Chapter 336 – : Round again

Jiang Yuan was taken aback for a moment, his brows wrinkled slightly, his voice was neither salty nor indifferent: “I just came to Wang Teng Xingting, why is this kind of thing?

Let me lead the team?”

Wen Su smiled and said: “Don’t worry! It’s definitely a good thing. The above is an optimistic view of your potential! I want to support you.

You know, these chief instructors are all the main strengths and backbones of Star Court, and the three major incumbent chiefs in the future are all

To be promoted from these people. ”

“Now letting you lead the team is to let you meet these people, pave the way for you, increase your prestige, and establish authority.

It’s obvious. ”

Wen Su laughed and said like a sly fox: “And when you go to watch the battle, the three star courts must be there. You are

The face of our Star Court is also sending some information to the outside world.

Jiang Yuan raised his head and glanced at the other person, his eyes flickered, as clever as him, and his brain turned slightly, and he had realized-


So painstakingly, Wang Tengxingting, this is cultivating the next chief of affairs!

Today, I’m just passing on the words of the literary slips, conveying meaning to myself, testing, and soliciting my own opinions.

See, see how you react.

Jiang Yuan’s brain pondered slightly, and various pros and cons began to be weighed.

Wang Teng Star Court, Yunhui Domain, one of the top three star courts, has a solid foundation and a long history, which is definitely not simple.

Just like that Wang Teng forbidden army, formed an army of its own, independent, walked around, the soldiers would be in the realm of the emperor of disaster, this

Quite scary.

If Wang Teng Xingting is behind him, and various resources are tilted, it will be of great benefit to his cultivation.

The advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

Wen Su carefully observed Jiang Yuan’s every move, even the subtle changes in his face. He took a breath in his chest.

“Tomorrow I will go.” For a long time, Jiang Yuan nodded, believing it.

Wen Su suddenly smiled and nodded and said: “It’s so good, so good, I will go back now to prepare and eliminate it.

Information is communicated up””. ”

After speaking, he bowed slightly, the whole system was projected, and the projected body gradually faded.

Jiang Yuan smiled and shook his head, took out Tian Jieshi, and was about to enter the martial arts arena, but when he did something, his ears were slightly

As soon as he moved, he heard footsteps in the corridor outside the door.

The voices were gentle and varied, and immediately after the door opened amidst the sound of air pressure, Lan Liangliang and Lan Yueer’s body shapes appeared in front of them.

Lan Liangliang’s face was a little self-blaming, anxious, Lan Yueer next to her lowered her head, as if she had been reprimanded for a few words, she didn’t dare

He said, very well-behaved.(Read more @

When Lan Liangliang opened his mouth and was about to say something, he saw Jiang Yuan in the room at a glance, and he was taken aback.

There was ecstasy on his face.

“Mr. Jiang, are you okay?” Lan Liangliang ran to Jiang Yuan excitedly, looking at him up and down, his eyes

With a hint of surprise and happiness.

Jiang Yuan looked at him and smiled lightly: “It’s just a misunderstanding, how about you?”

“It’s okay!” Lan Liangliang shook his head, the solemn color on his face flashed and said: “Something has happened, let’s temporarily

Time is out, as long as you are okay.

Jiang Yuan nodded slightly. As for what happened, he didn’t ask, and said lightly: “If it’s okay, I’ll enter

The battlefield is out.

Seeing that Jiang Yuan was about to go in, Lan Liangliang hurriedly said: “Brother Jiang,-get up! We can also learn from each other.

Second, improve the combat level, and communicate with you in time if you encounter any problems.

Jiang Yuan looked at each other with both eyes and smiled slightly. How could he not know that the other party was making up for the relationship, and he was ashamed in his heart?

Guilt, I want to point myself-two.

“Okay!” Jiang Yuan nodded, and said the number of his room. Qi and blood directly aroused Tian Jieshi’s body.

Distorted in an instant, turned into a light spot, and disappeared in an instant.

In the next second, Jiang Yuan appeared in his own fighting room.

While breathing, two more rays of light flashed around him, turning into Lan Liangliang and Lan Yue’er.

As soon as Lan Liangliang appeared, he looked around, there were different colors in his eyes. Looking at the walls and the ground, it was as white as snow.

The jade has blue lines, like liquid, flowing slowly underneath.

Can’t help but say, “Brother Jiang, your room is strange. Why is it different from ours? I remember everything.

Someone’s fighting room should be all white, right?”

Hearing Lan Liangliang’s words, Lan Yueer couldn’t help but look carefully, and soon saw a picture on a wall, and she was shocked.

Curiously said: “This picture is different from ours, there is one more button.

Following her words, Lan Liangliang’s eyes suddenly looked over, and he saw the position in the lower right corner, in qualifying and friendly matches.

Above the button, there is a button.

Extreme rounds.

“Zh. What is this?” Lan Liangliang became even more different, looking at Jiang Yuan strangely. “The pattern that appeared not long ago is very interesting.” Jiang Yuan explained lightly, then said: “I’m starting to fight, you

Are they?”

Lan Liangliang smiled and said: “We have gone through so many things today, how can we still think about fighting? The state is too bad.

It’s to give others a winning streak, we will watch the game from the side. Hello, but you have to open a real-time function for me. or

Maybe I can give you some pointers. ”

Jiang Yuan smiled and shook his head.

Lan Yueer saw that Jiang Yuan didn’t want to give advice to her brother, she couldn’t help but whispered: “My brother is very powerful.

The light is unique, even if it is the battle of the emperor of disaster, he can give pointers, but in our hometown, he has the name of a small genius.

Lan Liangliang also straightened his chest slightly, with a confident expression on his face. Although his strength was not good, his vision was

Li Zhao) is vicious, people often fight, ask him to give pointers.

This is what he has always been proud of.

Jiang Yuan smiled and said, “Okay! But I’m afraid you won’t be able to point you at that time.”

After speaking, I gave the other party permission directly, and pointed my finger on the limit round battle, the screen changed instantly, and a countdown appeared.

Rune number meaning.

In an instant, all the expressions on Jiang Yuan’s face were reduced, his eyes became sharp, his complexion serious, and his breathing

The Buddha stopped mobilizing and stimulating the blood of his whole body instantly.

Every cell oscillated, arranged in an orderly manner, like an army, and began to explode rhythmically.

The power of qi and blood boiled in his body.

The next battle will be extremely terrifying.

The previous doubling reached more than 16,000 games. This time it started with more than 30,000 games. Among them, the Valkyrie level

Now, it will be more and more difficult.

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