Chapter 178

As soon as Lin Mo rushed in, Lin Mo sensed that this place was more pressured than the outside pressure, but for Lin Mo, it had little effect.

He looked to the front, and the Pioneer Spider was already more than 500 meters ahead, but it did not move on at this time, but turned to look at Lin Mo.

Lin Mo quickly released his field.

Just when the domain was released, a powerful sword aura slashed towards Lin Mo.

Lin Mo raised his eyebrows slightly, and his body quickly retreated, avoiding the attack of the sword air.

This sword aura is twenty meters long, aquamarine, and contains a strong aura of destruction.

The most terrifying thing is that this is equivalent to being able to display it only when the Martial Saint level is strong.

Lin Mo must go all out to resist. For him, it is not necessary.


The sword qi fell on the ground fiercely, exploding a deep hole.

Lin Mo put away his domain and looked around.

“It’s actually not possible to release the domain here. This is the first time I have encountered it in this ancient battlefield. Even the sealing circle that sealed the Zerg before has no restrictions on the domain.” 13 Lin Mo muttered to himself.

At this moment, Xianfeng Spider breathed a sigh of relief.

It was also a little worried before that Lin Mo can release the domain here. In that case, Lin Mo can easily attack him, but now it seems that there is no need to worry about this issue.

“Haha, you can’t attack, there is a kind of come over.” Pioneer Spider laughed loudly.

Lin Mo frowned slightly, and didn’t feel impulsive.

For his own strength, he is naturally extremely confident, but this does not mean that he will act recklessly.

Moreover, this ancient battlefield fell from a higher-level world, let alone him, even if Wan Guangming and others encountered some dangerous places, they would die.

Lin Mo squeezed the realm of everything into his eyes and began to look at the surroundings.

This method can only be used for viewing, as for other abilities are gone.

As soon as he saw it, Lin Mo looked shocked.

Around here, there are various weird energy distributions everywhere.

Normally, you can’t see it, or even feel it, but as long as you step into the other party’s domain, then trouble will come.

These weird energies are volitional, in a sense, it can even be said to be a life.

It’s just that these wills are incomplete.

There may have been a big battle here, and many people died, and these energies are left by those who died.

And those wills may be the last remnants of those people, similar to the existence of resentful spirits.

It’s just that these Cannian thoughts are too powerful, and they didn’t turn into resentful spirits like other broken souls.

At this time, these energy clusters are distributed in disorder, without any regularity.

If you run around indiscriminately without being able to perceive it, then it is definitely a dead end.

This Pioneer Spider didn’t know what method was used, it had already detected a certain distance, but now more than 500 meters was the limit.

At this time, the Pioneer Spider continued to yell and curse: “Trash, wasn’t it great before? Why isn’t it anymore, some kind of come and attack.”

Pioneer Spider was very cool, but he was almost killed by Lin Mo before, and now he can finally vent.

As for the rest of the situation, let’s talk about it. He didn’t believe that Lin Mo would stay here forever.

At most, I stayed here for several decades, and I have stayed in the seal for so many years anyway.

Lin Mo smiled coldly: “Since you want to find death, then I will fulfill you.”

Lin Mo started walking forward.

Seeing Lin Mo actually walking towards him, Xianfeng Spider was overjoyed.

“This kid is such an idiot. After being stimulated by me for a few words, he came to die. It seems that he doesn’t need to stay here for too long now.” Vanguard Spider muttered to himself.

But soon, his face changed drastically.

Lin Mo has advanced 20 meters, but so far, nothing has happened.

It found that Lin Mo’s path was not the same as the way it came before. In other words, Lin Mo could really see the situation instead of seeing the way it came before.

For a while, it was anxious.

“Impossible, he can’t see it.” Vanguard Spider said anxiously.

Many tiny spiders began to appear on its body, and these spiders quickly moved deeper into the dangerous place.

The energy here was quickly mobilized, and then completely wiped out.

But there are still others who have not touched the energy and are able to move on. The reason why Pioneer Spiders can come here is entirely dependent on these little spiders.

These little spiders have the ability to detect and are one of the methods of pioneer spiders.

Its ability is actually somewhat similar to the ability of the queen of insects, except that the small spiders that can reproduce are fixed in species and limited in ability.

At this time, there are not many small spiders on it.

In order to detect the route before, it has consumed most of the pioneer spiders.

Looking at the detected route, it continued to advance toward the depths of the dangerous place.

It’s just that Lin Mo’s speed is faster. Soon, Lin Mo is less than ten meters away from it.

“Why don’t you scold it, continue.” Lin Mo sneered.

Looking at Lin Mo, a trace of resentment flashed in the eyes of Pioneer Spider. The next moment, it roared, “I’m fighting with you.”

It rushed to the side quickly.

One of its little spiders rushed over and was directly killed by a series of blades.

That sword mang was extremely terrifying.

Before it was just a small spider rushing over, the attack was not big, but now it rushes over, it will produce a huge attack 767.

These attacks will cover Lin Mo’s location.

Lin Mo showed a trace of disdain.

The Pioneer Spider rushed over, and sure enough, in the next instant, a wave of blade lights rushed out frantically, killing the Pioneer Spider in an instant.

A large number of sword lights also slashed towards Lin Mo.

Lin Mo stepped back a few steps, hiding behind another cloud of energy.

Sure enough, Dao Mang was quickly blocked when he arrived here, and did not cause any harm to Lin Mo.

“It’s really interesting. If you encounter a strong enemy and introduce it here, you can easily solve it. Unfortunately, this intermediate Wuzong ancient battlefield is not beyond me.” Lin Mo sighed slightly.

He was about to leave, suddenly turning his head to look behind him.

He sensed that something seemed to be approaching.

At the next moment, he saw that an entrance quickly appeared deep in the dangerous place, and through the entrance, he could see that there were a lot of plants inside.

The nest of wraith spirits and alien beasts!

Lin Mo was stunned for a while. He didn’t expect to encounter him here, but his luck was so good.

“No, it’s not good luck, I’m afraid this is a key point the other party passed through. These energy clusters are actually things that the other party wants to swallow, so they will appear every once in a while.” Lin Mo concluded again.

ps: The escort is really tired. I lie on the bed every day when I get home, and I don’t want to move when I am tired. .

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