Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 541 - Apocalypse (27)

Chapter 541 – : Apocalypse (2/7)

Jiang Jie smiled slightly, looking towards the sky, her body slowly rising, leaving the crowd.

In the blink of an eye, he came to the sky above the sky.

The voice was deliberately lazily passed up: “Master, you are not tired by pretending to be the sun on it.”

“Smelly Boy”

Almost at the moment when Jiang Hao’s voice fell, in the sky of stars,-Dao’s majestic voice

It suddenly passed, and the clouds were tumbling endlessly.


In the next second, a terrifying rooster resounded abruptly. In the two big days, two lights

The thread was pulled down at once, and appeared in front of Jiang Hao in an instant, condensed into two people

Looks like.

“You kid, this mouth still owes you so much.”

Cang Yun looked at Jiang Hao with a dumbfounded cry, and gave him a lot of up and down, a trace of it appeared in his eyes.

The approving look said: “It’s still “Zero 80”, not bad, and there is no delay in cultivation.

“Of course.

Jiang Hao said proudly: “You don’t know how hard I have been recently, and I have family resources.

Unlimited supply, and the resources you give, the master, even a pig, it is estimated to be big


Guo Fu on the side smiled and said: “You! I know that you are stubborn with your master. I will ask you.

Why didn’t you send a message to your master three days ago?

Come with me to find you, afraid that something will happen to you.

Jiang Hao was taken aback for a moment, his eyes turned to Cangyun, and the gratitude in his eyes flashed away.

The expression of the hippie smiling face also converged a little.

“Master”” Don’t

Jiang Hao opened his mouth, but was interrupted by Cang Yun: “You should save the time! I can’t bear it.

Thank you for staying, and don’t listen to Guo Fu’s, I just want to see you being lazy lately

Did you stop practicing?

However, Jiang Hao still said seriously: “Master, thank you”

Cang Yun immediately became impatient and said: “Don’t give me this set, you are not holding back.

Let’s talk! Why didn’t you communicate with me for three days this time?

Jiang Hao lowered his voice and said, “Master, let’s go down and talk!

Cang Yun nodded slightly and said, “It’s okay, I want to see what excuses you made up.”

As they spoke, the three of them stepped out and came to the sky above Tenghong City in a flash.

The daylight of the bloody grandmaster and the others all looked at the man and woman beside Jiang Hao, their eyes

There was a respectful look in it, but no one took a step forward.

As the young master, Jiang Jie was naturally the most powerful person in Tenghong when Jiang Yuan was away.

If he receives them, it will not be their turn.

Soon, the three of them came to Jiang Hao’s cultivation courtyard.

Entering the room, Jiang Hao’s vitality and blood vibrated, and he spontaneously, forming a golden light curtain, loquat(Read more @

The entire courtyard is shrouded in it, isolating all exploration from the outside world.

“Master, I was ordered to investigate the Wind Fighting Purple Mansion, you should know.

Back in the living room, Jiang Hao’s expression suddenly became serious, and said slowly: “According to me step by step

I got some clues from the investigation, so a few days ago, I specially adjusted from the family power

Took a hundred great masters

Jiang Hao slowly said the previous things a little bit.

The two listened quietly, without interrupting him in the middle.

However, when Jiang Hao was narrating, he deliberately concealed that Jiang Yuan had cultivated to the gods.


It’s not that he didn’t want to say it, but that he did not necessarily believe it when he said it.

Not long ago, he sent a message to Cangyun, saying that his father had nearly cultivated to Jiuyang University.

Circumstances, before and after, just how long did his father become a god.

Don’t say it’s someone else, even if it’s him, if he didn’t see it with his own eyes, he would be killed.

Do not believe.

After listening to Jiang Hao’s statement, neither of them said a word, and gradually fell into deep thought.

Finally, Cang Yun slowly said: “The matter of Wind Fighting Purple Mansion is a bit complicated.

I have used the tube, and I have submitted an application to the Taishang Presbyterian House, and I have obtained the same


“Next, Feng Zhan Zifu will have other people investigate and deal with it. We will come here this time.

The first is to see you, and the second is to take you back. ”

“Take me back?”

Jiang Hao didn’t know, so he said, “Why are you taking me back suddenly?”

Cang Yun and Guo Fu glanced at each other, and finally said, “Do you know that the controversy between Tianfu,

Should you open your shoulders?

“The Controversy of Tianfu.

Jiang Hao suddenly widened his limits, and said in shock: “Why so fast? I don’t want to wait for the killing field.

Will it start until the end of the second session? How long will it take? According to past practice, at least

There is still a year to go!”

Cang Yun shook his head and said, “We don’t know about this, but we don’t know the reason.

Kill the poke field second

This is indeed over, so Tianfu also opened in advance


Having said this, Cang Yun wrinkled as well, and the distress faded away.

“Jiang Hao, you probably don’t know yet!”

Guo Fu, who was next to him, suddenly said, “Your master is bleeding heavily this time. Almost all

I have spent all my wealth, and won a chance for you to enter the realm of Apocalypse.

Let you increase your strength once when you enter Tianfu.


Jiang Hao suddenly opened his eyes and stood up from his seat, staring in amazement.

To Cang Yun,-opened his mouth to say something, but he couldn’t help but hesitated when the words came to his lips.

“Your master really has nothing to say to you!

Guo Fu sighed, “Seriously, Xiao Haozi, I envy you, your master

What a guy who is really honest with you, you will develop in the future, but don’t forget

Your master!

Jiang Hao suddenly froze in place, and his brain roared.

Where is the Apocalypse Realm, that is, if you want to enter the Nine Suns Realm, you have to apply for it.

It may not be possible to enter once in a million years. 1.6, all of them live in the Taishang Elder’s Home

Among the gods.

Legend has it that the blood in it is extremely pure and can be swallowed directly.

Moreover, the internal rules are too changed by the people in the elder’s house. Anyone who enters it, spring

There is almost no upper limit for the power of qi and blood, and the strength can continue to soar.

If the talent is enough, even from the first stage of the great master, directly across the four small stages,

It is possible to rush into Nine Suns.

In history, such figures have also appeared, such as the current university Supreme Learning,

Entering the Apocalypse Realm for the first time, ascending to the sky in one step, from the first stage of the Supreme Master, Chong

Enter the nine suns.

And such characters have appeared several times in the history of the school.

Everyone knows that the Apocalypse Realm is a good place, but they want to have-time to enter it

Qualifications are too difficult, as difficult as the sky.

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