Chapter 180

Coming out of Wan Guangming, Lin Mo returned to his mansion and began to retreat again.

It will take some time for Wuzong to fight against the strong.

Taking advantage of this time, Lin Mo intends to comprehend the law of fate.

If he comprehends the four laws, he will be able to condense the realm of laws.

This is a skill that completely surpasses the martial arts level.

At least, Lin Mo knew that Wan Guangming and others did not comprehend enough laws, and their realm is still the realm of profound meaning.

Lin Mo started to do push-ups while he was thinking about it.

His eyebrows were slightly furrowed, and he was practicing here without pressure, and his progress was too slow.

The effect here is not even as good as one-tenth of that in the ancient battlefield.

But Lin Mo didn’t care too much. This time he mainly comprehended the law of fate.

Three days later, Lin Mo followed Wan Guangming to gather and resist.

Fifteen Wuzongs are here in the huge square.

This time, each sect dispatched seven primary Wuzongs, five intermediate Wuzongs, two high-level Wuzongs, and one pinnacle Wuzong.

There is no way to kill people inside, and the area is huge, so basically nothing happens.

It can only be said that if the elementary Wuzong meets the peak Wuzong and the like, it will basically be unlucky.

“I heard that the sage Langya from Heaven’s Holy Land will also come this time. It’s hard to deal with.”

767   “Lady Langya had beaten all the strong people of the same level at the beginning.”

“It’s not worthy of the sage of Langya, I heard that the eternal Dao Sect’s Taoists will also come out this time, and all the strong have come out, but the strong ones in our sect are still in retreat.”

“No way, who made our geniuses all in retreat and didn’t come out.”

These Wu Zongs are very depressed.

Before, they laughed at those Emperor Wu, but when they saw the people who went there this time, they were all very frustrated.

They can already guess the result of this big match.

This time, they almost didn’t bring any good things, and they were robbed when they entered the house when the time came.

“Okay, all cheer up.” Gu Tianni shouted.

This time, Gu Tianni was still leading the team, and he looked a little angry at the situation of these guys.

It’s just that these people still looked like they didn’t have much energy, so Gu Tianni couldn’t help but want to beat these people to death.

He snorted coldly, not talking.

Not long after, Wan Guangming brought Lin Mo over.

When they saw Lin Mo, these people were stunned.

“It’s him!”

“Does he also participate this time?”

“If this is the case, we still have some hope.”

“This time it might really be able to come back.”

These Wu Zong’s emotions suddenly improved.

Gu Tianni snorted again. He didn’t even have the face of Lin Mo. He was here. They were all the same as his dead father. But Lin Mo was so energetic when he came.

Lin Mo walked over, and suddenly everyone else saluted.

“Brother Lin, I’ll rely on you this time.”

“Brother Lin, I don’t worry if you are there.”

“If you know that Brother Lin will participate, I won’t resist.”

These people were so excited that Gu Tianni wanted to beat them up very much. They were all Wu Zong. Is this shameless?

“With Junior Brother Lin coming, we will definitely be able to defeat other sects this time.”

Among the crowd, the only pinnacle Wu Zong Lin Xiao said with a smile.

Lin Mo smiled and said, “Let’s work hard together.”

Gu Tianni released his white jade flying boat, leading everyone to the place of the fight.

This time the place where Bidou was still in a secret realm. At their level, Bidou would not normally fight in an arena anymore.

At this time, within a huge canyon, the people of other holy places, empires, and sects have already arrived.

This time, the latest visitor was the Xuanguang Holy Land.

At this time, people around were talking about

Daozu of Mingshan is chatting with the Holy Lord Jialuoye of Tian’a Holy Land.

Dao Ancestor Mingshan said with a smile: “Add Holy Lord, as long as we both work together this time, we will be able to completely clean up the people of Xuanguang Holy Land.”

The Holy Master Jialuye is wearing golden clothes, and (bdeh) the whole person is covered with a layer of holy light, which is extremely sacred.

Ordinary people would probably bow their heads in shock when they saw it, thinking that it was a god who came to the world.

Jia Luoye smiled: That’s natural. This time there are no strong characters in the Xuanguang Holy Land. If they are allowed to do their best, it will not lose our face. ”

This time, the sacred place of Tian’a came out of the saint of Langya, and the Eternal Dao Sect dispatched the Wanlong Daozi.

Both of these two are the pinnacle of Wuzong, the future saint master and Taoist ancestor.

At this time, in the place where the people of Tian’a Holy Land gathered, there was a woman sitting cross-legged. This woman had a graceful figure and delicate appearance. She was wearing white clothes. She looked like a woman of about 20 years old, with a faint light emitting from her back, which was extremely sacred.

In the center of the gathering place of the Eternal Taoist School, there is a young man standing in the middle, standing like a crane, with eyes like stars, and a hooked nose, wearing a blue robe, standing in the crowd like a flock of chickens.

Both of them seemed extremely extraordinary. At this time, other empires and holy places all focused their attention on these two people. It can be said that these two people are the favorites in this competition.

Many people believe that this time the champion of the match was born among them.

At this time, a white jade spaceship appeared in the sky.

“The people from Xuanguang Holy Land are here!” someone shouted.

Everyone looked towards the sky.

“Looking at them, there are no masters.”

“Yes, but it’s normal.”

In the sky, the white jade flying boat was quickly put away by Gu Tianni, and then everyone quickly landed towards the ground.

Gu Tianni smiled and said, “I’m sorry, I’m late.”

“Gu Shengzhu joked, it’s because we are late, and the secret realm will not be opened for a few days.” Longshan Empire’s Du Wangye led the team this time and said with a smile.

At this moment, everyone quickly scanned the people behind Gu Tianni, and when they saw Lin Mo, they all showed shocked expressions.

“It’s Lin Mo!”

“It’s actually him!”

“Damn, we all forget he is Wu Zong.”

The look of these Wu Zong suddenly became very ugly.

Before, they thought that Xuanguang Holy Land did not have any powerful Wuzong this time.

But only then did they remember that there was another Lin Mo.

The reason why they didn’t think about it before was because Lin Mo was promoted to Wu Zong for too short a time. When they were thinking about it, they inadvertently missed Lin Mo.

Seeing Lin Mo at this time, they instantly remembered Lin Mo’s things in their minds.

At this time, both the Saintess of Langya and Wanlong Daozi looked at Lin Mo, full of fighting spirit.

Lin Mo glanced at them lightly, and stood quietly to the side.

Soon, a few days later, the door of the secret realm was quickly opened.

This time was different from the last time Lin Mo entered the secret realm. There was a dark cave at the entrance of the secret realm, and everyone flew directly into it. .

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