Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 540 - Master is coming (17)

Chapter 540 – :Master is coming (1/7)

The martial arts gods are just the beginning of the gods.

If you want to become a kingly god, the number of laws that need to be condensed is extremely large, and you need to reach

The power of ten thousand laws.

The power of law also has a name, the power of all things.

You can change the energy form at will, and have the magical mechanism of life and good fortune, which is heaven and earth.

Asked the most magical power, above qi and blood~, extremely mysterious.

“I robbed the fairy treasure house. The deity I saw before, I’m afraid I’ve just used it.

To investigate this matter, with the help of the gods, it didn’t take long to find out what happened. ”

“I can’t hide it at all. I must improve my strength as soon as possible and find a way to deal with it.”

Jiang Yuan thought carefully in his heart, countless thoughts were twisted in his heart, and soon settled

Go down.

His palm began to imaginary painting, and a piece of white paper slowly floated up in front of him, continuously hooking on it.

Draw intricate patterns, unexpectedly forming an image of himself.

This is the first form of qi, blood and golden body in the Sutra of All Things.

He urges the power of the laws in the body, which is portrayed by the laws, which is even more lifelike.

On the paper, it seemed to be alive, with a heartbeat and breathing.

As the characters continue to be portrayed, new ideas continue to advance in my mind.

All kinds of whimsical ideas are constantly emerging.

Thousands of times talent, crazy promotion, made his brain more and more hot and buzzing.

In his mind, a golden body of law drawn by the power of law, gradually condensed

Poly molding starts from the legs and spreads upwards a little bit.

Every time it spreads, the microcosmos in the body is more powerful.

Stars condensed by running finely, the surface of the stars continue to appear fragmentation, as if

Can’t support the mighty power of this fear.


At this moment, the paper in front of Jiang Yuan suddenly burned, and his mind

The golden body of the cohesive law collapses instantly.

In an instant, all the turbulence of the stars in the body was quiet.

“It turns out that

A gleam of golden light broke out in Jiang Yuan’s eyes.

Lived at the core: Seeing the cause of the collapse, I instantly penetrated everything.

The corners of the mouth are smiling and the palms are dancing.

Between splashes, sheets of white paper slowly floated up.

A huge wall of white paper was formed in front of him, and his palms were constantly dancing.

The lines of the golden body of the law are depicted as if painting a hundred.

Attentive, single-minded, with stern eyes.

The entire eye mask is covered with golden light vegetables.

That is not a real light curtain, but an origin formula, densely packed with countless primitive words,

Combined with each other.

And it has gone beyond the water blue star text, and is closer to the origin of the universe.

It’s like the ancient hieroglyphs condensed by the great statue.

More mysterious, with a sense of vicissitudes of history.

In an instant.

In front of a sheet of white paper, countless golden statues of laws are sketched out, each one looks like(Read more @

The same, but exuding a different breath, as if it were a living creature.

Some have smiles on their faces.

Some are compassionate.

More painful, as if silently wailing.

Within Jiang Yuan’s body, the frequency of microcosmic ambitions is getting faster and faster, and countless stars are shattering.

They even broke away from the original trajectory, collided with each other, and erupted with a terrible roar.

In Jiangyuan’s eyebrows, knowing the sea.

Numerous statues of the law are also constantly appearing.

One Zun Zun appeared,-Zun Zun was broken, many of them shattered just by condensing their legs, but

Some are condensed to the neck before they are shattered.

Jiang Yuan is experimenting.

All the routes deduced by the origin formula are rudely tested again and again, and the best is selected.

Time just keeps passing bit by bit.

The entire universe has also won darkness.

Tenghong City, at night, is still brightly lit, like daylight, in the city,

From time to time, you can see a statue of the Tenghong imperial army, in groups of three or five, in cold storage, constantly patrolling


Even in the space that the flesh limit can’t see.

A famous man, sitting cross-legged, his eyes are like the light of a beacon, patrolling everything, light years

Inside, there is nowhere for all evils to be shield-shaped, and upon discovery, the thunder strike immediately.

Put to death directly without interrogation.

But above the sea of ​​stars that people can’t see.

Two figures, one male and one female, handsome male, charming female, one gorgeous golden

Costumes: Noble like a royal family, with a glance, the whole city of Tenghong can be seen in a panoramic view.

The two are not others, they are Jiang Hao and Cheng Qiming


Cang Yunzi and Guo Fu.

“This is Jiang Hao’s family power?”

Cang Yun’s voice resounded, his brows frowned slightly and said: “Isn’t Jiang Hao saying that his father

Pros are the existence of the Nine Suns Realm, and the family power of these characters is the only one of the great elders.

What point?

He glanced at it, and in the entire Tenghong City, no great master couldn’t be fascinated by his eyes——


“Perhaps it is a matter of face!” Guo Fu said lightly: “Within the school, you should know

The comparison between the students is very heavy, and they all like to say that their racial power is very strong.

fierce. ”

Cang Yun nodded slightly and said, “This is also human nature, and it doesn’t matter. Since I’m here

Now, let me show my strength and let Jiang Hao’s family know of my existence.

“This can also strengthen his position in the clan.”

Guo Fu faintly smiled and said, “That’s exactly what I meant, just because my disciple kept yelling for a reply.

Family, I also show my strength, so as to increase his status in the family. ”

The two smiled confidently.

While they were speaking, the two stepped out, and the horrible breath broke out, suddenly floating behind them.

The azure blue light is an ocean of infinite stars

In an instant, the entire ocean was trembling endlessly,-big suns, the rising sun, dense

It is densely packed, with more than 80 in full, all of them ascending and coming up.

The bright light bursts in an instant, directly enveloping the two of them like two big suns, rumor

The words are incomparable.

Almost instantly, it was brilliant.

The sky and the earth are dark, instantly dissipated, and the clouds are seen like the sun.

The brilliance, the speed of the light, continues to spread, almost covering the entire universe.

Change the day and change the darkness into daylight.

In an instant, the entire Tenghong City instantly boiled.

Whether it’s the great elders patrolling Tenghong city or the great elders who are cultivating with their eyes closed, they fly.

Coming up, gathered together, and cast their eyes to the sky.

I saw two big suns hanging in the sky.

Almost instantly, Jiang Hao, who was cultivating with his eyes closed in a courtyard, suddenly opened his eyes,

With a look of surprise in the gods,-stand up.

“Master is here”

In a blink of an eye, his body shook and disappeared in place, appearing on the city of Tenghong.

Empty, the sunlight shiningly looked up at the sky.

“Little Lord”

Seeing Jiang Hao’s appearance, the surrounding elders immediately saluted hello respectfully.

Jiang Jie was extremely excited, and when she looked around, she saw everyone’s expressions tense, as if they were facing an enemy.

Normally, he smiled directly at the bloody great lord and said, “Elder, don’t be nervous.”

“Why?” The bloody Great Lord and the others Riguang immediately looked at Jiang Hao, and saw the shock on his face.

The color of joy was puzzled.

“It’s my master who is here.” B.

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