Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 415 - Twelve statues of vitality and blood

Chapter 415 – : Twelve statues of vitality and blood

The number of phantom clones has reached one hundred thousand, and it has doubled again, which is not so terrifying.

It can actually separate the first stage of the qi-blood golden body, half of its power.

And this kind of differentiation is not one, but twelve.


Even Jiang Yuan gasped.

You have to know your own blood and blood golden body, but it is a tens of millions-level blood and blood golden body, which is huge and it is simply the most terrifying war.

Sharp weapon.

Conquer the city, sweep everything.

Imagine that twelve golden bodies with tens of millions of vitality and blood take the lead in the charge, stepping on the Tianjie domain, like twelve golden beams of light.

Like the pillars supporting the sky and the earth-like-

Step out, you can cross a magnificent city with hundreds of millions of people, how shocking it will be, how many people

Will be frightened and dull.

Vertically and horizontally, it is almost Pimo.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yuan was frightened.

Imagine that you are standing at a window in a city in Dayu, suddenly the sky is shaking, an extremely stalwart

Like a figure connecting heaven and earth.

One deity appeared one after another between heaven and earth.

In such a scene, who is not scary, who can keep calm and not panic?

“A weapon of war, a weapon of war

Jiang Yuan’s heart couldn’t be calm for a long time, standing there, all agitated, shocked by the information feedback from the supernatural power fruit.

The skin 877 was tingling.

“in case.

Immediately afterwards, a more terrifying voice resounded in Jiang Yuan’s heart.

“If you condense the 30 golden core rings and the martial arts supernatural powers in each ring, all the essence power is injected into the phantom

In the body?”

“So what a terrible change it will cause, absolutely even more terrifying, even the second form of differentiation of vitality, blood, and golden body.


The more he thought about it, the more shocked Jiang Yuan became.

It’s really horrible.

This kind of thought made him creepy, so terrified that his breathing would freeze.

At this time, not only Jiang Yuan was in shock, but at his feet, there was a small discussion like dust and a group of disciples.

All looking up at Jiang Yuan’s huge body-

Each one grows up their mouths. The more you look at Jiang Yuan’s body, the more terrifying and the more you feel the insignificance of yourself, even in his

There is a shadow in our hearts.

It’s hard to fight, it can’t be shaken at all.

The most shocking is still the discussion.

He tried his best to control his own heart, but the shock of his heart couldn’t fade away. Instead, it vibrated more intensely.

He still has the feeling of being in a dream.

Who knows, Tenghong Star Court, this escape-like team is actually hidden,-the third stage of the Supreme Master

The supreme figure of the limit.

Such a person, no matter where he goes, his (bcdi) identity is extremely respected.

The Ninth-Rank Star Court will try their best to draw in, even the Purple Mansion will lower his posture and draw in a little bit.(Read more @

“No wonder. It’s no wonder Tenghong Star Court is so decisive. When he first arrived in the universe, he was so unscrupulous and directly bombarded him.

Powerful of the local four-star star court. ”

A brief talk muttered to himself: “It turns out that there is such a scary existence supported.”

Thinking of this, a trace of envy gradually emerged in his eyes.

Their shallow race has existed for millions of years, but they can only survive in the cracks, wandering among the stars.

Don’t dare to offend.

Just because the entire race cannot give birth to a decent powerhouse, there is no way to stand upright and dare to speak.

Compared with the two or three big cats and kittens of Tenghong Star Court, there is actually a third-stage existence guarding the supreme great deity, Jane

It makes people jealous to madness.

As if feeling the other person’s heart, Jiang Yuan’s huge head slowly lowered, and his gaze came over.

Shallow talk was shocked, his complexion was instantly stiff, and Jiang Yuan’s mighty, extremely majestic voice came from his ears.

“There is nothing wrong with you here, you can leave now!”

Talking about Zhang Zhang, what he wanted to say, and finally turned into a faint sigh, bowed to Jiang Yuan and said: “This junior is here

Just leave. ”

During the speech, he did not dare to delay in the slightest, and his blood was shaking, covering the many disciples around him, directly turning into a stream of light.

Rush into the speed of light space and travel through.

Jiang Yuan quietly watched their aura disappear completely before turning his gaze on the planet in front of him.

At the same time, the blood on his body was still pouring, rushing towards the body at the center of his eyebrows.

In just a few breaths, the huge golden body of blood and blood disappeared in place.

Jiang Yuan stood alone in front of the huge sun.

It has to be said that this sun is really huge. Compared with the water blue star, it is hundreds of times bigger. According to the volume

Size calculation


It is more than 13 million times that of Aquastar.

“After swallowing the elements and substances of this sun, my cells and muscles, and even my bones, will strengthen several levels.

Jiang Yuan thought to himself.

“Cells are the main components of the biological body, which make up everything. The stronger the cell, the stronger the dark matter that can be stored.

“The power that swallows qi and blood will be faster.”

Jiang Yuan can now feel the power of swallowing vitality and blood. With the continuous increase of combat power, the speed is obviously getting more and more.


Just like in the eternal battlefield.

He now kills ordinary and exotic beasts, crushes their golden core, and can only swallow a small amount of energy and blood, and his strength increases slowly.

If the individual cell becomes stronger, his phagocytic ability will increase accordingly.

It’s like a sponge with the size of a fist, which can only hold so much water. After reaching a certain upper limit, you want to

Continue to accommodate.

Will overflow.

But if the volume of the sponge is enlarged, there will be countless more spaces immediately, which can hold more water.

“I hope my calculation is not wrong!”

Jiang Yuan muttered to himself, not thinking more, his body instantly twisted in place, turning into a radiance, and swayed.

Disappear between movements.

When it reappears, it comes to the surface of the sun.

It is only tens of thousands of kilometers away from the surface of the sun.

Below this distance, the fierce torrent of violent heat is enough to bake and dissolve countless substances in the heavens and the earth, and even molecular structures.

Will be burned.

The degree of solidification of Jiang Yuan’s entire body has also doubled, and it becomes very difficult for every minute of advancement.

But when he reached this distance, he stopped moving forward, standing still, slowly closing his eyes, and the power of blood in his body opened.

Begin activation.

There was a rumbling sound like the waves of Jiang Tao.

Countless cells burst out with strong phagocytic power, and began to orderly swallow the substances contained in the sun

And various elements-

Jiang Yuan only found out when it began to swallow.

The elements contained in such a sun are several times more than the sun on the water blue star, reaching hundreds of

Different elements.

There are more than half of the elements, he has never heard of them, and there is no silk in the periodic table of the elements on the water blue star.

Minute record.

But it didn’t matter, Jiang Yuan didn’t care.

Seriously entered the concentration, and began to swallow it slowly.

In an instant, the entire body was swallowed crazily by the cells, the light was pulled in, and the body was reflected by the optics.

Shot down, began to twist and change color.

Even the realm is automatically opened, turning into a pitch-black black hole celestial body, which is constantly expanding.

The huge sun in front of me, countless red bubbles, emerge one by one, and then explode, each one is better than the water blue star

Ten times larger.

At the moment of fragmentation, the turbulent red solar matter rushed out and was swallowed by the black hole that Jiang Yuan turned into.

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