Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 416 - Xing Yingxingting East Palace

Chapter 416 – :Xing Yingxingting East Palace

The countless cells in Jiangyuan’s body are undergoing earth-shaking changes.

The color of each cell is changing, from red to dark gold, with the characteristics of a faint sun

With a touch of hotness.

And with such a smooth ascension, the cells naturally swallow the sun’s elements without causing an explosion.

Before his cells could only bear the fourth to fifth elements, they would react strongly.

But now, just between a few breaths, in the sun, the fifth element can blend in well.

Will not explode.

And the seventh element also began to enter the body.

Each of the cytoplasmic walls is strengthening, and even produces a change that Jiang Yuan hasn’t noticed.

That is, under the stimulation of a large number of elements, every cell seems to be bursting with a potential, or it is aroused.

The power of qi and blood hidden in it.

He could not mobilize these powers of qi and blood before.

Perhaps it has always settled in it.

Now, under the stimulus of the sun’s elements and substances,-little by little, the power of Qi and blood in Jiang Yuan’s body is like

Boiling boiling water.

It’s boiling.

Combat power is also showing a slow trend, increasing little by little.

at the same time.

Tianjie universe, the central area, the golden light, like a royal palace, a group of majestic palace buildings, floors

Stacked, extremely magnificent and ancient.

The entire palace is exuding its dazzling brilliance,-brick and tile, precipitating countless years, under the shining light, even

Until there is a white mist, it circulates and rises above the bricks and tiles.

In the sky, from time to time, a dull and melodious dragon roar resounded.

Heads of white dragons, dragging long beards, tumbling constantly between the clouds, sometimes revealing extremely large bodies.


Under the clouds, in the eastern area,-in the palace of the thirty-story building,-a man with a golden dragon robe all over his body, cross-legged


The whole body was entwined with dragon energy, and a layer of golden lightning filled his body, crackling.

It is a field, Longdian field.

At the next moment, he seemed to feel something and his eyes suddenly opened.

In an instant, two golden rays of light shot out from the fundus of the eyes, among which countless golden primitive texts appeared.

That is the oldest writing in the universe, and it is a writing recognized by the universe.

In front of him,-the distorted light, suspended there abruptly,-the tall and straight figure is slowly condensing.

The person came with a serious expression, and said meticulously: “My lord, there is a complaint from below.(Read more @

The man was wearing a golden armor, very heavy, and between his movements, he would make a sound of metal collision. He lowered his head and looked down.

Just look at the floor.

The man is not angry and majestic, full of majesty,-his eyes contain infinite charm, no sadness or joy, joy and anger are not in color, sound

The tone was grand and loud and said: “Is it the complaint of Gu Rongxingting?”

“Yes! Sued Tenghong Star Court and killed eleven great lords for no reason.” The general held a piece of red jade in his hands,

Respectfully walked up.

“I see, go down!”

The man’s loud voice fell, his hands pressed hard, and the jade smashed into pieces directly-

The red air flow rushed out, continued to spread, and turned into a figure.

No one else, but Gu Rong Xingting’s chief affairs officer, Zhen Ru.

As soon as his phantom appeared, he saw his surroundings clearly, his expression suddenly sad, with tears in the corners of his eyes, sadness came from his heart, straight

Then prostrate and bow down.

Weeping loudly: “Master Sima! There is no court law in Tenghong Star Court, so Xing Ying’s law will be ignored!”

His voice was sorrowful, and he said with great sorrow: “A word is inconsistent, and we outrageously killed more than a dozen chief executives of Gu Rongxing Court, even more so.

Killed my third brother, you must call the shots for me!”

Sima Zhong’s face was expressionless, his eyes fixed on each other, and gradually became solemn and dignified.

Zhen Ru’s complexion gradually stiffened, and her voice became smaller and smaller, and finally she didn’t dare to say anything.

The other party’s majestic scolding sounded in the ear, like a thunder, and directly majestic scolded: “Where is this?”

Zhen Ru was taken aback for a moment, her complexion changed wildly, her facial muscles trembled with fright, her eyes showed-silk of fright, and she bowed immediately.

Come down.

The voice trembled and said, “This is Xing Yingdong Palace.”


Sima Zhongxiang stood up instantly, as if a mountain suddenly stood upright, straddling in front of Zhen Ru with golden light on the face


He directly yelled: “Since you know it is the East Palace, why do you have the courage to yell here? I don’t know how to do it, you are thinking

Can’t you die?”

Seeking flowers 0

Zhen Ru shivered with fright, knelt on the ground, almost lying on his stomach

On the ground, the cold sweat on the forehead keeps falling, the body is light

Wei Yan trembles.

The voice was hoarse, and he explained in a panic: “Don’t dare not me, please let me down! My lord, let me go!

I have always been loyal to you! My lord Mingjian!”

“Loyal to me?” Sima Chongxiang walked towards Zhen Ru step by step, his boots stomping on the ground, banging, every sound was heard

The front is even heavier, and the big bell is ringing in Zhen Ru’s heart.

He stood in front of Zhen Ru condescendingly.

Zhen Ru dare not breathe, dare not raise her head, her eyes are terrified, she only dared to look at the golden boots in front of her” Then how do I listen

Sima Zhongxiang’s eyes suddenly burst out, and he said with great majesty and stern: “You and Ji Ruyue of Fengzhan Zifu are very close.


Zhen Ru’s double holes suddenly widened, shocked, and cold sweat kept falling on his forehead.

I suddenly woke up, his head banged on the ground, his voice was extremely anxious, and he said wrongly: “Master Sima,

Wrong! Wrong! Me and Ji Ruyue are in a personal relationship, a personal relationship!”

“I met her in the early years, she entrusted me to help a little bit, I, I, I didn’t think so much!”

Zhen Ru was very frightened. In the golden core, the martial arts spirit was trembling and trembling.

How hidden was his meeting with Ji Ruyue, how could he suddenly be exposed and still be known?

who is it?

He roared angrily in his heart, who had violently walked his whereabouts.

In an instant, a personal face appeared in his mind, but he couldn’t be sure, the more so, the more frightened.

Sima Zhongxiang’s eyes were extremely cold,-with only his hand,-he lifted the opponent up, relying very much on himself.


His eyes met in an instant.

Zhen Ru opened her eyes wide in horror, extremely shocked, her expression immediately became conscientious, her eyebrows were pleasing to the eye, and she hurriedly looked down.

Line, dare not stare at each other.

The other party’s voice full of majesty came from my ear, and he said incomparably: “I will find out the next time, I don’t recommend it.

Change to an obedient person. ”

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