testing machine, it means that Lin Mo’s explosive power has exceeded 10 billion catties at least.

Wang Jing smiled bitterly in his heart, and following Lin Mo, his strength also improved extremely fast, and now he has reached a high-level martial emperor.

Among those Martial Emperors who entered the Holy Land together, he is definitely the forefront.

But compared with Lin Mo, the gap is really too big.

When they first came, they were actually about the same strength. Although Lin Mo was strong, the gap was not big.

But now, there is already a tens of billions of power gap.

He quickly left to buy the machine.

Lin Mo contacted Qin Long again and prepared to buy the medicine.

Qin Long received the news from Lin Mo and quickly said that he had only prepared a part of it, and the rest of the medicine had not been prepared yet.

It’s not that he doesn’t want to prepare, it’s that he really can’t prepare this time.

The level of the pill that Lin Mo wants is too high.

After Lin Mo took the pill last time, he asked for a Wusheng-level pill.

He is a Martial Emperor, and it is good to be able to buy a Wuzong-level pill, but it is difficult to buy a Martial-Sage level.

Even if the name of Lin Mo is reported, it is actually very difficult to get the medicine.

Lin Mo came to Danyun Peak, took the pill, and after paying the fee, it was considered to have ended the cooperation with Qin Long.

Watching Lin Mo leave, Qin Long felt frustrated.

Cooperating with Lin Mo is his biggest business.

These days, he has gained tremendous benefits.

Unfortunately, Lin Mo improved so fast that he couldn’t keep up.

“.々What a perverted guy.” Qin Long sighed.

He himself is now a senior martial emperor himself, and in a few years, he has reached the senior martial emperor from the junior martial emperor. This speed is definitely the fastest in the Xuanguang Holy Land.

I can only say that some people are too abnormal.

After Lin Mo left Danyun Peak, he went directly to the exchange area.

He directly spent 20,000 square energy crystals to purchase the pill for his next practice.

He is now only one step into the peak of Wuzong, waiting for the next purchase of medicine, he is afraid that he is already a martial sage.

After purchasing the pill, Lin Mo did not return to his (Zhao Wang Zhao) mansion, the communication token rang.

Lin Mo glanced at Wan Guangming.

“Come to my mansion.”

Obviously, Wan Guangming already knew that he was back.

Lin Mo soon came to Wan Guangming’s residence, Lu.

Wan Guangming glanced at him and said with a smile: “Yes, your strength has improved a lot. I have to doubt it. In a few years, your strength will be stronger than mine.”

Lin Mo smiled slightly: “Master praised him absurdly.”

Wan Guangming sighed and looked serious: “Since you are back, there is just one thing that needs you to do.”

“whats the matter?”

“Before we played against the martial emperor level of other sects, you should know it.” Wan Guangming didn’t answer, but asked instead.

Lin Mo nodded, he did know this.

Wan Guangming said: “Next is the Wuzong level. This time, we can’t lose again. This time the big sects have increased their bets. I want you to help me win.”.

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