Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 337 - One pair of thirty thousand

Chapter 337 – : One pair of thirty thousand

He must go all out, not at all sloppy.

In an instant, the two brothers and sisters Lan Liangliang turned into white light and disappeared.

In the next second, they appeared in the empty viewing area, with an invisible screen of heaven and earth in front of them, blocking the two.


Lan Liangliang looked at Lan Yue’er next to him, and said, “I don’t know if Brother Jiang will win the game. I will start fighting later.

At that time, if Brother Jiang loses, you must not speak out. ”

“Brother Jiang, I am afraid he is a face-loving person, try his best to comfort him, and victory or defeat is commonplace in the military.

Second, if you have a clear understanding of reality, you will naturally be taught with humility. ”

Lan Yue’er nodded, and said very cleverly: “Brother, don’t worry! I’m not a kid, I know, I will be fine.

So comforting him.

Lan Liangliang nodded in relief, and suddenly felt that after experiencing this time, his sister seemed to grow up.

A little bigger, it can be regarded as a blessing in disguise, and good fortune is dependent on each other.


At this time, a sound that resounded through Huanyu suddenly spread, as if it was a world-breaking, rumbling.


The dividing line of the world in front of me suddenly began to stretch and expand, and soil began to appear on the earth, one by one, one by one.

The tributaries of the rivers began to appear one by one.

Finally, one after another modern cities began to appear, one after another high-rise buildings rose from the ground, and countless roads began to be constructed.

But I can see countless black shadows at 100, as if fast-forwarding ten thousand times, flashing constantly.

Every time I saw this, Lan Liangliang couldn’t help but exclaimed: “The battlefield is really supernatural, creating heaven and earth while breathing.

Recreate the universe.

While he was sighing, his eyes suddenly burst into light, and he saw Jiang Yuan’s figure, suddenly appeared in the sky.

Between the ground, suspended in mid-air.

“Come!” Lan Yueer’s voice was filled with surprise.

“I don’t know how Jiang Yuan’s opponent is this time.” Lan Liangliang’s expression became solemn.

Every battle is extremely dangerous, and we must go all out, be cautious and cautious.

Because every match is calculated according to your own strength.

The more consecutive victories, the stronger the enemy, and the truth remains unchanged.

Even in the end, fighting across borders is extremely dangerous.

Sometimes he wonders how strong the top ten people in the rankings are, winning hundreds of millions of games in a row.

How remarkable, how powerful is the momentum.

“At the beginning, Lan Liangliang’s breathing suddenly started.

(dbfg) Between heaven and earth, a huge blue rune solidified in an instant, flashing constantly, counting down.

Every time he counted down, he had to exhaust the air from his lungs, making his complexion more solemn.

He began to concentrate, the power of qi and blood began to oscillate, always observing the audience, ready to point out Jiang Yuan’s mistakes.

Let it be corrected.

In the field, Jiang Yuan had completely lost his breath, and his whole body was breathing with thousands of pores.

Every time you breathe, the dark matter you look at is pulled and swallowed, deposited in the body, accumulating power, and when it reaches its limit(Read more @

It is an eruption, like a volcano.


In Jiang Yuan’s mind, there seemed to be voices passing through.

at last

When it fell, the world suddenly darkened, the first dark light,-from the earth

The impact comes up.

The whole earth shook in an instant, and the ground burst.

But this is just the beginning,

Almost at the moment when this brilliance appeared, one after another, densely packed, faster and faster, leaping continuously.

Come up, suspended in the sky.



Three statues



More and more figures surpassed a thousand in a blink of an eye, and they actually formed an orderly team, neatly, front and back


The fierce horror and bloody air also began to diffuse, sweeping the world.

Above them, the white clouds suddenly sank, and the black was pressed down, and there was even red blood flowing inside.

Turn, make a booming sound.

Strips of lightning appeared, but they were red lightnings that were horrified.

“what happened?”

In an instant, Lan Liang’s eyes widened in the spectator area, almost rushing out of his eye sockets.

Thought to the extreme.

I thought it was an opponent.

But this is more than one! There are thousands of them! It is densely packed, as if there is no end, constantly rushing out

Actually formed an army lineup.

Never seen before, unheard of.

It’s so shocking, Lan Liangliang is here

I couldn’t maintain the calmness I had before, and my whole body trembled.

Lan Yue’er also exclaimed, extremely shocked

What the hell is going on? Isn’t it a one-on-one fight? How can it happen?

With so many enemies, is this forming a large army? A large army to encircle and suppress?”

Lan Yue’er was breathing frantically, her heart almost shattered with fright.

“It’s not right, what’s wrong!” In Lan Liang’s eyes, a golden light suddenly appeared, looking for memories.

Looking for classics.

Constantly searching, but there is no information, no records at all.

At this time, dense pop-up windows appeared in front of them, and they recorded a letter of the existence of horror.


There are too many, thousands.

What’s even more frightening is that each panel’s record has a name and a surname, the number of combat power, the number of consecutive victories, all of which are recorded.


Just a glance, Lan Liangliang was so scared that he backed back and had difficulty breathing.

What did he see.

He actually saw that on these countless panels, every existence represented by them was all broken star realms, with no title.

The realm of enemy ancestors.

Uniform 10,000-star combat power.

Even more shocking is that some of the data on the surface is even more terrifying.

Broken Star Realm, titled Martial God, the power of one hundred thousand stars.

Even, there are a lot of people with the title of Valkyrie, not one or two, not a dozen or twenty, but hundreds.


“No, it’s so scary and unreasonable! It’s unreasonable!”

Lan Liangliang’s complexion directly stimulated by these data turned red, looking like crazy.

Soon, a panel appeared in front of him, and the data on it made him cold and trembling.

The heart will burst.

That’s actually the data of Jiang Yuan’s opponent.

A clan of different races, winning streaks,-8,000 games, Broken Star Realm, titled Martial Saint, with a combat power of one million stars


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