Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 414 - The power of 85 million stars

Chapter 414 – : The power of 85 million stars

The magma surging from the inside is mighty, showing incomparably magnificent power of nature, even rushing up to 10,000 meters in the sky, wanting to enter


But the entire sky clouds are tearing apart.

All this happened only in an instant.

Jiang Yuan’s palm directly shattered a huge planet, everything died, and a strong light burst out from within the planet.


Bright and dazzling, blooming with the last brilliance of the stars.

But the moment the brilliance rose up, it ran across his fingers with the infinite remains of shattered stars, and was

Throw it on the back of your hand.

Every piece of star wreckage has a large floor block comparable to that of a water blue star.

Boom boom boom

The continuous collision sound even broke out in the cosmic starry sky.

Continuously bloom with strong brilliance.

That is the explosion formed after the collision of countless substances and various elements, comparable to the power of annihilation.

In the next second, the palm of his hand is invincible, and the power and power of Bengtian Broken Star will directly cover the shallow upper part.

Projected down like gold, dazzling brilliance.

The palm of the hand is really too big, covering the sky and the sun.

It’s not as small as a grain of dust.

His speed has been used to the limit, shuttled in the space of the speed of light, there is an infinite distance in an instant, but there is no

To avoid the envelope of the palm of your hand.

As soon as I looked up, I saw the palm of the hand that covered the sky and the sun, covering all the brilliance. It was so huge that it made people desperate.


The terrifying scalp was numb, the mouth was pure purple, and the eyelids jumped.


The palm of the hand was pressed coldly and relentlessly, and the space was trembling, inch by inch, and the glass was shattered.

“No, no.”

The whole body was trembling in fear, and he was sluggish in place, and his body was forced out of the space of the speed of light.

He had never seen it before, looking up at that huge hand unbelievably.

You can see that on the golden palm, the palm prints are like ancient lines.

Every palm print looks so clear at this moment, as if it is a continuous mountain range.

Someone turned the ground upside down and the mountains hung upside down, smashing it down at him.

“How can it be like this for a long time””

Qiancheng gave up the resistance, roared frantically, venting the resentment and fear in his heart.

He knew that he couldn’t run away, he was bound to die, and there was no way to survive.

The terrifying existence of the third stage of the Supreme Master wants to kill him.

Where can he go?

The universe is so big that there is no hiding place. If you return to the race, you will be handed over and killed, and you will even be scolded.

Put the star.

He was bold enough to offend the powerhouse in the third stage of the Supreme Master, and provoke such enemies for the race.

Going to Tianjie is also a mortal situation, no one dared to protect him, for fear of not being too late.(Read more @

He is now calling the sky not working and the earth not working.

No one can save him.

“I’m not reconciled!!!”

When the big hand fell, the shallow voice roared wildly, with unprecedented unwillingness and regret.


“I have lived a hundred thousand years for a long time. I have an extraordinary talent. I made a mistake after many hardships. Why did I

This is the end of the game!”

“I can not be reconciled

Amidst his crazy shouts, the palm of his hand suddenly suppressed, his voice dissipated in an instant, and he was caught by the roar.


His body shattered directly, and even the golden core at the center of his eyebrows was not spared.

All crushed.

At the same time, the six powers of qi and blood, from six directions, turned into a bloody rainbow visible to the naked eye.

Amount of traction

The road goes straight up.

Following Jiang Yuan’s huge body, he came to the center of his eyebrows and drilled into the center of his eyebrows.

Where, Jiang Yuan’s ontology, like the core golden pill, controls and cuts.

All the power of qi and blood rushed into the body.

Inside him, a torrent of sea erupted, and the surging sound continued to roar.

All the cells in the body, even the muscles and bones, are like hibernating creatures,-the next son wakes up from a deep sleep,


Seeing the supreme tonic, it shook crazily.

With strong sucking force, each other robbed each other of energy and blood, and the self began to strengthen.

Jiang Yuan’s combat power once again soared.

The power of 71 million stars

The power of 75 million stars

Seventy-eight million stars

The power of 80 million stars

The power of 85 million stars

At the same time, 20 martial arts supernatural power fruits were also crushed, turned into the essence of martial arts, and penetrated into Jiang Yuan’s eyebrows.



The origin formula first-time turns into infinite chains and binds them together.

Then it exudes the hot temperature like a flame, roasting the essence of martial arts, taking out the chaff, and taking the essence.

Transformed into various supernatural powers and infused into the golden core.

It can be seen that on the thirty rings surrounded by the golden core, new martial arts supernatural power fruits have begun to be born, and they continue to be temporarily released.

Various brilliant sacred colors.

Jiangyuan’s martial arts supernatural power fruit has reached 72 before, and all eight rings are full of supernatural power fruit.

Twenty more children.

Suddenly it skyrocketed, and ten halos were full of fruit, reaching an unprecedented 92.

Jiang Yuan’s approach is the same as before.

The essence of the newly born martial arts supernatural power fruit, all go towards the martial arts supernatural power fruit of the phantom clone, once again


At the same time, other martial arts supernatural power fruits also dried up, and their luster became dim.

Only a small amount of essence is preserved to keep the supernatural power fruit from breaking.

With a large amount of essence, rushing into the martial art supernatural power fruit of the phantom clone, countless cumbersome appearances began to appear on its surface.

Ancient writing.

Like hieroglyphs, each word is a strange pattern.

Jiang Yuan saw the image of the creature, knew that the watch carried the creature, and saw the pattern of the landscape, and knew the generation (of the

The) represents the mountains and rivers of the earth.

Such characters are not the characters of all ethnic groups today.

It is an ancient text recognized by the laws of the universe, and the first text that appeared since the birth of the universe.

Even if it is rough and cumbersome, but only such words can be recognized by the universe and be written into the laws.


Including the big characters on Jiang Yuan’s eyebrows, this is the word recognized by the universe.

It is not so much a word as a manifestation of the laws of the universe.

However, the appearance of these words was only a flash in the pan, and disappeared from the phantom clone martial arts fruit, Jiang Yuan will probe

Go in.

I can’t find it anymore, as if I never appeared before.

He didn’t care either, instead he began to read the Phantom Clone Supernatural Power Fruit, this time enhancing the feedback information.

Almost right at the moment of acceptance.

Jiang Yuan’s eyes suddenly widened, and his mind was shaking.

I was taken aback by the information in it.

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