Chapter 177

After Lin Mo searched for a long time, he still couldn’t find the lair of the wraith spirit and the evil beast, which surprised him.

Those places before, but very easy to find, this high-level Wuzong area, it is so difficult to find, this is somewhat interesting.

Lin Mo caught a resentful spirit and began to spot check the opponent’s soul.

He has now mastered the law of life, although it is not specifically aimed at the soul, but it is still very good to deal with a resentful spirit.

After some investigations, Lin Mo finally found the reason.

It turned out that the resentful spirits and beast lairs in this high-level Wuzong area were in a very peculiar place. This place was constantly shifting. Whether they could be found or not was entirely a matter of luck.


Lin Mo’s eyes lit up.

Luck is actually related to destiny. Lin Mo suspects that there may be east seven six three west that contains the law of fate.

Only in this way can such a peculiar situation be formed.

This made Lin Mo a little surprised. He was able to condense the realm of laws only by the rules of luck.

Generally speaking, this step can only be reached at the level of Wu Sheng, and even those Wu Sheng can not reach it.

At least Lin Mo estimated that the five holy masters of Xuanguang Holy Land may not have reached it.

If they can succeed, they may all break through to a higher level.

Lin Mo started to search again, this time the opportunity could not be given up, otherwise, he didn’t know when he would be able to find something that contained the law of fate.

Soon, some senior Wu Zong in the ancient battlefield discovered Lin Mo’s figure.

Subsequently, more and more Wu Zong also discovered Lin Mo’s figure.

Lin Mo is very popular nowadays, and many people are talking about it.

Of course, even if it was a discussion, they all avoided it.

Although in their opinion, it has not been long before Lin Mo entered the advanced Wuzong ancient battlefield, they agreed that Lin Mo was not something they could deal with.

At this time, in a mountain range in the ancient battlefield.

Gu Fengyun’s communication token rang.

Seeing the token ringing, his face became extremely ugly again.

He quickly checked the contents: Feng Yun, Lin Mo flew towards you again, be careful.

“Damn, I didn’t offend you, so I just thought about cultivating, doesn’t it work? Do I have to force me out of the ancient battlefield?” Gu Fengyun yelled!

He has changed several positions. As a result, within two days of changing positions, he received some messages from good friends saying that Lin Mo was flying towards him.

Regardless of whether Lin Mo really came to deal with him or not, he has no confidence to continue.

If Lin Mo really came to deal with him, it would be over.

“Oh, forget it, who made me a member of the Eternal Dao Sect? I can’t afford it, and I can’t hide it? I will return to the sect first. It is a pity that this ancient battlefield is much better than in the sect. .”

Gu Fengyun sighed very much. He was a half-body and half-energy cultivator. The strong pressure on the ancient battlefield was of great benefit to his cultivation.

Unfortunately, Lin Mo is here.

He quickly left the cave that he had only opened for two days, and moved towards the passage of the eternal Dao Sect.

At this time, in a place not far from here, a spider also looked at the distance anxiously at this time.

It is called Pioneer Spider.

It was the Zerg who disappeared after escaping from the sealing circle.

Just as Lin Mo imagined, after it came out of the sealing circle, it was transported to the advanced Wuzong ancient battlefield.

It is different from the man-eating bee.

The role of the Vanguard Spider is not to fight, but to detect, so its combat effectiveness is not strong, and naturally it dares not be like the man-eating bee.

The Zerg is very powerful, but not every Zerg is very powerful, and different types of Zerg have different functions.

When entering the intermediate Wuzong battlefield, it found several powerful auras, none of which could be dealt with by itself, so it hurried away.

And for a period of time afterwards, it felt a sense of extreme danger from time to time, and once it even sensed the breath of a man-eating bee.

Suddenly it understood that the guy who killed the Man-Eater was here.

This makes it even more frightened, and even the man-eater bee can kill it, so it is probably easier for the opponent to kill it.

It swiftly followed the ground and fled towards the distance.

In the sky, Lin Mo continued to fly. These days, while flying, he caught a lot of wraith spirits and evil beasts. By catching their souls and investigating, he has roughly a certain understanding.

Although the place appears randomly, it is actually constantly operating according to a certain rule, but the timing of appearance is arbitrary…

Lin Mo only needs to find its trajectory and follow it.

When the time comes, I have been following it, and I can find it whenever it wants to appear.

Just after flying over a big mountain, Lin Mo stopped suddenly and looked to the left.

He sensed something that had a cause and effect with him was flying in the distance.

“Is it a member of the Eternal Dao Sect?” Lin Mo narrowed his eyes.

But then he felt wrong again.

He wasn’t someone who didn’t meet the Eternal Dao Sect before, but he didn’t bother to take care of it.

He is mainly looking for the lair of the wraith spirit and the evil beast, and he is not interested in paying attention to them for the time being.

Of course, if the people of the Eternal Dao Sect do not know whether they live or die, and dare to provoke them, they are looking for death.

Lin Mo thought for a while, and moved quickly in the direction he felt.

The Pioneer Spider kept flying, but the more it flew this time, the more dangerous it felt.

“Damn, he’s caught up!” Xianfeng Spider was affirmed in his heart.

It speeded up suddenly and dashed towards the distance, rushing towards the dangerous place it had encountered before.

In the ancient battlefield, there are many dangerous places.

These dangerous places either have a magic circle, or may have left some attacks from some strong people.

If you step in, it may be triggered, and you will encounter a powerful attack, which is basically death at that time.

The Pioneer Spider had encountered it before, almost died, and finally avoided the past by virtue of its instinct.

At this time, there was no way. 4.7 It quickly ran with its eight paws, using its speed to the extreme, and constantly rushing towards that place.

At this time, Lin Mo also sensed that the Pioneer Spider was running faster, he smiled slightly, and then speeded up to catch up.

For Lin Mo, unless the opponent enters the passage of the seven forces and leaves this ancient battlefield, otherwise, it is basically impossible to escape his chase.

Soon, the pioneer spider appeared in Lin Mo’s sight.

“It turned out to be the Zerg who escaped before. No wonder the sense is different from other people. It happens to be completely wiped out.”

Lin Mo speeds up, and the gap between the two is rapidly shortening.

Suddenly, Lin Mo saw that the vanguard spider disappeared quickly.

Lin Mo quickly reached the place where the Vanguard Spider disappeared, looked at the place in front of him, and then rushed in. .

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