Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 539 - Number of laws (77)

Chapter 539 – : Number of laws (7/7)

Everyone is not stupid. If it is not for the promotion of Star Court, there is no need for high-end combat power at all.

It can be improved slowly.

Only when Xing Ting is promoted to an institution of higher learning, will there be some hard targets.

At least one Nine Sun Great Realm is needed.

In addition, the fourth stage of the Supreme Master is also needed, half a step of the existence of the nine suns, a full ten

One hundred statues, or the fourth stage strong person of the ordinary supreme great statue.

These are two rigid indicators, one of which is indispensable.

In addition.

In accordance with the practice throughout the ages, during the review period of Xing Ting’s promotion to a higher education institution, Xing Ting’s

The secretary, as well as the half-step Jiuyang veteran, must serve as elders in the academy and accept

Some work.

Said it is to promote learning, but in fact it is free labor.

But there is no way. These practices have been followed for tens of billions of years and have never changed.

Furthermore, the academy is extremely powerful, and there will be many benefits in it, and you can even worship

The powerful martial gods of the division have laid a solid foundation for the future promotion to the gods.

But Jiang Yuan is already a god, so he doesn’t need to be a teacher.

Moreover, he is a strong and powerful, and he has never relied on others, he is a little bit of himself.

Improve perception.

For him, his own insights surpassed everything. 800

Everyone was very excited, but among the people present, only Shallow Discussion frowned slightly.

What is thinking about.

Suddenly couldn’t help but said, “Master, but what happened?”

As his voice fell, everyone looked at him with all their eyes, very puzzled.

I don’t know why he suddenly asked such a sentence.

However, Jiang Yuan nodded slightly.

“The treasure house I opened is not the inherent treasure house of the macro clan, but the fairy treasure house.” Jiang

Yuan didn’t conceal it, it’s all his own, and sooner or later he will know, now he says: It’s better to give

Prepare for home alone.

“Fairy Treasure

In an instant, the bloody great lord thought about something, his eyes became a little amazed and said:

Xuejiao, the fairy treasure house you mentioned is not a treasure house of the fairy school.


In an instant, everyone’s eyes couldn’t help but vie for big, with a hint of awe.

Jiang Yuan nodded slightly and said, “It is indeed a treasure house of the Fairy Spirit Academy, but this treasure house

I am afraid that the origin is not upright, but let the Hong Clan take care of it. ”

“You don’t need to worry about the accountability of universities, but you can’t avoid the trouble.”

While speaking, Jiang Yuan waved his hand, and the power of the law oscillated, a picture appeared

Now in front of everyone.

The content in the picture is exactly the scene that appeared in the Chaos Sea before.

Hundreds of Nine Suns, a martial arts god.(Read more @

Almost as soon as they saw the content of this picture, everyone changed their color in an instant, and immediately realized

What is the trouble that Jiang Yuan said?

This is more than trouble.

It’s a disaster!

But soon, everyone thought of something, but let out a sigh of relief.

The bloody great master meditated for a while and said: “If we are now in the Purple Mansion, Faeries

The government is certainly powerful, but as long as the entire academy is not going to deal with us, they must follow

Come by the rules. ”

“You can’t take a shot at the Purple Mansion for no reason, but the problem now is that the other party is afraid

It will be investigated soon and come to us directly.

The bloody Great Master looked a little worried.

Jiang Yuan didn’t say a word.

The existence of a hundred Nine Suns, the gods of martial arts, such a huge team, if

Yes, within a day, pushing hundreds of domains will not be a problem.

Especially the existence of a hundred Nine Suns Great Realm can be combined into a big formation, once

Come to fight.

He was easily trapped in it, unable to get out, and restrained everywhere.

There is also a martial arts god to assist in the attack.

With his current strength, it is difficult to resist unless

Jiang Yuan gradually lost his thoughts.

Unless it can be created within a very short time

The gain secret method used in the realm of the gods, (affj) is the only way to break the same face in front of you.

“Bloody, the corpses of more than a hundred Great Venerables who died before can be brought back to the Star Court.” Jiang

Yuan turned off the subject and asked suddenly.

The bloody great nodded, and said earnestly: “They are all elites of Star Court, and they will definitely not let

The dead bodies of them were all confined, ready to be sent back to their hometowns for burial. ”

Jiang Yuan raised his hand to stop the other party and said, “Don’t send it home for the time being. Take out the corpse.

I have some uses. ”

The puzzled expression on the bloody Great Lord’s face flashed away. I didn’t know that Jiang Yuan wanted these corpses to do it.


Yeah, but he didn’t ask too much, nodded and said: “Then I’ll be sent by someone later.”

Jiang Yuan nodded slightly.

Just now, a flash of light flashed in his mind.

He remembered that in the Honglian Empire where the water blue star in his hometown was located, he often used the ancestors of the broken star realm to refine

Puppet system advocates.

Maybe you can follow suit.

Afterwards, everyone briefly talked about the direction of Xing Ting’s next development.

Jiang Yuan collected a hundred corpses of the dead in battle, and began to retreat.

Below Tenghong City, about one kilometer away, is the limit of many broken star realms.

It is specially developed for the people of this kind to quietly break through the great deity, without being disturbed by the outside world.

There is only Jiang Yuan here at this time.

The space is extremely huge, it is a square space, one hundred meters high and one hundred thousand meters long,

With a width of 100,000 meters, the middle question is made up of piles of white jade stone pillars, flashing with faint white


Enough to illuminate the entire underground space.

Jiang Yuan chose a futon at random and sat cross-legged.

In an instant, the origin formula in my mind, driven by tens of millions of talents, went crazy

When it works, it reaches its limit speed just by breathing effort.

In a trance, the countless torrents of knowledge in my mind are rapidly calculating.

The laws in the body, under the calculation of the origin formula, have been continuously dissected to understand the laws

The essence of the rule.

Just breathe in and ask effort, Jiang Yuan’s perception of the law is becoming more and more majestic.

The power of law is very different from the power of blood.

One that has been based on itself, continuously condenses and enhances the power of qi and blood, so that the cells-time after time

Evolve to increase the storage of energy and blood, and burst out stronger combat power when necessary.

But the power of the law is extracted from the outside world.

Comparable words.

The original air is equivalent to a dagger, and the universe is equivalent to a huge cake.

If you want to improve your strength, you have to cut it from the big cake of the universe.

The power of the law.

The easiest among them is to rush to the martial gods from the Nine Suns Realm, and you only need to-

The power of Dao law can make a huge transformation.

But if you want to be promoted from the martial god to the king, the number of laws required is extremely


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